The Night Of The Wedding. Kathryn Ross

The Night Of The Wedding - Kathryn  Ross

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hadn’t. Kate had seen it all before. Any time one of Nick’s girlfriends started to move too close to him, or even hint around the possibility that the relationship might get serious, that was his cue to start to back away.

      ‘It’s a shame,’ she murmured. ‘I really liked Serena.’

      ‘So did I,’ Nick agreed easily.

      ‘But not enough.’

      Nick didn’t answer that. ‘We had been going out together for quite a while. I think we both agreed it was time to move on—’

      ‘You had been going out together for five months,’ Kate cut across him dryly. ‘But, come to think about it, maybe you’re right, maybe that is a long time for you, Nick.’

      He met her eyes across the table, and then smiled. ‘I didn’t know I had been dating her for five months. Have you been keeping count?’

      ‘No.’ She frowned. ‘I just remember, that’s all…women do remember those kind of details.’

      ‘Do they?’ He drank his coffee. ‘I don’t think Serena was counting.’

      ‘Anyway,’ she cut across him, warming to her theme, ‘apart from Jayne, all your relationships in these last few years haven’t lasted long. In fact, I think Serena might hold the record after Jayne.’

      ‘You think I’m on the rebound from Jayne?’ he asked calmly.

      ‘No.’ She frowned. That thought hadn’t really crossed her mind. His relationship with Jayne had ended over two years ago, and, although he’d been sad that they’d parted, Kate had always assumed that he had been the one to initiate the break-up. ‘No…I suppose what I’m saying is that I’m starting to think you’ve got a problem with commitment.’

      Nick grinned. ‘Is that a bad thing?’

      Kate looked at him askance. ‘You’ve got to settle down at some point in time.’


      ‘Well… Don’t you want to have a family?’

      ‘Not particularly. In fact I’m starting to think that variety is the spice of life.’ His grin stretched even wider at the look on her face.

      ‘You don’t mean that, do you?’

      ‘Not really.’ He finished his coffee. ‘But I’d rather be on my own than with the wrong person.’

      ‘I agree with you there.’ For a moment Kate was silent, her green eyes serious. Is Stephen the right person for me? she wondered. Then was appalled that she had asked herself that question. OK, Stephen had been a bit edgy recently, and there’d been an atmosphere between them that had never been there before. But he was probably tense because he was thinking about proposing to her, worrying about making the final commitment. The more she thought about it, the more likely that seemed. When he’d asked this morning what time she would be home from work, maybe he’d been planning ahead booking a table at an intimate little restaurant. That was why there had been that serious tone in his voice. She smiled at the thought. Everything would be fine. ‘I’d like to have children, one day,’ she said thoughtfully.

      ‘You’ve got plenty of time for all that.’ Nick’s voice was dismissive.

      ‘Have I?’ She frowned. ‘I’ve been so wrapped up in my career that everything else has been pushed on a back burner. But I would like a family one day, and that’s something I can’t keep putting off.’

      ‘When it’s the right time you’ll know and it will happen.’

      Maybe that was how it would be if Stephen proposed. When he actually said the words, maybe these sudden doubts would disappear, and she’d know he was the right person and this was the right time. She was accusing Nick of being scared of commitment, but maybe she was too.

      ‘You’ve always been a bit of a fatalist, haven’t you, Nick?’ Kate smiled. ‘I suppose I am as well. For instance, I do believe that there is someone for everyone…our ideal partner is out there waiting.’

      Nick shook his head and laughed. ‘That’s not being a fatalist, Katy, it’s being romantic.’

      ‘There are such things as soul mates,’ Kate maintained firmly. ‘I mean, look at your mum and dad. They are still really happy and still very much in love even after all these years.’

      ‘Yes, they are,’ Nick agreed.

      ‘Did you make time to go and see them when you were in London?’

      He nodded. ‘They both send you their love.’

      Kate smiled. She really liked Nick’s family. He had an older brother and a younger sister; all were lovely, friendly, caring people. She wished she had grown up in such a warm and secure environment. Kate had been an only child and her parents had divorced when she was ten. Her father had never had any time for her, and although her mother had tried to make up for this, she had had to work long hours just to keep the home together. In consequence, Kate had spent a lot of time round at Nick’s house. His sister Rachael had been in her class and they had all been good friends. Rachael was in Australia now, happily married with two children.

      ‘How are things with you and Stephen?’ Nick asked.

      ‘OK.’ She smiled even more brightly at him.

      Something about the way she said the word, the way she met his eyes, made alarm bells ring inside Nick. He frowned. ‘You’ve got something to tell me, haven’t you?’

      She paused for a second, and then pursed her lips in a soft pout. ‘It’s our anniversary today, two years since we moved in together.’


      ‘Thanks.’ She sighed. ‘I can’t believe it is two years, it seems to have flown.’

      ‘And…?’ He watched her quizzically.

      ‘Crikey! I can’t keep anything from you, can I?’ She shook her head. ‘There really isn’t anything to tell.’

      ‘Yes, there is. I can tell by the look in your eyes.’

      ‘I shouldn’t say anything because I’m not really sure,’ she said hesitantly. ‘But I have a feeling Stephen might propose to me tonight.’

      There was a moment’s silence. A moment when Kate suddenly realized how important his response to that news was to her.

      ‘You think Stephen is going to propose marriage to you?’ Nick looked totally shocked.

      ‘No, I think he’s probably going to propose that I become his business manager,’ Kate drawled sardonically. ‘Of course marriage—why are you looking at me like that? Is it really so hard to believe that Stephen would want to commit to me?’

      ‘No…of course not.’ Nick shook his head. ‘It’s just… I didn’t think you two were getting on so well lately.’

      ‘What made you think that?’

      ‘I don’t know. Maybe it was my imagination.’

      ‘Well, everything is fine between us.’ Kate swallowed hard and tried to ignore the ominous feelings inside her. Was everything all right between them? Would she be making a terrible mistake if she said yes to Stephen?

      ‘If he does ask, will you be pleased for me?’ Suddenly she was seeking reassurance. Her eyes held with the intense darkness of his, she felt as if she was holding her breath.

      ‘If it’s what you want,’ Nick said steadily, coolly. ‘Of course I would be pleased for you. I want you to be happy, Katy, you deserve to be happy.’

      ‘Thanks.’ She smiled at him, but at best it was a tremulous smile. Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong, but she couldn’t figure out what it was. Cycling here, she had felt a moment’s disquiet…but that was nothing to the weight of foreboding

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