A Seaside Christmas. Sherryl Woods
and another one with Daddy. They’re not far away. They’re living in Annapolis.”
Jenny started to argue, then waved off what she’d been about to say. “Never mind. It’s not my place.”
Dillon sat down beside her, then nudged her with an elbow. “That never stopped you before. Say what’s on your mind.”
“Just that I remember what it was like when my dad left. I’m not sure I ever got over it.”
He frowned at that. “That was completely different. He moved to another state. You never saw him. You barely even heard from him. And then you found out he’d never wanted kids in the first place.”
“That was a kick in the pants, all right,” Jenny acknowledged. “From then on I figured it was all my fault that he’d left, that if my mom had never gotten pregnant with me, they’d have stayed married.”
“You knew better, though,” Dillon reminded her. “Your mom wouldn’t have traded having you for anything, not even keeping your dad around. I heard her say so myself.”
“Sure, that’s what she always said. Still, it’s hard not to wonder. She must have been in love with him at the beginning.”
“I’m sure she was, but didn’t she tell you that they’d fought over having children, that he knew how important it was to her but refused to even consider it? Despite how he felt, she never even gave a moment’s thought to having you when she found out she’d gotten pregnant. There were choices she could have made.” He met her gaze. “Personally I think it’s one of those things people take for granted when they’re dating, assuming they’re on the same page about everything. When they discover otherwise, it changes how they feel.”
“I suppose,” Jenny conceded.
“Well, in my case, I’m right here. Lori will never have to wonder the way you have. She’ll always know how much I wanted her and love her.”
“Maybe it is different,” Jenny agreed. “Maybe I just feel a little guilty.”
“What on earth do you have to feel guilty about?”
“I don’t like thinking I might have had even a tiny part in your breakup with Lori’s mom.”
Dillon shook his head. “Deanna and I shouldn’t have been together in the first place. I knew better, but from the minute you and I split up, I was a little bit lost. I know we agreed it was for the best, that we were way too young to be serious, that it was crazy to try to maintain a relationship when we were at different schools, that we should be open to new people.” He gave her a rueful look. “Turned out I wasn’t all that eager for new experiences.”
Jenny regarded him with regret. “I’m sorry.”
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