Temptation and Lies. Donna Hill

Temptation and Lies - Donna  Hill

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would be devastating enough—but about her and Michael.

      Savannah’s censure she could live with. Danielle’s sharp tongue she could handle. But the hurt and lack of respect that she knew would be in Steven’s eyes would kill her inside. She would do whatever it took to keep that information from him. She’d get through it.

      But the true test would come when she saw Michael again for the first time. She knew it would be soon.

      Much too soon.

      Chapter 3

      It had been three days since Mia received her assignment and she had yet to do anything about it. She felt frozen, torn between what she had agreed to do—the oath she’d sworn—and the possible repercussions if she did what was necessary.


      She glanced up from the files on her desk and was surprised to see Ashley standing in front of her.

      “I…didn’t hear you come in,” she muttered.

      “I know. I knocked three times, but you didn’t answer. I’ve been standing here for a good thirty seconds and you didn’t budge. Is everything okay? You’ve been totally distracted for the past few days. That’s so not like you.”

      Mia sighed heavily and leaned back in her chair. She’d been debating about sharing some of her dilemma with Ashley—an abridged version—in hopes of getting an objective view. But because of the sensitivity of the issue, she’d balked at airing her dirty laundry. But holding it in was driving her crazy.

      She was a person of action, one who dealt with issues head-on. This inertia was maddening.

      “You want to talk?” Ashley gently nudged. “I’m a pretty good listener,” she added with an encouraging smile.

      Mia pressed her lips together in thought. Finally, she spoke. “Have you ever been in a situation when an old flame came back into your life?”

      “Sure. Why?” She sat down on the chair beside Mia’s desk.

      “What did you do?”

      “Well, we had dinner, talked about old times, the way things were. I spent the night at his place and we woke up the next morning and realized that it was truly over—you can’t go back. At least Dave and I couldn’t.”

      “Hmm.” Mia’s gaze drifted away. Spending the night with Michael was not an option. She couldn’t do that to Steven in a million years.

      “Is that what’s going on?” Ashley tentatively asked.

      Mia turned her gaze on Ashley. “Something like that. I’ll put it this way, seeing him again is inevitable.”

      “And you don’t know how to handle it.”

      “It’s been a long time,” Mia admitted. “But a lot was left unresolved.”

      “Well, I’d never be one to tell somebody what to do, but the one thing I do know, unless you resolve whatever it is that’s eating at you, it will always jump up and get in your way.” She smiled softly. “You’ll work it out.”

      Ashley hopped up from her seat. “My bill is in the mail,” she teased, drawing a chuckle from Mia. “The meeting with Verve Boutique is still on for noon.”

      “Right. The ones from Tribeca.”

      “Yep. They should be here soon.”

      Mia nodded. “Buzz me when you’re ready.”

      “Sure.” She headed for the door then stopped. “Mia…”


      “As I said, I don’t give advice often, but if I can offer this one piece—just think with your head and not with your heart.” She tossed up her hands. “That’s it.” She grinned and sauntered out.

      Ashley was right, Mia thought. She was thinking and projecting based on pure emotion and old memories.

      Michael was more than over her by now. She was sure he’d moved on and was probably involved with someone else.

      She was getting bent out of shape about nothing. What she needed to concentrate on was finding a way to get the information she needed.

      That thought was like a knife to the chest. The idea that Michael could be behind an escort service still stunned her. It seemed impossible. But the reality was that people change. And if that adage was true, then Michael Burke was definitely not the man she remembered.

      Think with your head.

      That’s exactly what she was going to start doing. She swiveled her chair toward the flat-screen computer monitor that sat on the right-hand side of her desk. She did a quick search of Avante Enterprises. Within moments a list of choices came up on the screen. She chose the link that opened the company Web site.

      Michael’s handsome face greeted her and her breath caught in her throat as a flood of memories rushed to the surface. Think with your head. She pushed the images back and started taking notes.

      Before she knew it, she’d filled three pages and Ashley was buzzing her about their noon appointment. She shoved the notes in her desk. At least she’d done something concrete, she thought, mildly satisfied with herself.

      She closed the file, got up from her desk and went to join the ladies in the conference space.

      Felicia and Linda Hall were sisters and the proud owners of Verve. They’d been in business for about a year, but had never had the grand opening that they really wanted. Now, with some experience under their belts and a solid customer base, they thought it was time.

      Felicia was the talker of the two, and wasted no time laying out what they wanted: a full weekend with music, entertainment, food and plenty of media coverage, she’d said.

      “What kind of budget do you have to work with?” Mia asked.

      “Five thousand dollars. Six max,” Felicia answered. “But we’re really hoping you can do it for four.” She flashed a hopeful smile that revealed a tiny gap in her front teeth.

      On cue, Ashley and Mia stole a glance at each other. Five would barely cover their expenses, not to mention putting on the event.

      Ashley’s look clearly said, It’s your decision, but I like them.

      “Why don’t I have Ashley put some ideas together for you and what we think is feasible and we’ll get back to you with a proposal by the end of the week. How’s that?”

      The sisters smiled in unison. The gap mirrored on their faces.

      Felicia stuck out her hand toward Mia. “Thank you so much.” She shook Mia’s hand, then did the same with Ashley.

      “I really hope you’ll consider taking us on,” Linda said, the first time she’d spoken since they’d arrived.

      Ashley stood. Her notebook pressed against her small breasts. “By the way, I meant to ask, how did you find out about us?”

      “Oh, a friend of ours who helped to get our business up and running,” Felicia offered.

      “Michael Burke,” the sisters sang in harmony.

      “He recommended you very highly,” Felicia added.

      Mia held back a yelp of surprise. Her pulse pounded so loudly that the voices faded into the background. She wasn’t sure if she’d even said goodbye.

      The sound of the front door closing snapped her to attention. She was alone in the conference room.

      Recommended by Michael Burke. Coincidence or just her luck? Manhattan, for all its pomp and circumstance and worldwide notoriety, was nothing more than an island jam-packed with people and buildings. Sooner or later paths were bound to cross.

      So he hadn’t forgotten about her and even thought enough

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