Tempted by Blood. Laurie London

Tempted by Blood - Laurie  London

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don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a camera.”

      “You were taking pictures, honey,” he said pointedly, drawing out the two syllables. Clearly, he knew it pissed her off and yet he did it, anyway.

      Her face heated with anger. “Too bad. You can’t have it.” As if she would simply—

      In a flash of movement, the phone was suddenly gone from her hand and he was pocketing it.

      She took a half step back, appalled. “What do you think—You can’t just—That’s my private property. Give it back to me.”

      “Well, it’s mine now.” He snapped his fingers at her cousin. “You, too.”

      She could suddenly relate to the whole mother-bear thing. Messing with her was one thing, but messing with her fifteen-year-old cousin really chapped her hide.

      “Come on, Krystal with a K,” he said, when her cousin didn’t immediately respond. “I don’t have all night.”

      A freight train roared in her head and the little hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

      How did he know that was one of Krystal’s pet phrases? Because her name didn’t start with a C, when she met new people, she’d introduce herself as Krystal with a K. What the hell was going on?

      Her cousin handed over the phone without complaint or comment, as if the guy was God or something. Most teenagers would at least say something when it involved their phones.

      As if in answer to Arianna’s unasked question, he said, “Lucky for both of you, Krystal and I have met before. Otherwise, you two would’ve been toast.”

      Krystal looked confused. “We—we have?”

      Which could only mean one thing. Arianna’s legs felt boneless as the weight of his words sank in. “Her disappearance. Last month. That was you?” Her voice came out hoarse and breathless.

      “Not her disappearance, no. That happened because of guys like that back there.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder.

      “I … I don’t understand.”

      Cursing to himself, he glanced out into the night. She could see the muscles in his jaw working, and she imagined he was mulling things over, trying to figure out what to tell her. When his gaze landed back on Krystal again, his expression softened. Hell, he looked almost protective of her.

      “Okay, what in the world is going on?” she prodded.

      He sighed and she noticed the resignation in his eyes. “Where’s your car?”

      “Why?” Her hand went instantly to the keys in her pocket. She was not about to divulge—

      And before she knew what had happened, he had her keys, as well.

      “What the hell? You seriously need to stop doing that.”

      “Which car is yours?”

      “I’m not telling you that,” she fired back.

      “You’d better, because I’m driving you home.”

      “So that you can find us again and kill us next time?” She wrapped her arms protectively around her cousin, who seemed to be in shock.

      He rolled his eyes. “I already know where you both live. If I had wanted to kill you, believe me, I could’ve done it a long time ago.”

      She blinked, but when she didn’t answer right away, he said, “Fine. I’ll find it myself.” Then he grabbed both of them by the upper arms and marched them up the street.

      Arianna tried to dig her heels in despite her flip-flops, but it did nothing to slow him down. He was too strong. “You can’t do this to us.”

      “I’m not doing anything to you.”

      She tried wrenching away from him. “Then what do you call this?”

      “Well, I’m not leaving the two of you here, if that’s what you mean.”

      “I’ll scream.”

      “I’d prefer it if you wouldn’t,” he said gruffly, gripping her arm tighter. “I don’t think I need to remind you of what I’m capable of.”

      No, he didn’t. It was burned into her retinas like a red-hot branding iron. The fangs, the weapons, that … that guy folding in on himself were images she’d never forget. And she knew how fast he was. If he wanted to, he could slice her throat open before she’d even feel the press of the blade. She’d go along with what he wanted for now and watch for a chance to escape.

      They were only about three cars away from the Caddy when she remembered the statistics: women who get into a car with a stranger have just reduced their chances of survival. Getting driven to another location would be a disaster. For both her and Krystal. He could just be telling them he was taking them home when he might have other plans for them entirely.

      She pulled again, tried to wrench herself from his grasp, but he was too strong. His grip was like a handcuff around her upper arm. Glancing around, she knew she’d need someone else’s help. Down the street, light from a doorway cut a sudden column of warmth into the darkness.

      This was her chance.

      So, for the second time tonight, she yelled.

      GODDAMN IT, he was helping her. Adding another human into the mix would only complicate things further.

      “Quiet,” he ordered.

      But she didn’t. He slid his hand down to grasp hers and felt that familiar snap of human energy. But rather than calming him, it was like a triple jolt of caffeine, instantly jacking his heart rate up, just as it had done the first time he touched her.

       What the fuck?

      First the woman at the club, now this one? Was being hypersensitive to a human’s energies and blood just another sign of reverting? Needing more might only be part of the problem. Jesus, he’d have to work fast, otherwise he could really lose control. He grabbed Krystal’s hand, as well.

      Calm down, he pushed into both of their heads. I’m only here to help.

      The girl relaxed, but the woman didn’t. “Hey, you,” she yelled to a guy who was headed to his car parked down the street.

      Panic ripped through him. What in the hell was going on? Why hadn’t the thought suggestion worked? He couldn’t remember that ever happening before. “Stop,” he commanded her, jerking her close. “I’m not hurting you, nor do I plan to.”

      She hit his chest with an oomph. “Then let us go.”

      The girl was staring at both of them, a bewildered look plastered to her face. If he didn’t act fast, her memory plant may not hold. He’d have to take more drastic measures.

      So he did the only thing he could think of.

      He leaned down and kissed the woman.

      She gasped as his mouth covered hers, struggled against him at first.

      An asshole move for sure, but what choice did he have? It would shut her up as he implanted a thought suggestion. The intimate contact would surely make it take hold this time.

      Even though he was prepared, another powerful jolt of electricity charged into his body. His lips tingled, his face heated up, his bones felt as if they were turning to rubber. Fire raced through his body, igniting just about everything. His fingers. His toes. And a few key places in between.

       Damn. What the hell is going on with him? Is this what reverting feels like?

      If so, no wonder it was so compelling. Her energies were rejuvenating him like a hit of adrenaline or a megadose of caffeine.

      The woman’s mouth was hot on his

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