It Was Only a Kiss. Joss Wood

It Was Only a Kiss - Joss Wood

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out of his office without strangling her, he’d consider himself a saint.

      Jess snapped her mobile closed, slipped it back into her bag and looked at him expectantly. Stuck-up, arrogant little witch.

      Sexy, though....

      Luke’s boots dropped from the corner of his desk to the floor and he stood up slowly, knowing that his face displayed none of his anger. As a child, living with his volatile, demanding father—his mother had died when he was three—he’d learnt early that showing emotion of any sort could be used against him, so he’d perfected his stoic mask.

      He watched her through half-closed lids. She looked relaxed, leaning back in the chair, a small smile edging the corners of her very sexy mouth upwards. Give her a couple of years and she’d be hell on wheels...if she could keep her cocky opinions to herself.

      ‘Interesting perspective,’ Luke said mildly. He saw her mouth open to speak and lifted a finger to silence her. ‘If I cared.’

      Mouth open but no words was a start, Luke thought. Placing his hands on his desk, he leaned forward with a gesture that was meant to be intimidating and finally allowed her to see his fury. He felt marginally appeased when her eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip.

      ‘You arrogant, snotty child!’ He deliberately kept his voice even, knowing that harsh words delivered coldly had more of an effect than ranting and raving. ‘How dare you walk into my company and my office and presume to tell me what to do with my business and how to do it? Who the hell do you think you are?’ he suddenly roared, and Jess winced as his words bounced off the walls.

      Jess lifted up her hands and he noticed that she didn’t look particularly scared. Hell, she didn’t look scared, period.

      ‘You don’t understand—’

      ‘What I understand is that you are a bright young thing who has always been told that she’s wonderful—clever and bright and talented. Pretty too. After so much unstinting admiration and affirmation, how could you think I wouldn’t want to hear the pearls of wisdom that fall so effortlessly from your lips?’

      Jess jumped to her feet. ‘Luke, I—’

      ‘It’s Mr Savage to you! I’m your boss, not your friend! If you want to get anywhere you’d better bloody learn some humility and some respect! I have my own MBA, sunshine, and I’ve run a successful company for years. I have put in the sweat and tears and the work to earn the right to have an opinion. You haven’t!’

      ‘Stop yelling at me!’

      Luke looked at her and shook his head. A part of him—okay, all his boy bits—thought she looked magnificent, with her heaving chest and wild eyes, fury staining her high cheekbones like the rasp of a lover’s beard. She looked furious, but not intimidated, and a part of him had to admire her courage.

      A very small part of him.

      ‘It’s not my fault your marketing plan sucks! I’m just telling you that the St Sylve vineyard will suffer if you do not adjust your strategy!’

      ‘Because you say so?’

      ‘Yes! Because I’m damn good at this. I just know it won’t work!’

      Luke rubbed a hand over his chin. ‘So, now you have a crystal ball as well? Can you tell me if I’m going to get skinned in my divorce or whether the price of oil will drop?’

      ‘Of course you will get skinned—that’s what happens when you marry a gold-digger! And, no, the oil price is going to keep climbing. The markets are too unstable at the moment to allow a drop,’ Jess replied.

      Luke could not believe that she hadn’t picked up his sarcasm. ‘For someone who’s only been here a couple of months, you seem to be firmly plugged in to vineyard gossip.’

      Jess sent him a cheeky grin. ‘Thank you.’

      ‘It wasn’t a compliment.’

      ‘I know.’

      He was going to kill her. Luke stalked around the desk and gripped her slim shoulders with his much bigger hands. ‘I’m not sure whether to strangle you or smack you.’

      Jess tossed her head of honey-coloured curls and looked up at him with bold and defiant brown eyes. A brown so deep it could almost be black.

      ‘You’re not the type to hit a woman.’ Jess lifted one shoulder and sent him a look that was as powerful as it was ageless. ‘And you’re just annoyed because you know I’m right.’

      ‘Annoyed? I’m way past annoyed and on my way to incandescently livid.’

      Under his hands Jess lifted her shoulders. ‘But why? I’m just telling the truth.’

      He was exasperated at her cheek, but he was even more furious because she had his blood pressure spiking and his pants jumping.

      ‘You are cheeky, conceited, smug and vain,’ Luke muttered as his lips edged their way down to hers. He could see the challenge in those eyes that held his...and as well as not tolerating failure, he also never backed away from a challenge.

      Jess tipped her chin up and he could feel her breath on his lips. She felt slight and feminine in his arms, and while he knew that he was playing with fire he couldn’t let her go.

      ‘Then why are you going to kiss me?’

      ‘Because it’s either that or put you over my knee,’ Luke growled.

      ‘But you don’t like me,’ Jess stated.

      ‘God, how old are you? Attraction has nothing to do with liking someone.’

      ‘It should.’

      ‘You’re naïve.’

      ‘Kissing me would be a mistake,’ Jess whispered even as her lips lifted to his.

      ‘Too damn late.’

      Electricity arced and thunder rolled as he yanked her slim frame into his solid chest, burrowing his hands into her hair to move her head so that he could deepen the angle of the kiss, could touch every corner of her sexy mouth with his tongue. His hand dropped to her lower back and he pulled her against him. His stomach swooped when he felt her hips against his, her small hands sneaking under his shirt to feel the skin of his back and shoulders.

      He’d never been this hot this quickly for anyone. Luke closed his eyes as her quick tongue tasted his bottom lip, then tangled with his in a long, lazy slide. One hand held the back of her head and the other skimmed the side of her torso, its thumb sliding over the swell of her—

      This had gone too far, Luke told himself. He had to stop this. Now.

      Instead he ran the palms of his hands up the back of her silky-soft thighs and gripped her butt.

      Holy hell, he thought as his hands encountered nothing but warm skin. Where were her panties...? Their kiss deepened and went from crazy to wild. He massaged her as he pulled her up against him and...oh, there it was. An ultra-thin strand of cotton. He traced his fingers upward and found the T of her thong, embellished with what seemed to be a fabric heart flat against her lower back. Luke hooked his thumb under the T and rubbed that gorgeous patch of skin. So soft, so smooth... He could snap the cord with a quick twist...

      Luke wrenched himself away from her, sucked in a breath and hoped that she didn’t notice him gripping the edge of the desk for balance. She looked glorious, with her flashing eyes, swollen mouth and mussed hair. He could take her right now, right here in the late-afternoon sun.

      It shook him how much he wanted to see her naked, sprawled across his desk, her body exposed to his hot gaze, her creamy skin flushed with pleasure.

      Luke summoned up the last reserves of his self-control and slowly felt his self-restraint returning. When he felt his big brain had the edge over his little one, he stood up straight and wordlessly pointed to the door.

      Jess nodded as she straightened her

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