Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum. Allison Leigh

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum - Allison  Leigh

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      Millie beamed. “You won’t have any trouble filling that table.”

      Jenny nodded. Good. She had one problem solved, but she was still being nagged by Evan Rafferty. Darn that man for stirring her up. The last thing she needed was a man to disrupt her life right now. She already had enough to deal with.

      Yet, she couldn’t stop thinking about his daughter. She wanted to do something to help Gracie. An idea suddenly hit her.

      “Millie,” she began. “If I moved the adult classes to Wednesday and Saturday mornings that would open up time on Saturday afternoons.”

      Millie hesitated. “What do you have in mind?”

      “Maybe a girls’ class.”

      The older woman studied her a moment. “That’s a big undertaking because one little girl wants to finish a quilt.”

      Was that all Gracie wanted? Jenny wondered, thinking back to her own childhood. She had been overshadowed by her stepbrothers and ignored by her stepfather. The worst part was that her mother had let it happen. Maybe that had been Gracie’s experience since her mother’s death—maybe she felt pushed aside. The big question was, was an eight-year-old too young to join a quilting class?


      Jenny looked at Millie. “Do you think some of our regular customers would help out with a mentoring class?

      The woman shrugged. “Probably. Is this for any student, or are you talking about one in particular?”

      “Maybe, but why can’t we help a little girl finish her quilt?”

      Millie nodded. “If we’re talking about a quilt her mother started, it’s not a simple matter. Megan Rafferty was pretty close to an expert quilter. She’d sold several at the local craft fair. But you’re right. This could help Gracie, especially since she lives with a houseful of men.” A slow smile lit up Millie’s face. “All those Rafferty men are a handsome bunch.”

      Jenny softened thinking about Evan Rafferty, recalling the raw pain in those eyes. That was her clue to stay clear of the handsome cowboy.

      Even without his bad attitude, he still belonged to someone else.

      The next afternoon, Jenny headed over to Kerry Springs Elementary School, flyers in hand. She was hoping that the school principal, Lillian Perry, would help promote her class.

      When the office door opened she was surprised to see a woman not much older than herself. The attractive brunette smiled as Jenny greeted her and they walked inside.

      The principal closed the door. “Thank you for waiting, Ms. Collins.”

      “Please, call me Jenny.”

      “And I’m Lily.”

      After Jenny sat down in a chair, Lily did the same behind her desk. “I hear you’ve taken over the Blind Stitch.”

      She nodded. “News travels fast.”

      “It does in this town. And my mother practically lives at your shop. Beth Staley.”

      “Oh, of course. She and Millie are friends.”

      Lily nodded. “So what can I do for you?”

      Jenny jumped right in. “I was hoping you could help me promote a children’s quilting class.” She handed her a flyer. “It’s free.”

      Lily glanced over the paper. “This looks interesting.” She eyed Jenny. “Generous, too.”

      She shrugged. “Call it community service. I’m still not sure how many women I can get to volunteer. Just so you know, I’m asking for your mother’s help. It’s my plan to pass on the craft to a new generation.”

      Lily leaned her forearms on the desk. “I’m sure Mother would love it,” she told her. “She’s been trying to get my daughter, Kasey, interested. Maybe with a class and with other girls her age, she’ll want to participate.”

      They spent the next twenty minutes going over the program; it would not only be good for the young girls to learn a craft, but it would also help them build a relationship with an older generation.

      “Blind Stitch will donate fabric and thread, but we’d like to encourage kids to bring in some of their own material. Maybe some blocks cut out of old clothes. Everyone is big on recycling.”

      “Oh, I love that,” Lily said. “Take pride in your family, your heritage.” She leaned back in her chair. “I like your enthusiasm, Jenny, and I’ll be happy to pass out the flyers to the upper grades.” She stood. “Since the bell is about to ring, I need to be out front. I like staying connected to my kids.”

      “I used to do that,” Jenny told her. “Of course, my students were older. High school.”

      Lily gave her a sideways glance. “You aren’t teaching any longer?”

      Jenny didn’t want to go into details. “I’m taking a semester off for now.”

      She hated that her attitude about teaching had changed, although never about her students. She would always stand up for the kids; she just didn’t always win the fight. “I’ll be returning in the fall.”

      The bell sounded as they walked out the door. In the bright sunlight, chatty students hurried to meet their rides home, but many stopped to greet their principal, Jenny realized she missed that connection she’d once had with her students.

      She heard her name called and turned around to see Gracie Rafferty.

      “Jenny. Why are you at my school?”

      “Hi, Gracie. I came to meet Mrs. Perry.”

      The girl looked at her principal and smiled. “Hello, Mrs. Perry.”

      “Hello, Gracie. Jenny came to tell me she’s going to have a young girls’ quilting class at her shop.”

      Those big eyes widened. “Really?”

      Jenny was glad that made the child happy. “Really. And maybe you can work on your quilt, too,” she told her.

      The girl seemed excited, but before she could speak again, they heard someone call her name. Jenny glanced around and saw Evan Rafferty standing next to his truck.

      The child’s smile faded quickly. “I can’t. It will make my daddy mad.” She turned and ran to the man who had been on Jenny’s mind since their first meeting.

      “Excuse me, Lily. I need to speak to someone.”

      Jenny stared over at the truck. She needed to get through to this man, but seeing the stubborn set to Evan Rafferty’s jaw, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

      “Mr. Rafferty,” she called sweetly. “May I speak with you?”

      Evan closed the passenger-side door, then stepped away from the truck and his daughter’s hearing. “I’m short on time right now.” He gave her the once-over. “Beside, we finished our business the other day.”

      She ignored him. “Since it’s about your daughter, I thought you might spare me a minute.”

      Evan adjusted the hat on his head and stared into her velvety, brown, dark eyes. He felt a surge of heat. He quickly glanced away.

      “Well, you thought wrong. Look, I need to be somewhere right now.” Anywhere away from you. He stepped off the curb, climbed into his truck and drove off.

      Jenny stood, feeling anger stirring inside. How dare the man … Okay, so she had to figure out another way to help the girl. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d fought for a child. She refused to give up on either one of them.


      THE next afternoon, Jenny turned her compact car off the highway, and then along a narrow road until she came to the archway

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