Her Only Chance. Cheryl Porter Anne

Her Only Chance - Cheryl Porter Anne

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at three, shall we say?”

      As if she had any plans. “Fine.”

      “Good. That gives you another three days to talk to Mr. Chance. In the meantime, give some thought to a specific plan. Be proactive in this. Set some goals so you’ll know if you’re making progress. I think that will help you.” Dr. Hampton paused. When he spoke again, his voice held a different tone, that of a friend…or a father. “I wouldn’t ask you to do this, Jamie, if it weren’t important. I might be your therapist, but I also like you very much. You’re a wonderful young woman with a bright future. I have been proud to call you my student…and now, hopefully, my colleague and friend.”

      Tears clogged her throat. She’d never seen this side of Dr. Hampton before. “Thank you,” she managed to sniff out.

      “You’re welcome.” Then, he turned professional again. “Well, then. Does meeting with Mr. Chance remain something you’re comfortable doing?”

      No. “Yes. But you know, he seems sort of down about something, Dr. Hampton. I don’t want to use him for my purposes, if he’s really vulnerable right now.”

      “That’s very admirable, Jamie. But you wouldn’t be using him if you were sincerely listening to him and being his friend. In fact, why don’t you strive for that, for just being his friend? You might be able to help him. After all, you are a trained professional, as the joke goes, so you can try this at home. Come up with a non-threatening situation for your first meeting. Maybe a ride to the beach?”

      “Well, that’s already been discussed. Apparently, I should be listening. Anyway, thank you for your advice. I’ll be Kell’s friend, and I’ll see you Thursday at three.”

      “I look forward to it.”

      “Me, too. Bye, Dr. Hampton.” Jamie hit the off button again and just sat there, the phone in her lap, staring into space.

      She’d just blown Kell off and now she had to reestablish contact with him. Fine. But on my terms, not his. That was why she’d refused him when he’d called, she told herself. She hadn’t been comfortable with the scenario. His car. His money paying for their drinks—he would have insisted on that. Kellan calling the shots. The balance of power would have been all wrong. She needed it to be on her side when she talked to him about closure. Her closure. Not his.

      Jamie frowned. Now, that sounded terribly selfish. It brought back Kell’s remark yesterday about her thinking everything was about her, and that bothered her. Maybe the problem was she spent too much time considering every motive behind every act that every person ever made. Well, hadn’t she just spent the last ten years training to do exactly that? So why should she beat herself up about being true to her profession? Alleged profession, if I don’t find closure. So there it was. Maybe she was trying too hard. Maybe she just needed to lighten up and concentrate on other people. Wasn’t that what her profession was all about, anyway? Helping others?

      But she knew that she had to be okay with herself first before she could be of any help to others. She couldn’t be like the dentist with bad teeth. Or the beautician with awful hair. She had to be the therapist with her head—teeth, hair and all—on straight. And that meant…she had to deal with Kellan Chance. Just his name made her shiver with wanting. It was so masculine, so strong. Gaelic for warrior. Jamie put a hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. “Oh, man. What have I got myself into?”

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