Marrying for King's Millions / The Spanish Aristocrat's Woman: Marrying for King's Millions. Maureen Child

Marrying for King's Millions / The Spanish Aristocrat's Woman: Marrying for King's Millions - Maureen Child

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he was as hungry, as frenzied as she.

      How was this possible, she wondered frantically. How could she feel so much for a man she’d known her whole life? How was there this much passion in someone she’d considered a friend? How could she slip so totally into complete abandon at his touch?

      Then she stopped thinking. Stopped wondering. Instead, she surrendered to the magic rising up between them.

      He wrapped a hand around the base of her neck and tipped her head to one side. He nibbled his way down the length of her throat, and then slid back up, leaving a trail of damp heat behind him as he kissed and licked her skin. She was struggling for air, but not really concerned. Who needed to breathe when there was all of this to feel?

      But she wanted more. Needed more. Needed to feel his skin beneath her hands. Needed to touch as she was touched. Feel as she was felt.

      Sliding her hands up his chest, she tore at the buttons on his dress shirt until she’d freed them all, sending several of them pinging to the floor. Then she was touching his hard, muscled skin, feeling the soft curl of dark brown hair beneath her fingers and dragging her nails across his flat nipples.

      He growled in her ear and took her mouth harder, deeper. Their breaths mingled, their tongues played out a dance their bodies hungered for.

      “I want you. Now.” His voice was harsh, strained as if it were all he could do to squeeze out those few words. Then Travis reached down, lifted the skirt of her dress and ripped her tiny lace panties from her body.

      Julie inhaled sharply and then groaned as he cupped her aching core. Sliding first one, then two fingers into her depths, he pushed her so high, so fast, her head spun. As his fingers delved inside her, his tongue continued to twist with hers in a frantic dance of need and passion.

      Her body coiled tight as he rubbed one sensitive spot over and over and Julie’s legs trembled violently as she tried desperately to keep her balance while giving herself over to the incredible sensations shooting through her. Again and again, he stroked her, pushing her as if he couldn’t wait to feel her climax.

      But she fought the feeling, wanting to draw this out as long as she could. Incredible, the way he made her feel. Overwhelming, the way she wanted him, needed him. She’d never known anything even remotely like this before and she wanted more of it. Her hands dropped to his waist and her fingers fumbled with his belt, then the snap and zipper of his slacks.

      He broke their kiss as she wrapped her hand around him. His eyes briefly slid shut and he ground out one word. Her name. “Julie…”

      “I want you to feel what I feel,” she whispered, opening her eyes and looking into his. Raw passion and desire shone out at her and she knew he must be seeing the same things reflected back at him. She was on fire for him, her body burning inside and out. As if a fever were raging through her system.

      She stroked him, her fingertips sliding up and down his length, stroking the sensitive tip of him, marveling at the soft strength of him. Travis went completely still for one long, shattering minute when their ragged breaths were the only sound in the room other than the quiet hiss and snap of the fire.

      Then he looked down at her, shifted his hands to her waist and said, “Lift your legs.”

      She didn’t ask why. Didn’t think. Just went with what she was feeling, needing. Lifting her legs, she wrapped them around his hips and he leaned into her, bracing her back against the wall, cupping his hands on her bottom.

      And in the next moment, he was sliding inside her, pushing himself into her body.

      “Oh, Travis…” Julie sighed, twisted her hips, writhed on him as she took every amazing inch of him. An invasion of the most amazing kind, she thought, relishing the feel of his body filling hers.

      He groaned tightly and began to move, slowly at first, then with a soul-splintering speed that had his hips pistoning against hers. Their bodies met and separated over and over as tension coiled and need escalated.

      She felt it building, knew her release was so close she could almost touch it. The tingling sensations soared and a delicious ache rose inside until it was nearly unbearable. His strength surrounded her, his body filled her and he didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop. She moved with him, her body welcoming his, holding him tightly, creating a fabulous friction that accelerated the desire clawing at them both.

      And when the first tiny explosions shattered within her, Julie’s eyes flew open so that she could look at Travis as her body exploded in a shower of light and color and sensation like she’d never known before. His gaze was dark, hot, steady.

      “Let go,” he whispered.

      And she did.

      “Travis!” She held on to him, arms locked around his neck, legs crossed at his spine. She pulled him in tighter, closer, holding him to her as an enormous wave of pleasure crested inside her.

      Her climax pushed him over that teetering edge of control and before the last of the sweeping tide of ripples had died away, Travis called her name on a hoarse shout of victory and emptied himself into her.

      When the storm was over, Travis’s blood was still pumping like fury through his veins. He’d thought having her would clear his head, make the wanting less, the attraction he’d felt for her less powerful.

      Big mistake.

      Julie nestled against him, laying her head on his shoulder and he wanted her all over again. Her heat, her touch, her explosive reaction to his lovemaking all combined to only feed the fires already quickening inside him. He hadn’t eased the desire he felt for her, he’d only fed the flames.

      He turned his face toward her, kissed her forehead and murmured, “I’m not done.”

      She lifted her head, kissed him lightly, briefly and whispered, “Me, neither.”

      In an instant, his body thickened inside hers, tightening, hardening. She shifted in his arms, wiggling her hips and everything in him fisted hard and tight. He wanted her. More than he had before.

      Turning, he held her close, their bodies still joined,

      he took the few steps to the nearest couch and laid her down. Beside them, the fire burned, and light and shadow played across her features in a never-ending shift of patterns that only served to make her more beautiful, more dreamlike.

      Travis wanted nothing between them this time. He slid free of her body long enough to tear his clothes off, then he bent down over her and helped her shimmy out of her dress. Then she was naked, lying on the soft, pale fabric of the couch and lifting her arms to him.

      “Do it again, Travis,” she whispered as he came into her embrace. “Take me there again and let me take you.”

      He didn’t need to be asked twice.

      Covering her with his body, he braced his weight on his hands at either side of her head. Her eyes were wide and shining in the firelight, the deep green sparkling with a golden glow that intrigued and captivated him. Her mouth was swollen from his kisses and when she touched the tip of her tongue to her lips, he bent his head to capture it.

      Their mouths fused as he entered her on a slow slide of languorous satisfaction. He pushed himself into her heat with a calm deliberation he wasn’t really feeling. Every instinct had him clamoring to take her, to drive himself into her body, but his will kept him moving slowly, drawing out the pleasure, making each inch of her he claimed a small victory.

      “Travis—” She tore her mouth from his and sucked in air desperately. Lifting her hips under him, she sought to take him in more fully, to draw him deep, high inside. “I need…I need…”

      “Me, too.” His words were strained, hollow, echoing with the desperation suddenly tearing at him. With each of her movements, she tore at the foundations of his self-control, his will.

      He hadn’t expected this lightninglike connection between them. Now, he couldn’t imagine doing without it.


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