Having Adam's Baby. Christyne Butler
Chapter Three
The noise level in the room rose again as the entire Murphy clan joined in welcoming their parents home, but Adam became lost in his mother’s reverent whispered prayers of thanks and the warm dampness of her tears against his neck.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here,” she said, cradling his face in her hands when Adam set her feet back on the floor. “And early, too!”
“Home for good, Mom.” Adam pressed a kiss to her forehead as she released him.
Switching his beer from one had to the other, he kept one arm around her shoulders while returning his father’s strong handshake. But he was momentarily confused by the look in the older man’s eyes.
It reminded him of when he was a kid. Like all parents, his dad had an uncanny ability of finding out when one of his children had done something wrong before the offender got the chance to confess.
In the past forty-eight hours? Without leaving his house?
Adam didn’t think so.
“It’s good to have you home, son.” Alistair Murphy pulled him into a quick hug, complete with the familiar hearty slap to the back. “Real good.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
Adam took a long pull on his beer as everyone sat except the teenagers, who disappeared again with a warning to come back when the dinner preparations started. He then explained how he was able to return to the States ahead of his unit, admitting he spent the last two days holed up alone at his place.
Not exactly the truth, but there was no reason to go into Fay’s visit.
The gleam in Dev’s eye told him his brother was about to mention the mystery of his clean house. Adam quickly turned the conversation to Liam and Bryant, who gave details on the day-to-day running of the business. Then Dev weighed in on the company’s home security program and Nolan spoke about their latest design projects with customers from Hollywood’s A-list to Washington, D.C.’s power players.
Impressed, Adam felt even surer of his plans to concentrate on his ranch, knowing his younger brothers were handling things just fine without him. Although retired, their father was still involved in the company, as evidenced by the way he jumped into the conversation here and there. He even solicited Adam’s opinion a few times, but Adam didn’t take the bait, seeing no reason for his father to expect him to come back to the fold.
“Okay, enough business talk. Let’s get this barbeque going. I’m ready for a steak, blood-rare,” Alistair Murphy commanded, and soon everyone fell in, heading to the kitchen or the back deck to do their assigned chore.
Except Adam, who found himself alone with his parents, who asked him what his plans were now. Not ready to discuss his ideas yet, he told them the next few weeks were for nothing but getting reaccustomed to civilian life.
“I haven’t had a vacation in years,” he said with a smile. “I think I’ve earned some time off.”
“Of course you have, dear.” His mother patted his arm. “This is why I’m so glad Fay agreed to get your place spiffed up for you. Did she get everything done in time?”
Fay had done much more than just clean up the mess he’d left behind, something he’d only noticed after she’d walked out yesterday. “Yeah, the house looks great. I was really surprised.”
“Good, that was the idea.” Elise rose from the sofa. “Now, we better get dinner on the table or it’ll be dark before I can start emptying that camper.”
“Can I ask you something first?” Pushing to his feet, Adam addressed both his parents. “Scott’s been gone almost a year now. How is Fay doing? How are his folks?”
His father stood and his parents glanced at each other before looking back at him. Why did he have a feeling he wasn’t going to like what they had to say?
“We told you about Scott’s father suffering a stroke just after New Year’s,” his father said.
“Yeah, I visited Walter and Mavis at the nursing home back in April.” Adam crossed his arms over his chest. “The staff said his condition requires round-the-clock care.”
Elise nodded. “Mavis sold their home in town and moved to a small apartment in Cheyenne near the facility. She goes every day to see him. She sits for hours and reads or talks to him. Losing their only child … I can’t even begin to imagine their heartbreak.”
“With Scott’s death and Walter unable to be involved with Coggen Motors any longer, Walter’s partner took over the entire business. All six dealerships,” his father added.
“You mean he bought out the Coggens’ and Fay’s shares?” Adam asked.
Again with the shared looks between his parents.
“Honey, you know what a thriving gossip chain Destiny has.” His mother finally spoke. “There have been rumors that Fay’s been dealing with—”
“Well, look who’s here!” Alastair Murphy’s booming voice cut off whatever his wife was about to say. “Welcome, Fay.”
Adam turned.
Fay stood in the entry area near the receptionist desk, balancing two flower arrangements in her arms and a surprised expression on her face. She looked very different from yesterday. Today she wore a dress, sweater and heels, all in matching shades of pink, with her curly hair lying in soft waves to her shoulders.
“Ah, hello.” Her gaze darted between Adam and his parents until she focused on him again. “The front doors were unlocked, so I came in thinking Bryant or Liam might still be … Well, I didn’t expect any of you to be here.”
Adam started toward her, registering the same exhaustion on her face, but his mother hurried past him and reached Fay first.
“My, aren’t these pretty? They’re the silk arrangements we talked about for the upstairs rooms, right?” She took one of the flower-filled vases out of Fay’s arms, cradled it in her own and gave Fay a quick hug. “Oh, Al and I got back from our adventures just a little while ago. Everyone is out back fixing dinner for us. And for Adam! As you can see, Adam’s home!”
Fay gave his mother a gentle smile. The simple act transformed her features, as if someone had finally turned a light on inside of her. The unexpected change caused Adam to stop midstride.
It was the first time in years he’d seen a real smile from her. Not since Scott had shocked her—and Adam—by following in his footsteps to join the Air Force six years ago.
His friend had come to him to talk about his plans, after another night of drinking at the Blue Creek, but Adam had been too caught up in his own hell at the time with Julia to do anything but get his buddy home in one piece. By the time he’d finally surfaced from the mess of his divorce, Scott had completed boot camp and had been assigned to his reserve unit.
After that, his friendship with Fay cooled. When Scott had received orders for a tour overseas it had disappeared entirely.
“Yes, I do see that,” Fay replied to his mother, then she turned to look at him. “Welcome home, Adam.”
Her smile looked forced now. But Adam decided he would take what he could get even when she turned her attention to his father.
“Al, it’s nice to have you and Elise back in Destiny, too.”
“It’s good to be home,” his father said. “You’ll stay for dinner?”
Fay shook her head. “No, thank you. I just wanted to drop these off before I headed back to my shop. I’d planned to come by this morning on my way to Ch-Cheyenne, but I was running late.”
Did she go down to Cheyenne to visit with her former in-laws? Is that why she looked like she’d been put through a wringer?