Snowed in with the Doctor. Dara Girard

Snowed in with the Doctor - Dara  Girard

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five shopping bags she was carrying, feeling like a beast of burden. “If it works out, you’ll know.”

      Belinda tapped her chin, looking intrigued. She was only carrying two bags because she said she needed to keep her hands free to hold the map and organize their shopping expedition. “You never talk about the people at your workplace except that guy you hate, Dr. Sliver.”

      “Silver,” Lora corrected.

      “Whatever. So what makes this guy so special?”

      “When you meet him you’ll know.”

      “Let’s double date.”


      “But I’m curious. This is your first date in—” She stopped. “Wait...have you ever had a first date?”

      “Of course.”

      “No, I mean a date you got on your own. Not one set up by me or Mom or Uncle Rudy.”

      Lora curled her lip. “Never mention that again.”

      “His heart was in the right place.”

      “Maybe, but I don’t know where he’d put his brain.” Her uncle Rudy, her mother’s brother, had set her up on a date with a dock worker forty years her senior, whose main topic of conversation was his low libido and fear of dying alone.

      “That was a mistake I’ll never repeat.”

      “So this isn’t a blind date?”

      “No.” Lora gestured to one of the window displays. “Doesn’t that dress look like something perfect for someone on your list?”

      Belinda ignored her. “Did he ask you out, or did you ask him?”

      “It was sort of mutual.” At least that’s how she hoped it would be one day.

      “I want to hear all about this mystery man after your date.”

      “You will.”

      “And he had better be real.”

      Oh, he was real all right. He just hadn’t noticed her yet. When she’d first laid eyes on Dr. Warren T. Rappaport, she’d had to stop herself from staring. She soon discovered that not only was he good looking, with rich caramel skin and chestnut eyes, but he also laughed easily, had a warm smile and always had a kind word. But the best part was the fact that he was single.

      Suddenly, Lora spotted him only a few feet away, as if just by thinking of him she’d conjured him up. She had to act fast or he’d be gone. She waved. She didn’t expect him to see her at first, but he waved back and then started toward them. If her arms hadn’t been loaded down with bags she would have clutched her chest. Remember to breathe. Remember to breathe.

      “Hi Lora,” he said.

      “Hi. This is my sister, Belinda.”

      “A pleasure to meet you. I see good looks run in the family.”

      “And you are?” Belinda went into her “do you see me” mode. She wasn’t used to being ignored, and Rappaport was surprisingly focused on Lora.

      “Sorry,” Lora said, ashamed that she hadn’t introduced him. “This is Dr. Warren Rappaport.”

      “There’s quite a crowd here today,” Warren said. “I was just going to escape the madness by getting something to drink. Care to join me?”

      Belinda shook her head. “I wish we could, but we have loads more shopping to do.”

      “Can’t we finish it another day?” Lora said under her breath.


      “I’ll call you.”

      “But I’m your ride.”

      “I’ll find my way home,” Lora said, sending Warren a quick glance. She knew he could hear them.

      Belinda made a face. “You said you’d help me.”

      Lora clenched her teeth. “I’ll make it up to you.”

      “Is he the one you have a—”

      “I’ll tell you later.”

      Belinda shot Warren a suspicious glance, then grabbed some of Lora’s bags. “All right. Be careful and call me when you get home.” She kissed her sister on the cheek. “Nice to meet you, Warren,” she said as she walked off.

      Warren looped Lora’s arm through his. “I thought she’d never leave. Is she always that overprotective?”

      “She likes to look out for me.” Lora said, pleased by his charm.

      They took the escalator to the third floor and went to the food court, where they were fortunate enough to find a table currently being vacated by a group of teenagers. He asked her what she wanted, then left to get the beverages.

      “It’s been a crazy day shopping,” he said, returning with a plate of chips with nacho cheese and two drinks.

      “I do most of my shopping online, but Belinda dragged me here.”

      He grinned. “I’m glad she did.”

      Lora sipped her drink, feeling her face grow warm. “It must not be like home,” she said, trying to recover. Warren had transferred from a small town in Georgia, and it seemed like he hadn’t gotten used to the big city yet.

      “No. I had to fight with somebody for Digital Dilly.”

      She adjusted her glasses. “Digital what?”

      “It’s this new robotic horse that’s all the craze with little girls. You can feed it and take care of it and play games with it on your computer. I wanted to get it for my young cousin who’s sick, but this guy beat me to it. Although I offered him double the price and told him why I wanted it, he refused. He said he wanted it for his beloved niece and nothing could change his mind.”

      “Some people are so selfish.”

      Warren dipped a chip into the cheese and sighed. “I didn’t expect it from him. But I guess I should have.”


      “Because...” He stopped, ate his chip, then reached for his drink. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

      “Why?” Lora asked, now even more intrigued. “What won’t you tell me?”

      “Because you know him. We both do.”

      “Really? Who is it?”


      “What? He’s here? In the mall? I never thought of him participating in normal activities like shopping in a mall.”

      “Yep, he can be ordinary sometimes, but he’s a hard bastard to bargain with.”

      “I know,” Lora said. Although this was worse than even she had imagined. Why couldn’t he give up a toy for a sick little girl?

      “Uh, oh.”


      “I really shouldn’t have said anything,” Warren said, lowering his head and lifting his hand to hide his face.


      “Guess who’s coming our way.”

      Chapter 2

      “Hello, Rice. Didn’t expect to see you here.”

      There was nothing warm about his greeting. It was just a series of stated facts, but somehow it was unnerving. He always unnerved her, and she didn’t know why. He looked more relaxed and less threatening out of his white lab coat, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a black leather jacket. Damn, he was a good-looking man. Lora had always suspected it, but now

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