You and I. Jacquelin Thomas

You and I - Jacquelin  Thomas

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“It was the same for me. At one point I thought this day would never end.”

      Steven laughed. “I know what you mean. I kept thinking that there had to be something wrong with my watch.”

      Cherise gestured toward the love seat and said, “Give me a few minutes to set everything up and then we can eat. I was late leaving the office.”

      “Take your time, sweetheart. We have all evening.”

      Ten minutes later, Cherise led Steven into the dining room.

      He eyed the beautifully decorated table. Vibrant flames flickered from the gold-colored candles, casting a soft glow on the succulent display of chicken, scalloped potatoes, homemade muffins and steaming asparagus. “Everything looks delicious.”

      “Thank you.” Cherise sat down in the chair Steven pulled out for her. He eased into a chair facing her.

      After giving thanks, they dug into their food. Cherise smiled when Steven closed his eyes as he chewed. She was pleased to see that he enjoyed the meal. Conversation was kept to a minimum while they ate.

      After dinner, Steven helped her with the cleanup, which was definitely a first for her. None of the men she’d dated in the past ever came into the kitchen unless it was to get something to eat or drink.

      Later, curled up on the sofa together, Steven acknowledged, “The roast chicken was good. You are a wonderful cook, Cherise.”

      She couldn’t get enough of looking at him. His brown eyes were lit from within with a golden glow. Cherise found her voice. “I’m glad you enjoyed dinner. The truth is, I was hoping to impress you with my culinary skills.”

      His eyes clung to hers. “Well, you did. I’m definitely impressed.”

      “Okay. I need to know if you are for real.”

      Steven threw back his head and laughed.

      “I’m serious, Steven,” Cherise said. “I have to be honest with you. You seem almost too good to be true. I guess it didn’t matter much when we were on the cruise ship. I thought you’d somehow be different now that we’re back home.”

      “Sweetheart, I’m for real,” he responded. “To tell the truth, I was feeling the same way about you, Cherise. I mean, I’ve never met a woman that I considered perfect for me—not like you are.”

      “No one has ever treated me the way you do. It’s kind of foreign. Do you know what I mean?”

      “I do,” he responded. “Cherise, I’m not going to change, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

      Moving closer, she laid her head on his chest.

      Together, they watched television.

      Three hours later, Steven gently sat Cherise up and rose to his feet. “I guess I’d better get going. We both have to work tomorrow.”

      Cherise stood up too. She still ached for his touch so much, and her feelings for him were intensifying, wrapping around her like a warm blanket. Her emotions melted her resolve. “I don’t want you to leave, Steven. I want you to spend the night with me.”

      “Are you sure about this?” he wanted to know. His steady gaze bored into her in silent expectation.

      In response, she led him by the hand to her bedroom. Standing in the middle of the floor, they undressed each other in silence.

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