The Road Not Taken. Jackie Braun
color, angular cheekbones and a shadow of a beard on the lower half of his face.
Caroline’s heart knocked out an extra beat at the same time her knees gave way, and she sank into the snow.
Clearly, she had died.
Jake wiped a gloved hand over his eyes after he spotted the woman. She was a vision. Had to be. No one in her right mind would be out in this godforsaken weather. The only reason he was out was to work off the worst of his temper. And he’d had the good sense to tramp about on horseback. The big animal knew her way back to home and shelter even better than he did.
When he saw the woman collapse, he was out of the saddle before his horse came to a stop, trudging the half-dozen steps through a knee-deep drift to reach her. He crouched beside her, resisting the urge to scoop her up in his arms.
Protect and serve.
A lifetime ago, those words had been part of his daily mantra. No longer.
“Lady, hey, lady!” His words sawed gruffly through the wind. “Are you okay?”
She gazed at him with glazed eyes and a look of terror and revulsion. He wasn’t insulted. He’d had that effect on people before.
But then she did something that shocked him to his core. She raised one shaky hand to the side of his face and asked, “Are you an angel?”
The question took him by surprise. Jake had been called a lot of things during the past year. Angel wasn’t among them.
“Not even close.”
“I thought …”
“Are you hurt?”
She blinked, frowned. “I guess not.”
“You’re sure you didn’t hit your head or anything?” He glanced past her into the car and noted the deflated air bag. It had saved her from greater impact, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t sustained injury.
“I’m okay,” she insisted. As if to prove the point, she struggled to her feet.
Jake rose with her. The woman was taller than he’d first thought she would be, given her otherwise delicate appearance. Not delicate, he decided. Fragile. There was a difference.
The top of her head came even with the bridge of his twice-busted nose. He couldn’t see her feet through the snow, but he’d bet she was wearing heels, something high and impractical to go along with the rest of her fashionable, if nonfunctional, wardrobe. It was a good thing he’d come along. She wouldn’t have lasted another hour out here on her own.
People need you, Jake.
“My car is another matter,” she was saying. “I’m not sure the extent of the damage, but it will need to be towed to a garage for a look.”
People are counting on you, Jake.
He banished the words as he surveyed the small vehicle. It probably got great gas mileage, but that was about all it had to recommend it. His tone was more gruff than he intended when he said, “You call that a car? It looks more like a toy.”
The woman laughed, but the sound verged on hysteria rather than mirth. Make that half an hour that she would have survived without his intervention.
“Yes, well, do you know if there is a garage nearby? And a working phone? My cell isn’t getting a signal out here. I need to call for a wrecker.”
“You can call from the inn.”
“Inn?” She sighed and her expression turned hopeful. “There’s an inn nearby?”
He nodded. “It’s about a half mile up the road.”
“Do you know if it has a vacancy?” She grabbed his arm. “Please tell me yes.”
Jake swallowed and for just a moment found himself lost in a pair of wide hazel eyes. “I’m sure there’s something available.”
In truth, the inn was a broken-down husk of its former self, much like the man who’d purchased it a while back. It was closed to the public, but he did have guests this Easter weekend. He was, begrudgingly, entertaining his entire family, a fact that explained why he could be found out in a snowstorm at the moment.
His parents, brother, sister-in-law and their kids had arrived unannounced the day before. Already he and his younger sibling were at odds. He’d left to avoid saying something he was bound to regret. Well, regret more than what had already passed through his lips.
“Thank God,” the woman was saying. “I … I don’t suppose you could take me there?” Her gaze cut to his horse. Despite the nasty conditions, Bess stood patiently a few feet away. The Clydesdale normally pulled the inn’s sleigh and she’d been thrown in with the sale. As angry as Jake had been when he stomped out of the inn, he’d had the presence of mind to take the big animal rather than stalk off on his own.
“Be happy to.”
He didn’t sound happy, a fact that wasn’t lost on her if her expression was any indication.
“You said it’s only half a mile. I … I can walk.” She took an awkward step forward in the snow.
“Right.” He snorted and motioned with one gloved hand. “In those impractical clothes? Hell, lady, you’d be lucky if you didn’t freeze to death before you made it ten yards.”
She whirled back to face him. Those hazel eyes snapped with heat now, and the color in her cheeks wasn’t all the result of the bitter wind. “I’m not helpless! I refuse to be helpless!”
The shouted words echoed off the maple trees, sending some snow down from their branches. Not helpless maybe, Jake thought. But she was desperate. He’d seen that look in the faces of people whose loved ones were caught up in the drug trade. In their cases, he knew exactly what had put it there. But what did a woman who looked like a walking advertisement for the life of the idle rich have to make her desperate?
He dismissed the question, squelched the old urge to offer to help. Not my problem. Jake was officially out of the hero business … not that he’d had much choice in the matter.
Even so, he heard himself saying, “Come on. I’ll give you a boost into the saddle.”
The woman eyed the big animal. This time it was fear rather than pride he heard when she said, “I really don’t mind walking.”
“Yeah, well, I do. It will take twice as long. At least.” This time he tempered his tone. “Don’t worry about Bess here. She’s a gentle giant.”
The woman pointed back toward her car. “What about my bag?”
It was all he could do not to roll his eyes. “How big is it?”
“I don’t need the luggage that’s in the backseat if that’s what has you worried. But I’d appreciate the toiletries bag that’s on the floor on the front passenger side.”
He glanced through the window and grimaced. It was small enough to fit the definition of a carry-on at the airport, but since this short trip was going to be precarious enough without adding baggage, he said, “I’ll have to come back for it.”
He expected her to argue, but she didn’t. Instead, she trudged through the snow to the horse. Over the howl of the wind, Jake thought he heard her chant, “I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.”
He helped her into the saddle before swinging up behind her. Bess shifted, unaccustomed to accommodating one rider on her back, much less two. He knew how she felt. He wasn’t accustomed to riding alone, much less with a beautiful stranger all but seated on his lap.
“Steady now, girl. It’s all right,” he said, reaching around the woman to give the mare’s thick neck a reassuring pat. “Just give us a chance to get settled.”
The woman turned toward him. “I just