Heart's Refuge. Cheryl Harper
herself swinging from justified doubts to the crazy certainty that she could handle whatever came up.
But Shelly was here, working with her.
Bub went to stand patiently by the door. He was ready to go back inside apparently.
“He’s so well-trained,” Sarah said. “What is he doing in a shelter?” Sarah sighed as she and Shelly stood.
“It never gets easier to see smart, well-mannered pets staring out through chain link.” Shelly held the door open for Bub. “That’s why we do what we do.”
Being included in Shelly’s “we” felt right. At some point, Paws for Love had changed from a whim to a...cause.
Life wasn’t fair. Not for people, not for pets, but somewhere in the world was the person who deserved Bub and who would give him the love he should’ve had from the beginning. All she had to do was keep the doors open. They’d find each other eventually.
“Late in the day,” Shelly said. “Do you think the electricity is coming back on?”
The thought of a long night in the dark filled Sarah with dread, but she tried for a carefree shrug. Shelly couldn’t change a thing. There was no sense in adding to her worry.
Closing the door on the late-afternoon sun was easy enough, but when Sarah flipped the light switch and nothing happened, she was reminded how dark it could get without electricity. Sunset always made her less brave, more afraid of the future and what it might hold.
Sarah shook her head and forced herself to laugh along with Shelly. “Habit.” She pulled out her phone to check the time just as the whir of the shelter’s systems kicked in. Bright light illuminated curious kitties and ruthlessly clean floors before she moved on to the dog room. Instead of a loud celebration, she got a few curious head raises and then everyone settled back down.
Late afternoon was nap time. The schedule never changed much here.
“Oh, good. Everything can get back to normal. Giving meds in the dark would have been difficult,” Shelly said with a relieved sigh.
If Will Barnes had been standing with them under the bright lights, Sarah would have kissed him.
“Go home. The morning walks will come way too early.” Taking a chance, she hugged Shelly quickly. “We’re making progress. Tomorrow will be another good day.”
She watched Shelly get in her car and waved before she closed and locked the door.
All alone. Again. Sarah walked back to her office and pulled out her phone to check for missed calls. She dialed her father’s number, fingers crossed that this time he’d answer, and listened to the rings. When his voice mail picked up, she said, “Hi, Dad. I wanted to...check on you. I’m worried. Please call me.”
That’s all you can do. Immediately, images of her father hurt or worse flashed across her mind. Just stop. There’s no reason to think the worst.
Her peanut butter sandwich turned into a lump in her stomach.
Work was still the best distraction. Sarah grabbed the phone book. “Bids. The first step is finding out what a new roof and fence cost. Easy enough.” The yellow pages fell open to the page she’d turned to most often. “All for Animals.” The overcrowded Austin shelter would be her animals’ only hope if she walked away.
When she was stretched out on a beach somewhere, would it bother her that she’d let them down?
Her stomach lurched.
Bub gave a happy sigh. Somehow, he was stretched out the full length of the couch, all four feet in the air. Her response, a weird mishmash of amusement and concern, answered her question.
Paws for Love was hers. Leaving it without funding would haunt her. If she could turn the shelter around, she’d have something of her own to be proud of.
No one could say this had been given to her.
And when Holly Heights was nothing more than dust on her tires, she could enjoy the freedom.
“Sure wish I’d chosen business school, Bub.” She shifted in the broken-down office chair and studied the mess on her desk. At some point, she was going to have to get organized.
Since that would let her put off the hard work of identifying how much she didn’t know, Sarah started rearranging the stacks of overdue bills. “Food. Gotta pay for that first.” Or should she give the vets a portion of the cash? Sort of a good-faith gesture that she wasn’t going to leave them holding the bag.
She was adding up the costs of the most recent vet visits and cursing her lack of a computer when she remembered the bids she’d planned to gather first.
Her brain had always worked this way. In circles.
“Slow and steady, Sarah. Do one thing at a time.” She picked up her cell phone, hoping the calculator could help, when the shelter’s phone rang.
Had her father tracked her here? Was he calling the shelter to avoid the police?
“Paws for Love. This is Sarah.” Too late, she remembered her plan to avoid answering the phone. Nice bill collectors would hesitate to leave a message. And the rest? Well, they’d definitely leave a message, but she certainly didn’t want to talk to them.
Fingers crossed, she added, “How can I help you?”
“It’s Will. Are your lights back on?”
Sarah pressed cold fingers to her cheek, grateful that Will Barnes couldn’t see the flush that instantly covered her face. She was amazed at this ability to blush when she never had before. Her high school behavior, ambushing kids like Will and his sister, Jen, who hadn’t done much to deserve negative attention, hadn’t embarrassed her a bit. Now she was a little uncomfortable with the memories. “Uh, hi. Yes, we have lights. What did you do?”
He cleared his throat. “Made a call. You’ll have a month or so to make another payment. By then, you’ll have a better plan in place and some funds to set things right.”
Unable to answer at first, Sarah stared at the stack of bills on her desk. “If I can come up with the right information for a certain meeting, I definitely will.”
She tried a smile as she answered, but something about the fake, flirty tone made her feel worse than knowing she hadn’t been able to accomplish this on her own. “Sorry. What I meant to say is I appreciate you getting me more time. And I am hopeful that Paws for Love is on the right track.”
Neither of them said anything for a minute.
For good measure, she added, “Thank you.” Why did it sound as if she was choking on her own tongue? “How’s Chloe?”
“Sunburned. Eating her third piece of pepperoni pizza. Seems to be happy for the first time since she came for the summer.” Will cleared his throat. “But you were asking about her arm. The bandage is gone. I think the trauma is, too.”
“Trauma? I’m so sorry, Will.”
“Maybe that was just me.” Will sighed. “At some point, the accident became my fault because she’s never been allowed to have a pet. So she doesn’t know how to handle them.”
“Wow. This visit has not been easy, has it?” Sarah propped her elbow on the desk. As a teen, Sarah’s mood swings had been epic. Her dad had learned to toss the checkbook into her bedroom and slam the door closed again.
Will was actually spending time with Chloe. He must be brave.
“It really hasn’t. But I’m willing to agree with part of her argument.”
“Does that mean you want to adopt a cat?” Sarah asked, the corners of her mouth twitching.
Will grunted. “Not if I can help it. And if I catch you planting the suggestion, I’ll have to devise a devious form of payback for you and Chloe both, something involving