Single Mum Seeking...: A Daddy for Her Sons / Marriage for Her Baby / Single Mom Seeks.... Raye Morgan

Single Mum Seeking...: A Daddy for Her Sons / Marriage for Her Baby / Single Mom Seeks... - Raye  Morgan

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but one that she would accept. He’d known her for years but he’d never realized how deep her strength went. Where had that come from? Where had she found the capacity to take on everyone else’s problems? Was being the oldest sister the key? Or was it just the way her soul was put together?

      “They’ll find a good home for the baby somewhere, I’m sure,” Sara was insisting. “Don’t they have agencies to do things like that?”

      Jill frowned. That just wasn’t right and she knew it. “Sara...”

      Sara closed her eyes and turned away.

      “I’ve got to go. I’m expecting half a dozen calls and I’ve got to prepare myself.” She looked back and hesitated, then said with fierce intensity, “Jill, you can’t be considering taking that baby. I won’t let you.”

      Jill winced. She knew what was going to happen. It was inevitable. She couldn’t expect Sara to understand.—that was what she’d been put on earth to deal with. So Brad hadn’t worked out. Too bad. So her cake business was trembling on the brink and might just crumble. Okay. But turn down taking care of a baby? Her father’s grandchild? Her own niece? No. Impossible. If Sara couldn’t face it, that baby had only one chance.

      She followed Sara to the door and touched her arm before she could escape. “Sara, I’m going to call them. I want that baby here with us.”

      A look of abject terror flared in her sister’s eyes. Slowly, she shook her head, her lower lip trembling. “You’re crazy,” she whispered. “Jill, I beg you. Don’t do it.” And then she turned on her heel and hurried to her car.

      Jill came back into the house and went straight to Connor as though drawn by a magnet.

      “Are you sure?” he asked her.

      “About the baby?” She smiled. “Yes. There is no way I could let Kelly’s baby go to strangers. I’m going to get in touch with these people right away. The sooner we get her here the better.”

      “Jill, your heart is definitely in the right place. But can you do it? You’re already overextended. You’re on the ragged edge with these two little boys. Can you take on another child like this?”

      “I have no choice. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do it.”

      His heart was overflowing with love for her, and he knew what she was doing courted disaster. His brain told him Sara was right, but his heart—it was all for Jill. “Come here. I have to hold you. You are so special...”

      “Oh, Connor.” She started to cry and he held her while she sobbed in his embrace. “It’s scary, but it’s wonderful, too. It’s the right thing to do.”

      “I just hope it won’t be too much for you,” he said, kissing her tears away.

      She kissed him back. “Sometimes I feel like I’m at my breaking point, but something always comes through to save the day. And right now, it’s your arms around me. Connor, I’m so glad you’re here.”

      And she started to sob again. He held her close, enjoying the feel of her and the sweet, fruity scent from her hair. He loved her and he would be there for her as long as she let him stay. But deep inside, he knew a time would come when she would want him to leave. He was prepared for that. He only hoped it didn’t come for a long, long time.


      AN HOUR LATER, Jill invited Connor to help her take the boys to the park to play on the swings and in the sandbox. They took little shovels and pails and made the trek on foot, through the residential streets and over the low-lying berm that marked the edge of the park area. The boys ran ahead, then came back for protection when dogs barked or a car came on the end of the street. Then they reached the park and the twins were in heaven.

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