Touch Me Now. Donna Hill

Touch Me Now - Donna  Hill

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the hospital more than a year ago.

      Gingerly he got down off of the table, expecting the usual pain to shoot up his leg into his hip. But nothing happened. All he felt was a soothing warmth deep in his muscles. He took a step and still no real pain. He reached for the robe that hung on the hook and shrugged into it. He took a quick mental inventory of his body. A hint of a smile moved his mouth. It didn’t hurt. He didn’t hurt. His throat clenched and his eyes burned. He didn’t care if the relief only lasted for a minute. But for right now…

      Layla was sitting in front of the computer screen when Maurice came up front.

      She stopped what she was doing. “So…how was it? Can I add you to my list of satisfied customers?”

      He crossed the space and sat down on a stool in front of the desk. “Oh, most definitely.” He grinned.

      Layla tried to stay focused on whatever it was she should say next rather than memorize the way his lips moved when he talked and wonder if they were as soft and sweet as they appeared.

      “Looks like I owe you a drink and dinner.”

      She laughed over her nerves and waved her hand. “Oh, that’s not necessary.”

      “A deal is a deal.”

      Layla didn’t breathe for a second. “Drinks and dinner?”

      “Mojito, right?” His eyes glowed.

      “Um, yes.”

      “How about eight?”

      She swallowed the last lump of hesitation. “Eight is fine. I can meet you…by the bar.”

      Maurice bobbed his head. “See you later.” He started to turn then stopped. “Thank you.”

      “You’re more than welcome.”

      Layla sat transfixed until the sound of the chimes over the door signaled Maurice’s departure. She shook some sense back into her head. She tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. Dinner with Maurice Lawson! She had a little more than an hour to get ready and it would never happen with her sitting there with a goofy grin on her face.

      And maybe over dinner and after a drink or two he would tell her a little bit about his very famous family and why that woman’s mentioning them seemed to get under his skin.

      Chapter 7

      “Hey, Layla!”

      Layla glanced over her shoulder to see Desiree hurrying in her direction. “Hey. Whatsup?” she asked barely slowing down.

      “I wanted to know how your day went and if you wanted to join me and Lincoln for dinner.”

      “Oh,” she stopped short, turned to look at Desiree with a grin on her face. “I’m having dinner with Maurice Lawson.”

      Desiree’s brows shot up in perfect symmetry. “Mr. tall, dark and broodingly handsome?”


      “Get outta here. You must have put some of that massage mojo on the brother. I haven’t seen him with a soul since he’s been here. To be truthful other than spotting him alone on the beach or maybe grabbing a drink…” Her voice trailed off.

      “Did you know that he was a Lawson cousin?”

      Desiree frowned. “No, I didn’t, but I see that you do,” she added with a wry grin. “How did you find out?”

      They reached the end to the path before it split up toward the cottages.

      “One of your guests, Kim Fleming, came into the salon while he was there. She recognized the family resemblance. Of course she mentioned Rafe.”

      Desiree laughed. “Who doesn’t mention Rafe if they know him?”

      “Touché. Anyway, it seemed to upset him for some reason.”

      “Hmmm, I could probably ask Melanie. She would know. She’s close with the Lawsons. Funny, I never put the family thing together. Like I said, I haven’t really seen him that much and one of the staff checked him in. But even from a distance I can tell that the man is fine—with a capital F.”

      Layla laughed. “You are so right.” She checked her watch. “I gotta run. We’re meeting up at eight.”

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