Under Pressure. Lori Foster
if necessary, your stepfather. The entire world will know what happened, the men—their livelihoods, their businesses—will likely be destroyed in the process. And this agency will take full credit for bringing them down. I will scrape up every bit of promotion I can to further our reputation as the best.”
The overwhelming possibilities left Cat wide-eyed and shaken, but she didn’t falter. She accepted that Georgia deserved retribution.
But Cat didn’t yet realize that she did too.
“Anyone and everyone involved in hurting that girl needs to pay the consequences,” Cat whispered. “Whatever they are.”
“Excellent! Then we’re in agreement.” Rising gracefully again, Sahara smiled. “Now share the other names.”
Pale, Cat shook her head. “I...I don’t remember.”
Sahara gave it quick thought, then shrugged. “Fine. I can start with your father.”
“Stepfather.” Appearing both fearful and guilty, Cat nodded. “And...okay.”
Sahara turned her flinty blue eyes on Leese, taking note of the way he continued to hold Cat’s shoulders. “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
He shrugged. “You’re astute, Sahara. Do I really need to spell it out?”
She sighed. “And if I had a problem with this—”
“Then I’d understand and move on.” But he wouldn’t abandon Catalina.
“Don’t be so dramatic. I have big plans for you.” With a look of acceptance, she warned, “I’ll want a full report. Soon.”
To keep the peace, Leese nodded. But before he verbally made promises, he’d see what Catalina had to share. She knew the other men, he was sure of it. Would she trust him enough to tell him everything? And once she did, what then?
No idea. He knew what Sahara wanted, but he’d do whatever was best for Cat.
“They know you’re here. Both of you. That much was clear.” Sahara paced away, a vibrating bundle of energy. “Even though it’s secure, we’ll want to throw them off to give you a little breathing room. So I have an idea.”
Very unsure of any plan she might contrive, Leese said, “Care to share with the class?”
“We’re going to get each female employee to hide behind a scarf and glasses, then scatter in different directions—” she fluttered her fingers “—to all corners of the city and beyond. How fun will that be?”
“Fun?” Cat twisted her hands together. “Not fun at all. More than anything it sounds dangerous. I don’t want to risk anyone else.”
“We’ll take care. Don’t worry. And unless they have a lot of people out there watching us, they won’t be able to follow everyone.”
Cat asked, “How many female employees do you have here?”
“Counting me?” Sahara grinned. “Ten. But currently in the building? Only seven. It’ll have to do, even though they’re not all bodyguards. For a case like this, we need everyone on deck.” Before anyone could question her participation, she went to the door and summoned Enoch. “Could I beg an enormous favor from you?”
Already to his feet, Enoch said, “Of course. What is it?”
“I need you to round up all the ladies, and then you’ll need to run across the street to that decadent little boutique and do some fast shopping.”
* * *
TWO HOURS LATER, Enoch escorted them to the penthouse apartment. Leese wasn’t sure what to expect, but he could tell that Cat was at the end of her rope. She needed some downtime, so the accommodations no longer mattered.
Trembling from head to toe, Cat entered the private elevator. “You’re sure she’ll be okay?”
Enoch looked as worried as Cat, so Leese reassured them both. “She has Justice with her.”
Using an exclusive keycard, Enoch pressed the button to access the penthouse. “You said he’s new.”
Enoch stood a foot shorter than Leese, and probably didn’t weigh a whole lot more than Catalina. But he had a keen intelligence, an aptitude for fast learning, was loyal to the core and often seemed to know what needed to be done long before being told. Leese liked him, and better than that, he trusted him.
“Justice is new to being a bodyguard, but he’s a veteran at kicking ass. He can handle things, believe me.” Justice might not have been refined enough to win a title belt, but few could ever reach that elite status. Match him up to any four or five street fighters, and he’d annihilate them.
“They’re in your car.” Cat stood in the corner, her gaze on the elevator numbers, her face set. “They’re going to be the obvious ones to follow. Tesh and his crew will—”
“Scatter to cover their bases in case we’re pulling a fast one, just as Sahara said. They won’t take chances. But Sahara took the car on purpose,” he reminded them, “because Justice can damn well handle himself. Now stop fretting, both of you.”
At the uppermost floor, the elevator stopped and the doors opened directly into a secure vestibule with yet another locked door. On one of the walls, a sconce lit the area. On the other wall, a heavy door opened to private stairs.
Seeing the direction of his gaze, Enoch said, “The stairs are necessary in case of a fire.”
Leese valued the multiple barriers.
Enoch removed an actual key and opened two different locks, one in the doorknob, the other a dead bolt. “I have duplicate keys for you,” he said to Leese while avoiding Cat’s gaze. “And you should know there are around-the-clock guards at the elevator and stairs on the lobby level. They protect Sahara from anyone reaching her office on the floor below.”
He’d already been aware of that, but appreciated the reminder for Cat’s benefit.
Opening the door, Enoch added, “I’ve been in charge of the upkeep here. No one has been here unescorted, not even the monthly cleaning crew. I’m always here if anyone needs to get in the suite, and I can promise you it’s safe.” He stepped back and allowed Cat and Leese to enter.
Wow. Cat, who was used to such decadence, only said, “This is very nice.”
Leese didn’t know what the hell to think. Towering ceilings with massive hanging lights, floor-to-ceiling windows with an astounding view, open spaces, a central fireplace... He looked around, taking it in.
“The kitchen has everything you need, pots and pans, dishes, canned goods...everything except for perishables. If you’d like to make up a grocery list, I can take care of that for you.” He strode to an elaborate bar. “The liquor is stocked, so please help yourself.”
Cat dropped her purse and coat on a massive contemporary couch overloaded with pillows, then wandered to the expanse of windows to look out at the city. “I bet this is stunning at night.”
“It is,” Enoch confirmed. “Would you like to see the bedrooms?”
Multiple rooms? Leese immediately wondered if Cat would prefer to sleep with him again.
Insane as he knew it to be, he hoped so.
Following behind the two of them, he lost track of the penthouse layout because his attention zeroed in on Cat’s small but perfect ass. As they stepped into one room, he managed to concentrate.
“This is the master suite.”
The enormous room boasted more floor-to-ceiling windows, a sitting area, a flat screen TV and an oversize bed with decadent bedding. Leese barely resisted the urge to whistle.
“There’s a bathroom through that door.” Enoch opened another door to show off a walk-in closet big enough to