Heat Wave of Desire. Yahrah John St.

Heat Wave of Desire - Yahrah John St.

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      “You do?” He glanced down the hall in each direction. “Are they here now?”

      “Oh, no.” Kimberly shook her head. “Do you think I would be this calm right now with all there is to do?” She inclined her head to the mess of gift boxes and miscellaneous items on the table.

      He appeared to breathe a sigh of relief before he said, “I guess not. Do you need any help?”

      Before she could say no, Jack was already coming behind the table to sit next to her. “So what are we doing here?” he asked as he surveyed the assortment of items.

      “We’re putting candy and jewelry in each gift box. Then we’re wrapping it up in a bow, like this.” She demonstrated one box to him. “But you really don’t have to do this.”

      “I know I don’t have to, but I want to, so just accept that you have my company until it’s over.”

      He didn’t know what he was asking of her or how hard it would be to sit beside him and act as if she was unaffected. He smelled woodsy and earthy and she just could breathe him in all day long. Instead she continued packing the goody boxes.

      “Are you familiar with the Dunham Foundation?” she asked, trying to get her mind off him and on to other neutral topics.

      He turned to her sharply. “Why do you ask?”

      “Oh, it just sounded like you were familiar with them.”

      “I’ve heard of them.” He reached for a box and began stuffing.

      “So you’re from the Los Angeles area?” Kim inquired.


      He sure wasn’t offering much information about himself. Was that what was attractive about him, the air of mystery surrounding him? “You’ve been at the Belleza for some time, but if you live nearby, why the long stay?”

      He stopped stuffing boxes long enough to glance her way and smile. “Have I worn out my welcome?”

      “Of course not. I love paying customers.”

      “And is that all I am to you, Kimberly? A paying customer? You don’t strike me as someone afraid of taking chances. Please tell me you have the courage to admit there’s something between us?”

      “Between us?” she asked with a slight edge to her voice.

      He stared at her long and hard and her mouth became dry. He was calling her out, forcing her to confront what was happening between them like she’d done to Gabby. He wasn’t backing down and she was finding it harder and harder to resist him. Yes, he was a guest and although they had a strict policy of no fraternization, she couldn’t fight it anymore.

      “I can’t deny there’s something between us,” she finally admitted aloud to herself and to him.


      He gave her a sideways glance as he returned to his task and closed the box.

      She laughed and watched in surprise as he managed to tie a decent bow.

      “What are we going to do about it?” He slid the finished product toward her on the table.

       Should I go for it?

      Her mind told her to stay away from him and play by the rules, but her body, her heart, told her to go for it and she did. “On Friday night we’re having our monthly tasting menu. You should come to the dinner. My best friend Gabrielle goes all out. It’s the highlight of her month, except perhaps today’s event because she really wants to impress the Dunhams.”

      “I’ve no doubt you all will,” Jack said. “Because I’m sure you succeed at everything you do.”

      “I certainly try.”

      * * *

      Jaxon watched Kimberly from the ballroom doorway as she moved around the room. He could see she was champing at the bit to take charge, but she’d told him outside that her friend Robyn was the event coordinator for the hotel and in charge of pulling all the trades together from the kitchen to the event staff.

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