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the game to Stephanie. She shot me a pleading look of help and surrendered to his lessons.

      “Is this your first proper Scottish football match then?” Alastair asked.


      “If you have any questions I’ll do my best to answer them.”

      “Thanks, I think.”

      He smiled slightly as we settled back into our seats to watch the start of the match. It was an uneventful game up until the final two minutes.

      Tens of thousands of people erupted into a massive throaty cheer as the soccer ball scooted past the keeper and hit the net with a low swoosh. Darren and Stephanie leapt to their feet and joined the celebration. The home team had just taken the lead away from the visiting rivals.

      A sea of green and white scarves waved from side to side in a show of solidarity for the home team. The crowd noise didn't let up as the last seconds of the match ticked away. When the final whistle blew, everyone roared.

      "Now that was a goal." Darren pumped his fist in the air. "First good win in a while. A celebratory pint is in order.”

      Cool, drizzling rain fell as we walked toward the main road. I stifled an I-told-you-so while watching Stephanie cower away from the droplets.

      Oodles of iconic black cabs zipped through the streets. Alastair hailed one effortlessly. Stephanie bolted inside as soon as it stopped. Darren joined her, leaving me alone with Alastair for several seconds. When I made my move, he wrapped his fingers around the doorframe, blocking my ability to get in.

      “I have to admit, I’m not much of a football fan. I almost told Darren ‘no’ today.”

      “What changed your mind?”

      A sly grin curled his lips. “He said he wanted to introduce me to his American friends, Stephanie and Lia. Since I learned your name this morning, I figured you would be one of them.”

      He came to see me? My knees almost gave out. A crazy, voracious tremor of desire raced through me. I brushed past him and climbed in. Stephanie gave me a funny look as I settled into the little jump seat facing the three of them. The cab was severely lacking in the visual stimulation department. I struggled to find a place to rest my eyes that wasn’t tall, lean, sinewy and hot. Alastair looked far too amused at the expense of my discomfort.

      Thankfully, the cab ride back to our hotel in the West End was quick. Darren suggested we all go to a restaurant nearby for some sandwiches and drinks. I dove into my burger the minute it hit the table. My stomach snarled angrily at the unintentional neglect it had received over the past few days.

      "They don't feed you in the states?" Alastair asked in mock disbelief. "I would assume you could get a good hamburger there on any street corner."

      "Lia has spent most of the past day sleeping," Stephanie teased.

      “I said it last night, I’ll say it again. Have more pints. Never mind the sleep," Darren waved his hand in the air to ward off the notion.

      Stephanie flashed a smile before leaning back against the booth to chat with Darren. I became abundantly aware of Alastair’s presence to my left. His arm brushed mine as he turned to face me.

      “Is this your first time abroad then?"

      “No,” I paused. “Where in England are you from?”

      “Ascot. It’s to the west of London.”

      “Ascot? Like the races?” Visions of big hats and suits with tails popped into my head.

      “Yes, like the races.” He smirked.

      I rolled my eyes and took another bite of the burger. He ran a hand through his hair. It looked so soft and silky. I clenched my fist to stop myself from reaching out and touching it.

      "What do you think so far?" he asked, rubbing the stubble on his jaw. “Of Scotland, I mean.”

      The hamburger lodged in my throat. Trying to eat next to this beautiful creature was not for amateurs. Every move he made was calculated and seductive.

      Draping his arm across the back of the booth, his fingers brushed against the curve of my shoulder. I noticed Stephanie sneak a glance in my direction and grin. I sat up straighter, giving her a look.

      "I haven't really seen much of it, but so far so good," I answered.

      His fingers traced my shoulder, then the nape of my neck. It was a soft touch, but it was powerful. I fought to maintain a serene expression as I studied his features. He really was fiercely handsome. His fair skin was porcelain smooth. Charm oozed from him, along with a huge dose of raw sexuality. Against my better judgment, I was hooked.

      “How was the rest of your run this morning?” he asked, hovering the bottle of beer in front of his sculpted lips. He parted them and waited for my response. I nearly slipped off the seat. He took a sip and smiled slightly.


      “Just ‘fine’?”

      I shrugged. He touched my shoulder again. A surge of heat rushed through me.

      “Sounds like you weren’t able to achieve maximum satisfaction. Need a personal trainer?”

      I held my breath and counted to ten before answering. Jesus.

      “Let me guess. You think you’re the perfect guy for the job,” I smirked.

      Alastair’s eyes darkened. Whatever shield he had in place over them slid away unleashing a fiery intensity. We just stared at each other. I moistened my lips almost as a reflex.

      “Do you have plans tonight?” he asked, not releasing me from his tractor beam stare.

      “No,” I answered, a bit too breathy. “Why?”

      “Thought maybe I could show you around the city. Football and charity benefits aren’t a proper way to see Glasgow.”

      “Hey,” Darren interrupted, leaning forward. “I hate to cut this short, but I gotta go. We’ll walk you girls back to the hotel.”

      “That’s not necessary Darren. I’ll walk Lia back when we’re finished. You two can go.” He leaned back, lowering his hands to his lap.

      The calm, commanding tone he used sent a shockwave through me. I saw Stephanie’s eyes widen in disbelief.

      “I won’t be too much longer,” I said, finally finding my voice.

      The three of them had a brief conversation but I wasn’t aware of any of it. I was too busy focusing on the circular strokes he was making on my thigh. His powerful energy surrounded me, invading every fiber of my being. Thank goodness the table was wide enough to cover up his shenanigans. I snapped awake just as they walked off. The sounds and smells of the restaurant came roaring back, clanging through my brain.

      “What are you doing?” I barked, jerking my leg away.

      “Nothing,” he muttered, pulling his wallet out from his back pocket. He dropped a handful of bills on the table. “Let’s go for a walk.”

      We stepped out into the crisp evening air. I hoped it would knock a few degrees off my increased body temperature. Alastair placed his hand at the small of my back, guiding me down the sidewalk. I had no idea where he was taking me, but since it was a busy street, I figured kidnapping was out of the question.

      He glanced over his shoulder before gently taking my elbow and moving me towards a cluster of trees next to a nearby building. There was a nice little park-like atmosphere with benches and shrubbery. My blood froze as his luminous eyes locked with mine.

      “Can I see you again tomorrow?”

      “We’re supposed to be going to Edinburgh for the day.”

      “Change your plans.” It wasn’t so much a question as it was an order.

      I crossed

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