Obsession. Kayla Perrin

Obsession - Kayla  Perrin

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thought I was ready, but…” My voice trailed off. But what? Why was I running?

      The answer came to me in the next instant. I was running because I was afraid of the intense reaction I was having to Peter. How easily a man who wasn’t my husband turned me on and made me want to get naked.

      A man who was a stranger.

      When we stepped outside, the air was warm and moist, but far more refreshing than the sweat-filled air in the club. My head swayed a little, reminding me that I’d had too much to drink. Marnie offered me her arm, and we began to walk.

      We strolled past the various clubs along CityWalk, passing giggling groups of young women in skimpy clothes. Their night was just beginning, while I was headed home.

      Sexually frustrated.


      Marnie stopped abruptly. Her face lit up. “Did you hear that?”

      I did, and my stomach jumped. Slowly, I turned, secretly excited that Peter had followed me out.

      But when I saw who’d called me, my stomach jumped again— this time from fear.


      “Oh, my God,” I muttered, dread rushing through my body. I suddenly got the sense that something terrible was about to happen, the way I had the night everything had gone so horribly wrong with Chad.

      The night he’d taken my virginity against my protests.

      “What?” Marnie asked.

      “That’s not Peter. It’s the guy from the bar. The buff guy who was hitting on me.”

      “No big deal,” Marnie said.

      “I told him I wasn’t interested,” I said, turning around. “I told him I was married. So why’s he following me out of the bar?”

      I didn’t give Marnie a chance to answer, and instead began walking briskly, taking her along with me.

      “Maybe he’s a little drunk,” Marnie said. “You know guys with liquid courage. I’m sure he’s harmless.”

      “He’s reminding me of Chad.”

      “Chad?” Marnie asked, sounding shocked.

      “Yes, damn it! Chad.” Every fiber in my being was saying that this guy was trouble. That I’d taken my flirting with him too far and now I was going to pay for it.

      “Sophie!” He sounded closer.

      I let go of Marnie’s arm and started to run. More of a jog, really, considering my high heels.

      “He’s not Chad,” Marnie said. “Don’t freak out.”

      Marnie didn’t understand. She hadn’t been raped. I had, and the same instincts I’d ignored that night were telling me to run like hell now.

      Suddenly, Teddy was in front of me. I jolted to a stop. Before I could turn, he grabbed me by my upper arms.

      “Sophie,” he said, slightly out of breath. “Why the hell you running away?”

      “I told you, I’m married,” I said, stressing the word as I shrugged out of his touch. “Will you please just leave me alone?”

      “I only want to talk to you.”

      “What part of ‘leave me alone’ don’t you understand?” Marnie asked. I guess she finally realized this guy was more of a pest than I needed to deal with, even if his plan wasn’t to rape me.

      “I’m not talking to you,” Teddy said to Marnie. Then he turned back to me. “I want to get to know you. Maybe take you for a drink. I’ll take things slow.” He bit down on his bottom lip as lust pooled in his eyes. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

      I didn’t say anything. I stood, paralyzed, Teddy’s words making me remember the night with Chad. How it had started out as a date with someone I liked, but ended with emotional trauma I wasn’t sure I’d ever lose.

      “Go home, buddy,” Marnie told Teddy. “Sleep it off.”

      “You’re not really married, are you?” Teddy asked me.

      “All right,” Marnie said. “Enough. We’re leaving.” She took hold of my arm and started to move.

      But Teddy grabbed my elbow, yanking me backward with so much force that I actually cried out.

      “So what the fuck was that in the club?” Teddy demanded, clearly feeling I owed him an explanation. “Were you just being a cock tease? That it? Get a guy hard, then leave him hanging?”

      Marnie stepped between us. “Now you’ve crossed a line. Get the fuck out of here, asshole.”

      Teddy gave Marnie a shove, knocking her to the ground.

      “Marnie!” I screamed, just as Teddy grabbed my arm and yanked me against his hard chest. But just as quickly he let me go, his eyes bulging in surprise a moment before he whipped his head around.

      In an instant, I saw why.


      Peter had grabbed Teddy by the collar and jerked him off me. He glowered at Teddy, asking, “Why are you bothering the lady?”

      Even though my heart was pounding, I couldn’t help smiling. And being grateful that Peter had come looking for me.

      “Who the hell are you?” Teddy asked.

      “The person who will be your nightmare if you touch Sophie again.” Peter rammed both of his hands into Teddy’s chest, and he stumbled backward, nearly falling.

      Teddy’s hateful eyes landed on me, then he turned to Peter. “You want her? Fine. A woman like that—she’s nothing but trouble. Fucking cock tease!”

      Marnie, fuming, came to stand by my side. Her hands were balled into fists and I suspected she wanted to kick Teddy’s ass for touching her. “Touch me again—no, say another word—and you’ll live to regret it.”

      I smiled at her, thankful for her guts. I wished I had half of her bravado.

      Peter stared Teddy down, emphasizing Marnie’s threat. Teddy tried to look tough, but I saw a hint of defeat in his dark eyes. Peter was at least six foot two, a good two inches taller than Teddy. Even though Teddy had more weight on him, there was no mistaking the very serious look on Peter’s face that said not to mess with him. Teddy clearly got the message, and began backing up.

      But his eyes were on me, menacing. An unspoken threat.

      Then the jerk turned around and marched back toward the club.

      With Teddy gone, Peter slipped his arms around my waist. I was surprised at how much comfort his touch gave me, considering I’d only met him tonight.

      “Who was that guy?” Peter asked.

      “Someone I met in the club. I guess he was hoping to take me home.”

      “Asshole,” Marnie quipped. “A guy wants you but you don’t want him, he turns into a prick.”

      I glanced at my friend, shooting her an appreciative look. Marnie never failed to come to my defense. The night everything had happened with Chad, she’d wanted to rip his eyes out—literally. I hadn’t wanted to tell anyone, but she’d gone to the dean of our university on my behalf, and while Chad hadn’t been arrested, he’d been questioned and reprimanded.

      “Peter, this is my best friend, Marnie. I didn’t get to introduce you in the club.”

      “Hello,” Marnie and Peter said in unison.

      Peter returned his attention to me. He looked a little confused as he said, “You left without me.”

      I glanced down, embarrassed.

      “Were you planning to

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