Romancing the Runway. Linda Hudson-Smith
she cast her smoky hazel eyes upon Xavier.
Possessing an amazing athletic build, all the gorgeous hunk of a man could do was smile brilliantly, showing off a beautiful set of even, pearly white teeth. The butterflies surfing in his stomach belied his confident expression. He was more nervous than he’d ever been over any woman. Since he’d finally gotten up the nerve to re-ask Kennedy out, tonight was the night. After the show closed, they planned to have dinner.
Very much familiar with the runway himself, Xavier De Marco, nationally and internationally renowned, was tall, at 6’ 3”, golden-brown-complexioned and utterly ravishing. His deeply set, bluish-gray eyes, sultry lips and wavy, sandy-brown hair were considered his best assets by many. However, Xavier begged to differ. He thought his unimpeachable character and free-flying spirit were his greatest attributes.
Although Xavier was eager to slip backstage to wait for Kennedy to gather her belongings, he considered it rude to leave before the show was over. He also saw leaving any event early as disrespectful to the other performers. He was a performer, so he knew.
Xavier sat quietly, contemplating the part of the evening he’d later spend with Kennedy. He halfheartedly paid attention to the flurry of activity on the runway, until a thunderous round of applause suddenly broke out. He then sat up straight, giving his full attention to the striking, attention-grabbing model who’d just strolled onto the runway.
As the white-hot Tiaja Rae Montgomery confidently strutted her fine body down the runway, Xavier got a strong urge to find an exit. He’d had more than a few sizzling run-ins with the zesty, 5’ 9” Tiaja Rae—and he wasn’t looking forward to another.
Not so fondly referred to by many as T.R., aka Troublesome Rae, she was gorgeous—with a flirtatious lust jones for Xavier. Mocha complexioned, beautiful and sexy, she had a heart-stopping figure, a dream come true for most men. But Tiaja Rae wasn’t remotely the kind of woman Xavier was interested in, not in an intimate way.
Kennedy Bassett was Xavier’s ideal woman for romancing the runway.
Although Xavier’s eyes gave Tiaja Rae their undivided attention, his mind stayed on Kennedy. This fabulous-looking woman occupied his thoughts quite often, ever since their first meeting. Getting her out of his head seemed impossible.
The very moment the fashion show was over Xavier quietly slipped backstage, where he patiently waited for Kennedy to emerge from the dressing room. As his cell phone vibrated against his waist, he quickly responded, greeting his agent, Kirsten Banks, with an enthusiastic hello. Despite the fact she couldn’t see him his broad smile was warm and knock-dead charming.
“I need to meet with you right away,” Kirsten said, sounding a tad anxious.
“This evening is booked.” Xavier hadn’t even taken the time to ponder a response. As far as he was concerned, all his time belonged exclusively to Kennedy. “I can meet you in the morning, early, at your office.”
The firm way in which Xavier turned down Kirsten let her know there wasn’t any room to negotiate. With that in mind, she settled on his suggested time for the meeting. After wishing Xavier a pleasant evening, Kirsten rang off.
Warm hands massaging Xavier’s neck and chest from behind both surprised and startled him. However, the soft fingertips felt good on his flesh, but he was more concerned about who the owner was. If the fingers belonged to Kennedy, though he seriously doubted it, the sexy purring near his ear might’ve been a real turn-on. It would’ve also made it difficult for him to keep his manhood from rising to an indecent swelling.
Xavier slowly opened his eyes, cringing inwardly at the sight of the lovely Tiaja Rae, who was right up in his personal space.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Tiaja Rae trilled off a robust, throaty laugh. “Spooked you, huh, X?”
Looking strangely at Tiaja Rae, wondering why she always had to be so aggressive, Xavier rapidly moved away from her teasing hands. “Girl, don’t you ever stop?”
“If you’re honest with yourself, X, you’d go ahead and admit it.”
Xavier looked puzzled. “Admit what?”
“My hot little hands feel wonderful to you. You do know how to tell the truth, don’t you?” Tiaja Rae threw her head back and laughed wickedly, loving his reaction.
As if the moment wasn’t awkward and embarrassing enough for Xavier, Kennedy had come out of the dressing room just in time to witness Tiaja Rae’s hands all over him. Instead of advancing on her date, Kennedy stood back to see how Xavier would handle her archrival and public enemy number one.
Everyone in the world of high fashion seemed to know about the troubled history with the two models so Kennedy figured he was also aware. She’s so transparent, Kennedy thought.
Wiggling her fingers in a farewell gesture, Tiaja Rae turned and saw Kennedy watching, then flashed her a dazzling, triumphant smile. She loved to rub Kennedy the wrong way…constantly, at every opportunity. This moment was no exception.
Kennedy sucked in a gust of calming breath. In the next instant she walked over and boldly slipped her arm through Xavier’s. There was no way she’d let Tiaja Rae get to her ever again. The silly girl had already tested most of Kennedy’s nerves, anyway. “How are you?”
“Fine.” Now that you’re here. Xavier looked relieved. He knew of the rivalry between the two supermodels, which had begun long before he’d ever come to know either of them. According to the rumor mill, theirs was a longtime contention.
Xavier quickly decided not to explain to Kennedy what else Tiaja Rae had been up to, not unless she opened up dialogue on it. Kennedy knew her issues with her nemesis far better than he did, but he hoped she’d one day tell him some of the details. Tonight just wasn’t the time to explore anything as negative as a sinister runway rivalry.
As Xavier lightly kissed Kennedy on the cheek, he briefly covered her hand with his. “You were absolutely fantastic on the runway! Then again, what else is new?”
Kennedy’s broad smile dazzled. “I felt pretty darn good out there tonight. We always know when it’s going good or bad for us. Everything went really well.”
“You didn’t miss a beat, lady. You immediately worked the crowd into one hell of a frenzy. That red leather outfit made a bold statement. Ready to get out of here?”
Kennedy nodded. “You bet. I’m hungry.” Earlier in the day she had been extremely nervous about their first date. She was kind of surprised that she felt this relaxed with him so early on in the evening. “What about you, are you hungry?”
Xavier grinned. “Ravenous. I figured you’d probably be starving, too. I made reservations at a quaint little supper club/piano bar. In no time at all, they’ll have you digging in to something real tasty. One of L.A.’s finest.”
Kennedy was thrilled she wouldn’t have to wait forever at a restaurant to possibly be served only a halfway decent meal. Even the finest eateries could be disappointing at times, especially when overcrowded. Xavier seemed to have excellent taste overall so she was sure he’d already checked out the place. Kennedy was sure that having a dish like Xavier seated across from her would be a mouthwatering distraction. If he was anywhere near as interesting as he was good-looking, he’d more than likely command her undivided attention.
Kennedy immediately saw that Café Blue was appropriately named. The entire decor was done in various shades of blue. She later learned Blue was the last name of the owner, who was a retired Oakland Raiders football player. Xavier’s father, La Monte De Marco, and the owner, Reynard Blue, had been good friends from back in the day. They’d never lost touch, though La Monte resided on the East Coast.
Once Xavier had introduced Reynard and Kennedy, Reynard ushered the couple to the table he had handpicked. The seating arrangement looked out over the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica. The couple was then given cleverly designed menus: thin navy-blue leather-bound books with light blue parchment paper printed with a darker blue ink.