Wrangling Wes. Jacquelin Thomas

Wrangling Wes - Jacquelin  Thomas

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about you, but I love to eat, so this sounds like heaven.”

      Laughter and chuckles rang out across the room.

      Lydia noted that Jameson wore a handsome smile, but that smile did not reach his eyes. He did not appear at all happy to be on the auction block.

      She took a sip of her white wine. This was about to get interesting.

      “One thousand dollars,” a woman called out.

      “Eleven hundred,” a second woman countered.

      “Fifteen hundred,” another bid.

      A young woman standing near Lydia won Jameson for five thousand dollars.

      The Broward patriarch, Charles, also ignited a bidding war—between a twenty-something-year-old and a more mature woman, which Lydia found amusing.

      The young woman’s tenacity and wallet won out at three thousand dollars.

      “Looks like Miss Patti Wier has won herself a cowboy and a gentleman,” the auctioneer said.

      Laughter and cheers rang around the room.

      Now it was time for Wesley to step up on the auction block. Lydia knew instinctively that he would bring in the most money, and she was prepared.

      “This handsome cowboy has a surprise in store for some lucky woman. Girls, I tried to pry the details out of him, but Wesley Broward’s not telling. Don’t you just love a man who can keep a secret?”

      “One thousand dollars,” Lydia heard someone yell out.

      “Two thousand,” another said.

      She glanced around the room as others quickly tossed out bids.

      The bidding was fast-paced and frenzied.

      When the amount rose to six thousand dollars, only two women were still in a bidding war.

      “Six thousand five hundred.”

      “Seven thousand dollars.”

      The room grew quiet.

      It’s time, Lydia decided.

      “Ten thousand dollars,” she said loudly.

      The room was suddenly filled with tense silence as all eyes turned toward the young woman who had placed the highest bid in the charity event’s history.

      * * *

      Amused, Wesley joined the others in the search. He usually brought in the most money, but this was a completely unexpected turn of events. Historically, the bids were never higher than six thousand dollars.

      He continued to gaze around the room, searching for the woman who had just outbid the others. As the sea of people parted, he glimpsed a beauty wearing a stunning teal and purple gown. He had noticed her earlier. It had been a few fleeting glances at best, but they were enough to ignite his interest. She was not familiar to him, as he knew most of the women in Granger. However, the stranger seemed to know Maggie Dillon.

      Maggie was married to the owner of the Double D Ranch. The redhead with big blue eyes was nice enough, but she loved to talk.

      The stunning woman made her way gracefully toward the stage as the room erupted into loud clapping. Slowly and seductively, Wesley’s gaze slid downward, giving her body a raking once-over.

      “Do you know her?” Jameson asked his brother in a low voice.

      “No, but I saw her for a split second with Maggie earlier.” He didn’t add that she had captured his interest and learning more about her was already on his agenda.

      Wesley’s breath caught in his throat as she neared the stage. She was gorgeous, and definitely not from around these parts. He was thrilled to be won by an outsider—and a beautiful one at that.

      “Come on up, honey,” the auctioneer said. “We want to get some pictures of our bachelors and their dates.”

      From his vantage point onstage, Wesley estimated her age to be in her middle to late twenties. He decided she was about five feet seven inches tall. She had a slender but curvy build. As she neared the stage, Wesley glimpsed her big brown eyes with long lashes, warm cocoa complexion and dark, curly tresses. He found himself looking forward to his date with this stranger.

      * * *

      Lydia blew out a breath as her stomach began to twist and ripple with nerves that had been shivering through her all evening. Those feelings intensified just as she was about to join Wesley on the stage.

      Something vaguely sensuous passed between them.

      “Hello, darlin’,” he greeted in a low voice. “It appears you and I are going on a dream date.”

      Looking up into Wesley’s handsome face, she smiled. “Yes, it does appear that way.”

      “Come closer,” he whispered. “I won’t bite.”

      The underlying sensuality of his words captivated Lydia. She could clearly tell that he was a man who enjoyed the attention of women.

      Wesley wrapped an arm around her and held her snugly as they posed for pictures before leaving the stage.

      Lydia relaxed, sinking into his cushioning embrace. Her skin tingled where Wesley touched her, his nearness making her senses spin.

      “What is your name, pretty lady?” he asked while walking her back to her table.

      “Lydia LaSalle,” she responded with a smile. “And I already know that you are Wesley Broward. It’s nice to finally meet the man I’ve heard so much about.”

      Lydia could tell from the look of surprise on his face that she had caught him momentarily off guard, but he seemed to recover quickly.

      “I hope everything you’ve heard presents me in a positive light.”

      “It does,” she confirmed.

      “You have me at a disadvantage, I’m afraid,” Wesley stated. “What brings you to Granger?”

      “I heard it was a lovely place to visit,” Lydia responded smoothly. “I thought I’d come see for myself, and it really is beautiful. It’s definitely one of Montana’s hidden gems.”

      “How long are you staying in town?”

      “I’m not sure,” she answered. “For a few weeks at least.”

      Wesley seemed to be peering at her intently, and Lydia was strangely flattered by his interest.

      “How does Saturday night work for you?” he inquired. “For our date.”

      She nodded. “I don’t have any pressing plans, so it’s perfect.”

      He sat down on the vacant chair beside her, and once again, when his gaze met hers, her heart turned over in response.

      This is so crazy, Lydia thought to herself. The man is just being nice to me. I just paid ten thousand dollars for a date with him. I would be nice to anyone who paid that much money to go out with me.

      All eyes seemed to be on the two of them, but Wesley didn’t seem to mind. He continued to gaze at Lydia, almost as if he were photographing her with his eyes.

      “You’re staring at me,” she murmured.

      “I can’t help myself,” Wesley said matter-of-factly. “You are beyond beautiful.”

      She laughed. “This is the first time I’ve been told that. I heard that cowboys have a way with the ladies. I’m beginning to believe it.”

      Lydia tried to throttle the dizzying current racing through her. She wanted to resist his charm, but she could not. She was powerless to resist.

      “Would you like to dance?” Wesley asked, gesturing toward the dance floor.

      “Sure,” Lydia replied with complacent buoyancy.

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