Flames of Passion. Kayla Perrin

Flames of Passion - Kayla  Perrin

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closed the calendar. Then she whirled around to face her friend. “Sabrina. I didn’t hear you.”

      “That’s a sexy picture of Tyler,” Sabrina said, coming to stand around the front of the reception counter, where she placed her Canon 5D camera. “I thought you weren’t interested.”

      “I—I’m not,” Nya stuttered. “I—I was just looking at the calendar again. Checking out your amazing work.”

      “And you took a picture of Tyler’s photo because...?”

      “Because...because I told a friend in Texas about him, said he’s exactly her type. And she wanted to see a picture.”

      Sabrina gave her a doubtful look, but didn’t press the issue. “Can you please call Dan Silver? Tell him we’re going to have to rebook his appointment because I have another appointment in fifteen minutes?”

      “Of course.”

      Sabrina took a moment to stretch her body, leaning backward, then letting her body fall forward. Nya stood and picked up Sabrina’s camera. By the time Sabrina was rising and pushing her hair out of her face, Nya snapped a photo of her.

      Sabrina threw her a curious gaze. “Hey.”

      “You’re always taking everyone else’s picture,” Nya said. “It’s about time someone took yours.”

      As Sabrina approached her, Nya checked out the photo on the screen. She’d caught Sabrina in a completely candid moment, and she looked beautiful. Sabrina’s hands were in her hair, her eyes gazing ahead. The photo was gorgeous in its simplicity.

      “Let me see that,” Sabrina said, extending her hand.

      “Don’t delete the picture,” Nya pleaded. “I think you look beautiful.”

      Sabrina’s lips were twisted in doubt as she took the camera. But her eyes quickly filled with wonder, and she actually smiled. “That’s a great picture.”

      Nya smiled proudly. “I told you.”

      Just as the door chimes sang and a harried-looking man came rushing in, the telephone rang. Nya answered it, and Sabrina tended to the customer.

      Once Nya was off the phone, she emailed the photo of Tyler to herself, then accessed it on the computer. Knowing that Sabrina would be busy with the customer for a while, Nya quickly punched in a web address Sabrina knew nothing about.

      Within seconds, the pale blue-and-pink swirls on the background of the page loaded, along with the page’s logo.

      No More Casual Hookups!

      Support From Friends Who Care.

      Nya had found this site accidentally while on a lark searching the web for support groups for people who were swearing off sex. One night, after a few glasses of wine, she had decided to see whether there were other people out there like her.

      Lo and behold, there were. She’d found this support group for people who were renewing vows of celibacy in an effort to find love.

      Some were born-again virgins, which of course Nya didn’t completely understand. You were either a virgin or you weren’t. But she did get the sentiment. Psychologically, they were refreshing their spirits and their sexual beings, saving themselves for marriage.

      Nya wasn’t saving herself for marriage. Her self-imposed celibacy was about reconnecting with herself, finding joy in her own skin, and escaping from the feeling that she needed to be with a man in order to be happy.

      Nya hadn’t told Sabrina about this site, because she felt silly about it. There were live chat forums, and there were private messaging options. She’d read some of the forum discussions and had found other people who’d gone through similar experiences. Women and men who had jumped into relationships with hope, only to be hurt. People who wanted to forgo relationships and concentrate on being happy with themselves.

      Nya had joined more out of curiosity, because she was surprised that such a group even existed. But she found herself signing on at least once a week to discuss how the week had gone and whether she had been able to withstand the temptation.

      Nya had created a username then had started interacting with the group. Even though she’d done so more out of curiosity, she found that they understood her and truly were a source of support for her.

      THEONLYWAY, the site’s administrator, was logged in. Nya had never come on and not found her logged in. While the members didn’t give any identifying information about themselves, Nya figured that THEONLYWAY was unemployed, independently wealthy or far too invested in this site to allow herself a personal life.

      Within a few seconds of logging in, there were hello messages coming at her from various members who were online. FOOLMEONCE was a male. NOMOREHEARTBREAK, ANDBRAINSTOO and RESPECTME_1 were females.

      RESPECTME_1: Hey, MAKING_ACHANGE! How r u?

      MAKING_ACHANGE: Feeling stressed. Just need some support from you guys as I’m dealing with an awkward situation.

      THEONLYWAY: What’s going on?

      Nya glanced over her shoulder, fearful that Sabrina might appear. But she knew that Sabrina was busy with her appointment, which would give her the time she needed to get support from her online friends.

      Nya loaded the picture of Tyler, then cropped it to obscure his face.

      MAKING_ACHANGE: Recently met this guy. Exactly my type. I think he’s interested, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist him.

      THEONLYWAY: You want to end up devastated again? That’s what will happen if you get involved with this guy. I promise you that.

      Nya frowned. THEONLYWAY was hardcore when it came to remaining celibate. For her, the only way to happiness was to abstain from sex until marriage.

      RESPECTME_1: No doubt as to why you’re tempted! The sexy firefighter? But don’t let a hot bod keep you off track! You’ve been celibate for five months, which is awesome. Did you sign up for a course in photography yet?

      Nya had shared with the group that she was interested in photography, and they’d enthusiastically told her to pursue courses in part to distract herself from dating, but also as a way to find herself and concentrate on her passion.

      MAKING_ACHANGE: Not yet. But I plan to. Soon.

      NOMOREHEARTBREAK: Be careful! The hot ones always break your heart.

      ANDBRAINSTOO: Yeah, I remember guys like that. Hot and bothered and wanting to get in your pants. Hot guys like that are used to women throwing themselves at them. They’re not used to hearing no. I’d stay away!

      FOOLMEONCE: Not all attractive guys are heartbreakers. But I agree, don’t let yourself get sidetracked.


      RESPECTME_1: Things with Bill are going well. Four months and he hasn’t pressured me for sex. Says he’s willing to wait.

      As the forum members began to write congratulatory responses and supportive messages for RESPECTME_1, who was a born-again virgin saving herself for marriage, Nya shot a glance over her shoulder again. She didn’t want Sabrina to catch her in this chat group.

      MAKING_ACHANGE: Great to hear, Respect! He sounds like a keeper.

      RESPECTME_1: Who knew I’d give up sex and actually find love?

      MAKING_ACHANGE: Hate to do this, but I gotta go. At work. TTYL.

      As Nya signed out of the chat room, she again felt a little silly that she was even taking love advice from a group of strangers online. She had signed up on

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