Propositioned By The Prince: The Prince's Pregnant Bride. Jennifer Lewis

Propositioned By The Prince: The Prince's Pregnant Bride - Jennifer Lewis

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like the New York City subway. If AJ wasn’t boldly leading the way, she’d have turned and run back to the palace long ago. They rounded a corner and a shaft of golden light broke through the chink between two doors. AJ pushed the doors open and led them out into blinding sun.

      As her eyes adjusted, Lani realized the roar of sound was the crashing of a waterfall. They now stood directly behind the flow of water as it cascaded down the hillside.

      Lani stared at the wall of water. Tiny droplets splashed her face and arms. “It’s beautiful.” She had to shout to make herself heard. “I’ve only ever seen it from above.”

      “Let’s go somewhere quieter,” murmured AJ in her ear. His hot breath on her skin made her shiver. Still holding her hand, he led her along a ledge of rock only a foot wide, then down a vine-covered hillside. The quiet rustle of the forest gradually replaced the rush of water over rock.

      “Now I can breathe.” AJ stretched and turned his face to the sun, which shone down through the trees. “I don’t like living in a fishbowl.”

      “I’d think you’d be used to it, living in L.A.”

      “There you expect it when you’re out and about, but they don’t follow me home. I’m not that interesting.” He grinned.

      “You’re apparently interesting enough to justify big travel budgets for all those journalists.”

      “It’s not every day a B-movie director becomes king.” He lifted his hand and stroked her cheek. The soft touch of his thumb made her shiver with pleasure. “And marries his brother’s wife.”

      She tensed at his words. “And they don’t even know about the baby. That would be quite a story.”

      “One more reason to keep it our secret. Everyone should be allowed some secrets.” His fingers trailed down her back and his face hovered close. The scent of his skin, masculine and seductive, filled her senses. His lips met hers slowly, a soft collision, then they melted together.

      Heat flooded through her as the kiss deepened. Her hands fisted in the soft cotton of AJ’s shirt. She probably shouldn’t be feeling desire, given the strange circumstances, but it pounded through her like a drum. Maybe all the years of pent-up longing, all the rejections and slights and hurts of her first marriage, had left her with a deep hunger.

      She pressed herself against AJ, feeling her body mold to his hard chest. He groaned and his hands roamed down to cup her backside. He grew hard against her as arousal leaped between them like electric current.

      “I am very attracted to you,” she whispered when their lips pulled apart.

      AJ laughed. “I can tell.” He pressed another kiss to her moist lips. “And I like it when you’re really hot for me, not just trying to push me into bed to carry out a complicated plan.”

      Lani blushed. “I’m so sorry.”

      “Don’t be. This is making up for it.” Her nipple thickened under his palm. “Come a bit farther into the jungle. If things haven’t changed too much, there’s a peaceful spot I remember.”

      He led her through a semi-tangle of vines and spiky palms until they reached a huge fig tree. Its enormous violin-shaped leaves shaded out the hot sun; underneath them grew a lush carpet of soft moss dotted with tiny white flowers. AJ gestured for her to sit down.

      She lowered herself onto the cushioned surface and AJ joined her. “What a perfect place.” Gnarled branches curved over them like protective arms.

      “I used to sneak off and come here. I’d sit up in the tree, tucked away behind the leaves. No one ever found my hiding place.” He nibbled her earlobe softly. Lani almost jumped at the sensation of his hot breath on her ear. “But I think I’ve found a hot spot on you.”

      She giggled. Then gasped when he did it again. Little flashes of sensation darted through her body. “How did you do that?”

      “You mean this?” He trailed the tip of his tongue along her neck, just below her ear. She shuddered at the sudden surge of heat deep in her belly.

      “That, too,” she breathed. “What’s going on?”

      A grin spread across AJ’s sensual mouth. “It’s called arousal.” His brow furrowed. “This is new to you?”

      “Completely.” She’d never known anything like the pulsing heat that pounded in unexpected parts of her. He must be surprised that a married woman would be so… ignorant. “It wasn’t like that before. It was very… official.” She swallowed. What an odd way to describe her own sex life. Still, better than the truth—that it was virtually nonexistent and that “perfunctory” might be a better description. Vanu had never spent a single second touching her body just for pleasure.

      Her train of thought went off the rails as AJ’s hot mouth tracked down her neck. She writhed against him, enjoying the strange feelings that trickled right to her toes. He’d unbuttoned the back of her dress and now slid his hands inside it. When his fingertips touched her belly, her muscles contracted, making her buck against him.

      “You’re very sensitive.” His deep chuckle rumbled against her skin. “Very responsive.” Still behind her, he pushed her dress over her shoulders and it fell to her hips. He plucked at the thick embroidered sash that wrapped around her waist as part of the ceremonial dress for the press shoot—and served to hide her pregnancy. The silken folds pulled away and her dress fell about her thighs.

      “How thoughtful of you to bring a blanket,” murmured AJ. He spread the pretty blue and yellow cloth on the soft moss in front of them. “Our national dress does have its benefits. And here I was thinking it outdated and silly.”

      Lani laughed. “I guess the ancestors knew more than we realize.” She lay on the silky fabric, stretching herself out in the dappled shade of the tree. Oddly, she didn’t feel at all self-conscious, or even particularly naked. There was something accepting and easy about AJ that made her feel comfortable with him.

      If she could be considered “comfortable” with so many different sensations and emotions pulsing and leaping through her body.

      AJ’s fingertips trailed along the inside of her thigh, stirring little rivulets of excitement beneath her skin. She let out a ragged sigh, which AJ met with a mischievous grin.

      Suddenly she wanted to feel his body with her fingers. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid her hand inside. His skin was hot, the muscle hard and unyielding. She dragged her fingernails gently over his chest, down toward his waist. AJ flinched, his eyes half-closed, as she drew near the button on his pants. A smile crept across her mouth as she saw the evidence of his arousal pressing against his zipper. She let her fingers wander lower until her knuckles brushed his erection.

      Judging from his languorous smile, AJ enjoyed her attentions. Encouraged by his sultry stare, she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. They stripped off his clothes and underwear together, until they both lay naked on the embroidered blanket of Lani’s colorful sash.

      Shimmering droplets of sunlight snuck through the canopy to paint warm patterns on their skin. The peculiar fragrance of the jungle—thick, rich and almost honeyed—mingled with AJ’s raw, masculine scent to create an intoxicating cocktail of arousal.

      His thickly muscled body was a feast for the eyes. Lani eased herself closer to him until their chests bumped gently, then she let her fingers caress the rough skin of his thighs and the flat expanse of his belly. A mix of excitement, exhilaration and embarrassment stung her fingertips every time she drew near his erection. When at last she plucked up the courage to touch him, and to enjoy the feel of all that rigid passion in her hand, she almost cried out with relief.

      Her fingertips vibrated with excitement as she let them explore the long, hard shape, and she drew in a long breath. She’d never actually touched that body part before. Vanu would never have given her the chance to play with him.

      AJ leaned in and whispered, “I’m not even inside you yet and you’re already breathless.”

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