Rich Man's Revenge: Dealing Her Final Card / Seducing His Opposition / A Reputation For Revenge. Jennie Lucas

Rich Man's Revenge: Dealing Her Final Card / Seducing His Opposition / A Reputation For Revenge - Jennie  Lucas

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lips. “I’m starting to think you might have a heart, after all.”

      Huge tip? Looking down, Vladimir saw that his wallet was indeed open in his hand, and was now considerably lighter. The salesgirl was holding a wad of rubles, weeping with joy as she shared the unexpected largesse with the others.

      “It was kind of you, to care for her.”

      His cheeks burned as he turned back to Bree. “I don’t give a damn about her.”


      He cut in. “I did it for you.”

      She took a deep breath.

      “That’s why I know you have a heart,” she whispered.

      And Vladimir knew she was right. Because in this moment, his heart was beating erratically, misfiring, racing.

      Taking her hand in his own, he pulled her down from the pedestal. “I just want you to be happy,” he said roughly. He didn’t know how to manage this reckless, restless yearning he felt every time he looked into her beautiful face, every time he touched her. He looked down at her hand, nestled so trustingly in his. “I want to give you a gift.”

      “You already did.”

      “Tipping a salesgirl doesn’t count.”

      She looked down at the exquisite blue ball gown. “You’re buying me this dress.”

      “I want to do something for you,” he growled. “Something you actually care about. Anything.”

      Her eyes went wide with dawning, desperate hope.

      “Set me free,” she choked out.

      Let Bree go? He couldn’t. Wouldn’t. After ten years, he’d found her again. What were the chances of them walking into the same poker game in Hawaii? Surely fate had placed her there for a reason?

      She’d brought sunlight and warmth into his life. But if he let her go, she might leave. He couldn’t take that risk. Not now. She meant too much.

      Folding his arms, he scowled. “You lost fair and square.”

      “But this is what I want, more than anything—”

      “No, Breanna.” He set his jaw. “Something else.”

      Crushing disappointment filled her eyes. She looked down. “My birthday is in a few days. Let me fly back to the States and spend it with my sister. I’m worried about her….”

      “Josie is fine. My men left her in Seattle, as she requested. She has money. She is fine.”

      “So why haven’t I been able to reach her phone?” She swallowed. “I’ve always taken care of her….”

      “She’s a grown woman,” he said, irritated. “And you coddle her like a child.”

      Her eyes flashed. “Coddle!”

      “Yes, coddle. She will never grow up until you allow her to make her own choices, and live with the consequences!”

      Bree stiffened. “Like you did, you mean—cheating your brother out of the company?”

      He glared at her. “He chose to leave, rather than accept my leadership. It made him strong. Strong enough to be my rival!”

      “Your enemy, you mean!”

      Controlling himself, Vladimir exhaled. “Breanna, I don’t want to fight.”

      She licked her lips, then shook her head. “I don’t, either. But I have a reason to protect Josie. I told you, there are men who want to hurt us….”

      With a harsh word and a clap of his hands, Vladimir scattered the salesgirls, leaving him alone with Bree in the dressing room. Coming closer, he put his hands on her shoulders and said in a low voice, “Those men won’t be bothering you.”

      She blinked. “They won’t?”

      “My people tracked them down. One of the men was already dead, unfortunately.” Vladimir gave a grim smile. “But the other two will never bother you or Josie again.”

      Her eyes were huge. “What did you do?” she whispered. “Tell me you didn’t … break anything.”

      Vladimir narrowed his eyes. “I wanted to. But I respected your request. I paid them off. Also, my investigator gathered enough evidence to have them both thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. If they ever cross your path again, even accidentally, that information will go to the local police. And they will die in jail.” He looked at her blank face, suddenly uncertain. “Is that satisfactory?”

      “Satisfactory?” She took a deep breath, then with a sob, threw her arms around him. “Thank you,” she whispered. “We’re free!”

      He looked down at her, wiping the tears off her cheek gently with his thumb. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you or your sister, Breanna. Ever again.”

      Her lower lip wobbled. “Thank you.”

      Seeing her reaction, he wanted to do more. He heard himself say, “And I’ll have my men look around Seattle. See if they can track Josie down.”

      “Okay,” she sniffled.

      “Do you have any idea where she might be?”

      She shook her head. “We used to say that when we got back to the Mainland, if we had money, we’d start our own bed-and-breakfast, or a small hotel.” Her cheeks flushed. “But the truth is, that’s my dream, not hers. She wants to go to college.”

      “Don’t worry. I’ll find her.” Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he turned away. He was stopped by Bree’s small voice.

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