The Taming of Delaney Fortune. Michelle Major

The Taming of Delaney Fortune - Michelle  Major

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about you?”

      “What about me?” Cisco paused before turning off the ignition.

      “I’m surprised you’ve lasted here so long,” Matteo said. “Aren’t you missing some important shindigs this time of year in South Beach? I can’t imagine how all the movers and shakers are surviving without you.”

      “I don’t actually miss it that much,” Cisco said, surprised the words were true. “The clubs and parties all run together after a while, you know?”

      “I know,” Matteo said, climbing out of the truck. “But I can’t believe you’re saying that. You don’t have any big deals in the works? It’s not like you, man.”

      “I have deals going,” Cisco said. “You’ve heard of cell phones and the internet, right?”

      “You’re even looking more Texas than Miami.” Matteo pointed to Cisco’s boots. “That looks like genuine dirt on your heels.”

      “I’ve been helping out a little on the Fortune Jones ranch,” Cisco answered evenly. He took a few more steps before realizing his brother had stopped. He turned to see Matteo practically doubled over, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

      Matteo straightened and wiped a sleeve across his cheeks. “You mean to tell me you’ve become a ranch hand?” He shook his head. “I don’t believe it. You’re a city slicker through and through, Cisco. What gives?”

      Cisco lifted his hands, frustrated at his brother’s reaction. “I’m not a stranger to real work. Dad always had plenty of jobs for us around the house. I wanted to get to know the Fortunes a little better. Gabi’s married into the family now and Dad works with them. I’ve got some time on my hands and this seemed like a good way to understand more about the Fortunes and the town itself. From what I understand, ranching is a big part of Horseback Hollow.”

      Matteo nodded. “It makes sense but I’m not sure I buy it.” He held up his hand when Cisco would have argued. “I’m not going to push you, bro. You do what you need to do. This is a great little community.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m happy to have a chance to spend some more time with you.” He clapped Cisco on the back. “We’ve been at odds for too long.”

      “It’s good to hang out with you, too, Matteo.” Cisco hadn’t realized how much the contentious relationship with his brother had hurt him until they’d begun to heal the rift between them. He paused at the entrance of the Fortune Foundation. “Are you sure it isn’t going to be weird for Rachel to have me here with you?”

      “We’re solid,” his brother assured him. “Even though she’s with the right brother, she still likes you.” Matteo rolled his eyes. “Cisco Mendoza and his legendary charm. It never fails.”

      For Cisco there was only one woman he was interested in charming these days. And when he stepped into the offices of the Horseback Hollow branch of the Fortune Foundation, he found himself looking right at her.

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