The Perfect Solitaire. Carmen Green
could help me get back on my feet. All you had to do was file a claim and they would have paid you back.”
Ben had seen selfishness before, but never like this and never so blatantly between sisters.
“You’ve always been selfish,” Zoe told her. “Jealous. You’re so lazy. That’s why you wanted to go with me today. All you had to do was ask to borrow the money and I’d have loaned it to you.”
Faye slapped the desk. “Borrow? I’m assistant vice president of the Greenville Bank. I live in a three hundred fifty thousand dollar house, and I eat tuna out of a can and sleep on an air mattress! I’ve had to sell everything. I’m not borrowing anything from you, do you hear me? This is the least you can do with your high-and-mighty self. I don’t need anybody’s help. Fine. Help me, then. Let me walk out of here.”
Ben wondered what Zoe was going to do. Faye was clearly trying to take advantage of Zoe who seemed to be intently studying her folded hands.
“Faye, it’s too bad your life is a mess, but you don’t get to decide you’re going to fix it at my expense. Ben, I never thought I’d be saying this, but, call the police in here and have them arrest my sister.”
Chapter 6
At his desk late, Ben finished the e-mail report he’d been working on and shut off his computer. He looked down at his running shoes and they reminded him of a sad dog waiting by his chair, wanting to go outside and play.
But his drive to do anything was gone. He needed a change of scenery. Maybe a trip to Florida would do the trick. There was nothing like palm trees and bikinis to change a man’s perspective.
Yet he still didn’t move a muscle. It was Zoe. He missed being with her and working her case. Granted, he’d closed it a week ago, but he still missed the thought of being with her everyday. Ben pushed himself up, grabbed his keys and called his brother.
“Rob, what you up to?”
“Getting ready to go hiking, why?”
“Just wondering. Bored, really.” Ben pushed his sneakers around with his foot.
“You closed the Zoe Diamonds case, I see.”
“Open and shut.”
“Why not call her? Ask her out?” Rob asked casually.
“I don’t think she’s interested in me that way. I gave her a lot of opportunities. She didn’t bite.” She hadn’t responded to the necklace and he’d sent that days ago. He’d thought for sure he’d have heard from Zoe by now.
“Bite her,” his brother said. “You need to date. It’s not a conflict of interest since we’re not working with her anymore. Call her and see what she’s up to.”
“I’ve been down that road before. She wouldn’t even tell me why she stopped dating me before.”
“Ben, you act like you’re scared of her.”
Ben paced his foyer. Was he? Hell no! Zoe didn’t scare him. He just didn’t want to get knocked down again by her. “I like Zoe. A lot.”
“Then why not pursue her?”
“She wouldn’t take my calls before the case. What would make her take them now?”
“You’re the hero.” Rob sounded so confident Ben almost believed him. “You saved her business, recovered her jewels. You’re the man.”
Ben chuckled. “I think I’ll head to Florida this weekend. See what’s happening down there.”
“You suck at dating, man. You got to keep getting on that horse. Zoe’s gorgeous and probably worth going after,” Rob told him. “Well, if not Zoe, I told you about Laney, right? She’s the friend of mine who does all these crazy trips around the world in the name of peace and philanthropy, and comes back with amazing stories. She’s in town tonight, but I have plans. Why don’t you two hang out? I can give her your address and she can stop by. She wanted to come by here.”
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