Grand Conspiracy: Second Book of The Alliance of Light. Janny Wurts

Grand Conspiracy: Second Book of The Alliance of Light - Janny Wurts

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fanfare, he stripped his dark leathers alongside the two clansmen and breasted the waist-deep surf to set foot on the beach of Taerlin.

      The first ray of sunrise spun the mists to raw gold as the party of three pressed into the deep shade of Caithwood.

      A day on foot carried the Fellowship Sorcerer and the two clan scouts across seven leagues of wilds to the grooved rut of the Taerlin trade road. Sheltered by brush that rattled in stiff, northern gusts, the small party took covert stock of the Alliance encampment, tents and picket lines and supply wagons packed like a logjam along the verge of the thoroughfare. Here, the patrols of headhunters that swept Caithwood requisitioned their supplies, and caravans en route to Ilswater and Quarn picked up Alliance outriders and the armed escort they needed to ensure their safe passage through the forest.

      ‘They’ve dug in tight as ticks, since the summer,’ the older clansman said, bitter for the timber that had been cut to raise the rough quarters to shelter townborn officers.

      The land bore the scars of that thoughtless inhabitancy from the trampled, bare quadrangles cleared for field drills to the grass and vegetation milled into pocked dust by the voracious foraging of livestock. The surrounding ravines had been picked clean of firewood. Streamlets ran turbid from the bucket brigades sent to fetch cooking and wash water, and everywhere, the slanting, low sunlight glanced off the war-polished steel of weapon and helm and horse armor.

      ‘They keep a company of heavy cavalry,’ Asandir said, surprised. ‘Why? Lancers can’t be much use in the deepwood.’

      ‘Those are assigned to move slave coffles.’ The elder spat on the clean, growing earth. ‘Double bounties are still paid for male clansmen, when they can be captured alive. You didn’t know? There’s an established auction at Valenford, now, where galleymen go to buy oarsmen.’

      A chilling, subtle change swept the Sorcerer’s bearing. He knelt, all grim purpose, and untied his blanket roll, while an oblivious horn call sounded below and signaled the change in the watch. Several chattering grooms in sunwheel livery led a clutch of saddled remounts to water, unaware that their routine was watched.

      ‘You don’t plan to go down there,’ the young scout broke in, his hands gone damp from overtaut nerves as he watched the Sorcerer shake out his formal mantle. The deep blue wool and fine silver ribbon stood out like a shout in the sun-filtered shade at the tree line. ‘Archers and crossbowmen guard the perimeter with standing orders to kill. We’ve lost lives, trying to fire the grain stores in that accursed encampment.’

      ‘We aren’t going down there,’ Asandir reassured. ‘But I find I have a point to make, and that changes the grounds upon which we borrow three horses.’

      The young scout sucked in a startled breath, while the elder expressed disbelief. ‘What use could we possibly be to your cause?’

      ‘Why should you devalue your worth?’ Asandir glanced up, his eyebrows bristled in rebuke. ‘Innate power walks in a company of three. Your presence joined to mine cannot but add depth to the impact of my demand.’

      Done tying up knots, the Sorcerer straightened. He cast his long mantle around his broad shoulders, then issued his instructions, the lit gray of his eyes turned baleful as storm, and his purpose no mortal’s to gainsay. ‘Forget you bear weapons. We go empty-handed. I am going to raise a sphere of resonance that will forestall every aspect of violence. Its force will protect, but cannot discriminate. On your peril, remain at my back. Say nothing. Do nothing, no matter what threat arises. The solidarity of our defense will be underwritten by no other power than peace. Above anything else, I need you to stand fast. You must not give way to your hatred.’

      Impatient, he broke from the dappled verge of the wood and strode down the slope in plain view. The two clansmen followed. Their bold disregard for enemy sentries with crossbows posed an affront that brooked no appeal.

      They were spotted at once, set in sharp relief by the sunlight that poured molten brass over the browned stubble of the hillside. The first surprised shouts were cut through by an urgent challenge. ‘Halt, you! Hold fast and declare for the Light!’

      Asandir paid the officer in authority no heed. Straight as Dharkaron’s Spear in his blue-and-silver cloak, he continued another three strides, his uncovered head like lit ice against the shadowy backdrop of evergreen, and his hands hanging loose at his sides. He stopped as he pleased. His falcon’s stare fixed on the party of horses and grooms, at large on the bank of the streamlet.

      Down the mild grade, the Alliance crossbowmen knelt and notched quarrels in flurried alarm. They brought weapons to bear, the bitten reflections off lethal, aimed steel chipped glare through the dust-hazed afternoon.

      ‘Stand firm,’ the Sorcerer reminded the sweating clansmen beside him. He did not glance at the archers, but maintained his obstinate survey of the grooms’ innocuous activity on the streambank. ‘On my word, you will come to no harm when they fire.’

      ‘Release at will!’ cried the officer, in determined adherence to duty.

      The discharge of the trigger latches mangled the drawn stillness, creased by the waspish whine of launched quarrels. Asandir made no move to cast spells. He uttered no word of invocation. Yet the air in his presence acquired a sealed calm, as potent as the tensioned silence that channeled the strike of bolt lightning. The quarrels arched up; descended in deadly convergence. Ten paces before the Sorcerer’s stilled form, they crossed the unseen boundary of his influence. The steel tips blurred out of focus, then shocked the charged air into spherical halos of gold sparks. All impetus died. The metal sang out in a queer, wailing dissonance, then dropped like shot stone back to earth.

      At the same moment the horses led to drink at the streambed flung up their heads in excitement. Eyes rolling white, they reacted with one mind and shied sidewards. Hooves bit the muddied earth like balked thunder as they ripped their reins from the stupefied grasp of their grooms and bolted upslope toward the Sorcerer.

      One last quarrel burst into a splash of fine static and crashed, limp, at Asandir’s feet. No others followed. In the crease of the valley, the outraged captain who ordered a second volley toppled out of his saddle. His ranked rows of crossbowmen crumpled also, fallen facedown in a faint. The freed horses hurtled past their sprawled bodies. Glossy and fit, the beasts pounded uphill. Their initial madcap dash unraveled into a brisk trot, and equine ears perked forward, inquiring.

      ‘Choose yourselves a mount,’ Asandir instructed the two clansmen. Their appalled uncertainty awoke his swift smile, then a near laugh as a shouting, pointing knot of men convulsed the Alliance camp to fresh turmoil. A wedge of mounted lancers disgorged from their midst, still strapping on their snatched armor and grabbing weapons from squires and page boys. Their rush was spearheaded by an officer in a streaming, loose surcoat. Ahead of his company, he spurred his bay gelding upslope in a howling charge.

      Asandir held his ground. Unconcerned, he addressed the loose horses. The sound of his voice soothed their volatile nerves. Reins trailing, the mare in the lead subsided back to a walk. She ambled the closing, final strides to nuzzle his outstretched hand, her equine disregard all but flouting the mounted Alliance horsemen boring in at an earthshaking canter. Forced to swing wide to avoid trampling downed archers, the irate captain lost nerve, if not outrage. He dragged his gelding to a headshaking halt, half-strangled by the folds of his unbelted garment.

      ‘We’re borrowing these horses,’ Asandir informed. ‘They’ll come back sound and cared for.’ Behind him, the two scouts caught trailing bridles and checked girths, then vaulted astride.

      The Alliance officer yanked an arm from snagged silk and gestured an impatient advance. ‘Surround them!’ The men at his heels reined aside, fanned out, then circled and closed in, lances leveled at the intruders. Reassured as his cordon settled in place, the officer vented his temper. ‘What’s harm to three hacks, when you’ve dropped our best squad of archers in their tracks by means of black sorcery?’

      ‘They’re sleeping,’ Asandir corrected point-blank. He flipped the reins over the mare’s chestnut neck, tightened the girth,

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