Claimed!. Vicki Thompson Lewis
wished now that she’d taken more time with her hair, her clothes, her makeup. She’d thrown on an old pair of jeans, her most comfortable boots and a T-shirt that said—unfortunately—Save A horse; Ride A cowboy.
“I remember that shirt,” Jack said.
She remembered doing exactly what the shirt recommended. But she wouldn’t be repeating that with Jack, no matter how much she might want to.
They needed to stay on track here. “You wanted to talk to me about something concerning the wedding?”
“Uh, yeah. Right. We … that is … listen, can I come in and discuss it?”
“Sure.” She stepped back to allow him to enter. She might as well test herself and see if she could handle being behind closed doors with him. It wasn’t as if they’d be really alone, anyway. Andy was nearby and Tracy would be here any time now.
All that rationalization disappeared the minute she closed the door and turned to face him. Every kiss, every touch, every minute of lovemaking came back to her. If she’d hoped the attraction was manageable, she’d been dead wrong. She ached for what used to be.
Maybe if she took refuge behind her desk, that would help. She retreated to her own chair and motioned to an armless wooden one on the opposite side of the desk. She used it when interviewing employees. “Have a seat.”
Typical Jack, he spun the chair around and straddled it, leaning his forearms on the back. He would have to sit like that. Dear God, why did his jeans have to fit so lovingly over his package?
He nudged his hat back with his thumb and gazed at her. “Looks like we’ll have to deal with each other during the festivities.”
“Guess so.” His voice stroked her nerve endings. She picked up a pen and started clicking the mechanism before realizing how idiotic that looked. She threw it down. “I’m sure we can do that.”
“I’m sure we can, too, but Gabe knew I went to your place last night, and I ended up having to tell him and Sarah what happened with your brother.”
“Oh.” Josie would have loved a video of that scene.
“So they’re convinced that you and I are a potential powder keg that could blow in the middle of the celebration.” Jack tapped his thumb idly against the back of the chair.
She knew how talented he was with that thumb. Yes, they might be a powder keg, but she feared the explosion would have to do with lust, not anger. Just sitting in this small office with Jack, her breathing had changed and her panties were damp. “They don’t give us much credit for self-control, do they?”
“They might have if I hadn’t thrown a punch at your brother. But after hearing about that, they’ve made a request, and I think we should honor it.”
“I promised Morgan I’d be in the wedding, Jack. I can’t go back on that promise.”
“Nobody’s asking you to. But Gabe and Sarah want some proof that we can get along like two civilized adults. So they figured if I was the one to teach you how to ride, then we’d work through our differences and be okay for the wedding.”
“Are you insane? I don’t want you to teach me how to ride. That’s a disaster in the making.” She’d never in a million years be able to keep her hands off him if they embarked on a project like that.
“No, it won’t be a disaster. We’ll make it work, and by the time the wedding rolls around, we won’t be as likely to get teed off at each other.”
He was a hottie, but he was an irritating hottie. “What’s all this we stuff? I didn’t throw a punch. Why don’t you just say that they’re worried about you and stop implying that it’s my problem, too?”
He sighed. “All right. They’re worried about me, but in order not to be worried, they’ve asked me to give you riding lessons.”
“I’ve heard that cold showers can lower your testosterone level.”
“Don’t be a smart-ass. This is serious.”
“No, it’s not. It’s silly. I’ll behave myself during the wedding, and if you can’t, then pop a Valium.”
His gaze grew hot. “Look, I told them I’d do this, damn it. Just go along with it, okay?”
“Why should I?”
“You need to learn how to ride, for one thing.”
“I’ll do what Morgan suggested and use one of the stables. I don’t want you teaching me to ride, Jack, and that’s final.” She could imagine it now. Him demonstrating a proper seat, her fixated on his buns, him astride the saddle, her wanting him astride her body.
“Why not?”
She’d take splinters under her fingernails before she’d tell him that. “Because you’re bossy.”
He nodded. “Fair enough. How about this? You’ll be free to tell me to go to hell whenever I get too bossy.”
“I’ve always felt free to tell you to go to hell.”
A ghost of a smile flickered. “True.”
That smile tugged at her heart. He used to smile all the time. They used to laugh and joke, even in bed.
Jack cleared his throat. “Tell you what. How about we try it for one lesson? If you really hate it, then we’ll quit.”
She could see he wanted her to agree, but she wasn’t sure exactly why. Apparently he’d told Gabe and Sarah that he’d do this, so it might be a matter of pride, but she sensed something else, an eagerness that had nothing to do with his family’s request.
“Why is this so important to you?”
“Well, I said I would, for one thing. But …” He paused and glanced down at his hands. “I’ve given you the impression I’m only interested in sex.”
“It’s more than an impression. You flat out said so in October.”
He raised his head and gave her a soul-melting gaze. “I’d like a chance to correct that.”
Oh, God. It was the one thing he could say that would make a difference. And when he looked at her like that, she couldn’t refuse him anything. He probably knew it, probably had used his powerful charisma on purpose to get what he wanted.
Her pulse raced, but she did her best to appear bored with the subject. “All right, Jack.”
Did he really intend to prove that he could be with her and not act on the sexual tension that had always existed between them, that existed even now, in this very room? And if he could be strong enough to resist temptation, could she?
Dismounting smoothly from the chair, he stood. “We should start with just an hour lesson.”
She stood, too, but she didn’t move from behind the desk. Too dangerous. “Just remember, it could be over in five minutes.”
“It won’t be.”
She’d always found his confidence sexy and now was no exception. “If you say so.”
“It’ll be fine. Can you be out at the ranch at nine in the morning? I know that’s early for you, but—”
“I’ll be there. We might as well find out right away if this is a good idea or a colossal mistake.”
He smiled, a full-out, genuine smile this time. “Thanks, Josie. I owe you one.”
“You owe me several, cowboy.”
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