Innocent in the Desert: The Sheikh's Impatient Virgin / The Sheikh's Convenient Virgin / The Desert Lord's Bride. Trish Morey
this is just sex.
And when it was more than imagined sex he would be sane again.
Even repeating it twice did not make it sound true.
‘And she’s well.’
‘Total remission,’ he confirmed, dragging his thoughts from her mouth.
‘That’s marvellous,’ Eva said, struggling to maintain a wary smile in the face of his grim forbidding expression. His body language was so rigid she could see the fine muscles just under the surface of the golden skin in his neck quivering.
Someone had to break the ice.
‘I was wondering if perhaps we could … eat together tonight and … catch up?’ Tonight she would come clean and admit her sexual inexperience was a lead weight around her neck.
She also planned to admit that sex with him and only him was not something she would have a problem with.
Karim, feeling the tension that he always felt preceding a visit to his father, a tension on this occasion made a hundred times worse by the fact he wanted her so badly he could taste it, shook his head.
He would have delayed the visit had the nurse in charge of the team who cared for his father not confided her concerns about the King’s health. Just what did deterioration mean?
‘I’m afraid that I have plans. I’ll be away until Friday,’ he said, struggling to make small talk because he was seeing her naked and underneath him … and on top of him.
Eva swallowed and smiled through the rejection, determined he would never guess how much he had hurt her. The message could not have been clearer. First he had bundled her off to her grandfather, been back home a week before he bothered suggesting she join them, and now she had arrived he couldn’t wait to leave.
Well, this time she was taking the hint!
‘Would you like to see this garden? Amira has this idea that she—’
He was pretending to be polite. He had clearly spent the last three weeks wishing this marriage had never happened, comparing it no doubt with his first marriage, and Eva couldn’t bear it another second.
Her voice cold and crisp, she cut across him. ‘No … that is, actually I’m pretty tired. I could do with a nap … if you’ll excuse me.’ Let it never be said I don’t have lovely manners, she thought as she walked straight-backed from the room.
And lovely posture, and who, she asked herself, needs sex when they have posture? At least she could look royal even if she didn’t feel royal inside.
KARIM hadn’t been away the three days he had said, but an entire week.
He had got back the day before the reception to introduce Eva to the great and good was scheduled. An event that had taken on awesome and daunting significance in her mind.
Now, about to accompany him to the reception, she said, ‘I can’t do this.’ And he was a selfish monster to imagine she could. Back and not a damned word about where he’d been or with whom!
Karim tore his eyes from her neckline and the creamy cleft between her breasts. ‘You don’t have to do anything. Just be charming.’
The instruction made her roll her eyes in angry despair that was not feigned. ‘How?’
‘If in doubt say nothing.’ It was not as easy as it sounded. Saying nothing when he had wanted to say all he could think about was sinking into her, or saying nothing when he wanted to tell her he wanted to kiss her and have her taste him in her mouth had not been as easy as it sounded.
It had been hell!
He felt simultaneously torn and guilty—torn between his duty to his father and his desire to be with his new wife, and guilt that the duty weighed so heavily.
He had arrived to discover that his father’s condition had indeed deteriorated, to a degree that was painful to observe. To see the once robust man a broken and frail shadow of his former self had made him want to turn and run like a coward, but of course he had not followed his shameful base instincts—he had kissed his father and soothed him when he flinched.
It had taken time but after a week, and with several changes in his drug regime, he had left his father as well as he would ever be.
Now he was back and all the talk was of this damned reception. Dieu, he could not understand why he had arranged it. To make Eva’s transition easier by introducing her to his world had been his idea … Right now the last thing he felt like doing was sharing her. The hunger in his body roared like a furnace.
‘That should make a great impression—a dumb wife.’
It amazed her that as an intelligent man it hadn’t occurred to him that a simple confidence-boosting lie—You look incredible—would have worked fine and might have given her the courage and confidence she needed.
A kiss might have helped, but that wasn’t going to happen unless she asked … It had to be her choice, a choice made all the more difficult by the obvious fact—it was hard to interpret his disappearing act any other way—Karim intended to carry on with his life just as he had before he had married.
She had to face facts and not carry on clinging to a fantasy.
When she had asked Tariq outright where Karim was, to say the man had been cagey was an understatement. He had dripped guilt.
His response that he wasn’t sure would not have fooled a baby—Tariq always knew where Karim was. He was generally one step behind, so Karim wanted his privacy—to Eva’s way of thinking there was only one possible reason for his strange behaviour: Karim had been with a mistress.
It all fitted.
And yet last night she had gone to his room … what was wrong with her? Her cheeks burned with mortified heat at the memory. Of course it had been with the intention of laying down some rules of her own—her story and she was sticking to it.
He’d asked her to think about what she wanted and she had and she wanted an exclusive relationship or no relationship at all. Fighting talk, but who knew what she would have accepted? She had a tendency to forget she had any pride when it came to Karim, she thought miserably. He had entered her blood like a virus and she was consumed by the fever.
Well, she’d never know because she had gone to his room only to find his bed empty and untouched. She had returned to her own bed and lain there wondering where and, more importantly, with whom he had slept that night. It didn’t seem likely that a virile and highly sexed man like Karim spent any night alone.
She had predictably cried herself to sleep, hence the puffy-eyed look today.
‘A dumb wife—that really would make me the envy of every man present.’ Karim knew he would already have the envy of every man present because they imagined that he was sharing a bed with his wife.
Not doing so was driving him slowly out of his mind.
Looking at him, tall and commanding, in his formal traditional clothes looking like the quintessence of virile masculinity, Eva knew she would be the envy of every woman present and also the focus of mass speculation.
There would be a lot more speculation if they knew that her husband didn’t share her bed.
Eva cringed inwardly at the idea of anyone discovering her secret.
‘Funny man,’ she drawled. ‘Do you have to work at being a total sexist?’
The question drew no reply.
As she walked with him towards the ballroom where the reception was being held she felt her resentment rise. No wonder she had no confidence—not only did her husband not want to sleep with her, but he kept mistresses, possibly an entire harem! When she had walked into his study in her finery he had looked her up and down,