Undercover With The Heiress. Nan Dixon

Undercover With The Heiress - Nan  Dixon

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      “Thanks.” Granddad wiped his upper lip. “Wouldn’t want the ladies to see me sweat from my physical therapy.”

      “You already have a fan club?”

      “There are some lovely ladies here.” His grandfather settled into the wheelchair. “But I told you, you don’t have to spend all day with me. Head back to Atlanta. I don’t want to pull you away from your work.”

      “I want to be here.” Kaden had so much to live up to. Granddad always put other people’s needs first. He pushed the wheelchair into the sunroom. “Want something to drink?”

      “Water, please. My therapist might be lovely, but she’s a dictator.”

      Kaden laughed and headed to the coffeepot. He poured a mug for himself and then a glass of water.

      “Thanks.” His grandfather took a long drink. “What’s on your mind?”

      “How do you do that?” Kaden asked.

      Granddad pointed between Kaden’s eyebrows. “Whenever you want to discuss something, or something’s weighing on you, you get this crease between your eyebrows. I wouldn’t suggest you ever try gambling. It’s a big tell.”

      “I’ll remember not to play poker with you.” He pulled up a chair so they sat facing each other.

      “What’s bothering you?”

      “You know Issy from the B and B?” Kaden asked.

      “Sweet thing. Nathan’s daughter. Little girl doesn’t say much. Mother just up and dropped her off.” Nigel shook his head. “Never told Nathan about her.”

      “She’s...connected with one of my cases.”


      “No. The mother.”

      Understanding broke across his granddad’s face. “The mother’s in the drug world?”

      Kaden nodded. “We’re pretty sure Issy witnessed a murder right before the mother dropped her off with Forester.”

      “Poor kid.” Granddad closed his eyes. “Thank goodness Nathan has her now.”

      Kaden took a deep breath. “My boss thinks the mother will come back for Issy.”

      “You can’t let that happen. You know what her life must have been like.” Granddad’s fingers squeezed around his wrist. “Will the Bureau protect her?”

      “They asked me to do that.”

      “Perfect.” Granddad clapped his hands. “That’s better than watching my PT.”

      “I’m supporting you.”

      “And I appreciate that, but you can’t watch me 24/7.” Granddad snapped his fingers. “You know what you could do?”

      Kaden frowned. “What?”

      “Take over my B and B duties. You’ve got the skills. You could help the sisters and stay close to Issy.”

      Take over Granddad’s work? “But I’m here for you.”

      “Haven’t you been telling me I’m right where I belong? You’re twiddling your thumbs when you could be working to make sure that little girl is safe.” Nigel slapped the arm of the wheelchair. “Put that mother away and get those drugs off the street.”

      Kaden swallowed. “You’re the only family I have left.”

      “I know and I’m so sorry.” Granddad caught his hand and held on. “I should have worked harder to find you and your brother. I will always regret that. I was so mad at your mother for being weak.”

      Kaden was still mad at his parents for being drug addicts. After his grandfather had taken him in, they’d both died of overdoses.

      “You have a chance to make sure this little girl doesn’t go through what you went through.” Granddad’s slate-blue eyes were filled with regret. “You can make a difference. Make up for my screwup.”

      “You didn’t screw up. My parents did.” And so had he. He hadn’t kept his brother safe. Could he keep Issy safe or would he make the same mistake? “I’d have to work undercover.”

      “I’ve never told anyone what you do—just like you asked.”

      “The secrecy policy is for the safety of our families. I would never forgive myself if someone hurt you because of me.” Kaden rubbed the back of his neck. “The Fitzgeralds think I followed in your footsteps for work.”


      “That’s what they assumed.” Kaden squeezed his grandfather’s hand. “Saving people is what I meant.”

      “It’s important that you do this.” Smiling, Granddad touched his heart.

      Love warmed his soul. “I love you, too.”

      “If you have the possibility of getting one more drug ring out of commission,” Granddad said, “that’s more important than pushing my wheelchair around this rehab center.”

      “I’ll...think about it.” But with Granddad’s support, Kaden already knew the answer. He was going to keep his eye on Isabella Forester.

      * * *

      “YOU WANT TO pick up Nigel’s duties while he’s healing?” Abby pushed the plate of cookies and bars closer to him and topped off his coffee.

      “It was my grandfather’s suggestion.” Kaden picked up a tiny filled cookie. “He’s worried about the B and B.”

      “Nigel is so thoughtful.”

      “I think so.”

      “Okay.” Abby tapped the table. “You could move into the apartment next to Cheryl and Nathan.”

      “Where’s that?”

      She pointed across the courtyard. “The second story of the carriage house.”

      “But I thought a restaurant was going in there?” He took a bite and raspberries, cream and sugar filled his mouth. He moaned and took another cookie.

      “The restaurant takes up about half of the building.” She pushed her ponytail off her shoulder. “If it really takes off, we’ll expand to the remainder of the first floor. But right now there’s an empty apartment.”

      “That would be great.”

      “There are two bedrooms, but no washer and dryer.” Abby grinned. “And one bedroom has this incredible princess-and-castle mural. You should like that.”

      “Right.” He couldn’t help smiling. Abby was the kind of woman who made a man relax. Unlike her sister-in-law, Courtney. “Let me show you the apartment.” Abby pulled a key from a rack.

      He followed her across the courtyard and past a set of stairs. “When does the restaurant open?”

      “Nathan has promised I’ll be able to have a guest week right after Labor Day.” She unlocked a side door. “I’ll open the week after that.”

      They headed up wooden steps that creaked and moaned. “Good security.”

      “What?” She frowned.

      “Creaking stairs. Hard to sneak up on anyone.”

      She laughed, but he wasn’t kidding.

      Abby unlocked the door and flipped on the light. “There’s furniture, too.”

      The apartment was clean and included a reasonable-size living room and a small kitchen, including a table. The first bedroom was indeed fit for a princess. The mural was a work of art. A castle filled one corner of the wall. Princesses in bright gowns danced on a hill with bunnies and ponies.

      “You can

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