The Traitor. Kimberley Chambers

The Traitor - Kimberley  Chambers

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      As Ray and Stan sat opposite one another, neither of them spoke. Both were deep in thought and neither had much to say to the other.

      ‘Mr Smith, the doctors have examined your wife now, so you can go and sit with her if you want. If she’s woozy, don’t worry, it will just be the medication she’s been prescribed.’

      Stanley walked into the room where Joyce lay, and was immediately consumed with both anger and guilt. His Joycie was usually glammed up to the nines, and would never be seen dead without her lippy on. Today she looked old, pale and thin, a shadow of the woman he knew so well. Leaning towards her, Stanley clocked her vacant expression.

      ‘Hello Joycie. Raymond and I have brought you some fruit and some chocolates,’ he said.

      Joyce stared at the ceiling. Her body was OK, but her mind had drifted off to another planet. Turning her head, she looked blankly at Stanley, then turned away again. With one tear running down her cheek, Joyce shut her eyes and went back to sleep.

      Eddie walked into the visiting room and spotted Gary and Ricky at once. ‘All right? How’s tricks?’ he asked them.

      Both Gary and Ricky immediately noticed an improvement in their father’s manner and appearance.

      ‘We’re fine, Dad. Business is booming. What about you?’ Ricky asked.

      Eddie shrugged. ‘I’m OK. Just gotta get on with it, ain’t I? How did the funeral go?’

      Ricky nudged Gary. ‘Yeah, OK. Ray sent some lovely flowers from you and a lot of your old pals showed up to pay their respects. All in all, Jessica had a lovely send-off,’ Gary lied. He could hardly tell his old man that Jed and Jimmy O’Hara had turned up, causing Ronny to kick off and the service to be cut short. That would do his father’s improvement no good at all.

      ‘How’s Joey and Frankie?’ Eddie asked.

      Ricky glanced at Gary. They’d already decided to come clean about Frankie moving in with Jed. Gary looked at the floor as he spoke. ‘Frankie’s gone, Dad. She’s living down on O’Hara’s land with Jed. Do you want us to have a chat with her? See if we can make her see sense?’

      Eddie shook his head. Everything that had happened was down to his daughter’s stupidity. Frankie had made her own bed, so let her fucking lie in it. ‘Leave her be. She’ll realise her mistake one day and come crawling up here to visit me with her tail between her legs.’

      ‘Joycie ain’t well. Ray rang up last night. She’s gone off her rocker, by all accounts,’ Ricky said.

      ‘Whaddya mean?’ Ed asked, surprised. He’d always liked poor old Joycie. She’d stuck up for him over the years, especially to Stanley, who had always despised him.

      ‘Apparently, she just went loopy all of a sudden. It all started on the day of the funeral, I think. Ray said Stanley left her the following day and that was when she lost it completely,’ Gary chipped in.

      Eddie felt terrible. There was nothing he could do to bring Jessica back, but he had to try and make amends to Joycie somehow.

      ‘Listen boys, I want you to do me a favour. I want you to go and see Joycie and tell her how sorry I am for what has happened. I know she’s been stopping at the house and I’m gonna sign it over to her as a way of apology. Tell her I’ll sort a solicitor out, I’ll have a word with Larry. He’ll deal with the legal stuff and I’ll sign the deeds over to her.’

      ‘Are you sure, Dad? The house is worth a fortune,’ Ricky asked him, perplexed.

      ‘What about the twins?’ Gary said agitated.

      Ed couldn’t even bring himself to think about the twins. Frankie was now shacked up with O’Hara’s scumbag son, and Joey liked sucking men’s cocks.

      ‘Fuck the pair of ’em,’ Eddie said bluntly. ‘And so what if the house is worth an arm and a leg? I’ve got all your grandfather’s money for when I get out, ain’t I? I ain’t mucking about, lads. I’ve made my mind up and I want Joycie to have that house.’

      Back in Rainham, Frankie had just eaten dessert and her eyes were firmly fixed on the door.

      ‘Whaddya keep looking at? Jed ain’t coming back yet, is he?’ Joey asked, annoyed. He hadn’t seen his sister for Christ knows how long and she wasn’t even listening to him properly.

      ‘No, Jed’s not coming back. I promised you that he wouldn’t be here with us and I meant it,’ Frankie said honestly.

      Joey smiled. ‘So, how are you getting on, living together? Have you met all of his family yet?’ Joey pried.

      ‘I’m happy living with Jed, he treats me really well. As for his family, his dad’s OK, but I’m not sure about the rest of them. His mum’s very overpowering – she does my head in. I met one of his brothers the other night and I didn’t like him at all. His name’s Billy, and he’s married to this girl called Shannon, who was just awful. I put me foot right in it, Joey. She had this massive fat gut, and I only asked her when the baby was due.’

      ‘So?’ Joey said, urging her to carry on.

      ‘Well, it turns out that she was just fat and wasn’t even pregnant. She hated me from that moment onwards.’

      ‘So, why don’t you like his mum? What’s overpowering about her?’

      Frankie was about to answer, when she clocked Dominic and waved.

      ‘Who you bloody waving to? Frankie, I’m talking to you,’ Joey said, annoyed.

      As soon as Dominic arrived at the table, Frankie excused herself. ‘I think yous two have stuff to talk about, so I’m going outside to make a few phone calls.’

      Joey looked up and immediately felt his body shake. Dominic was gorgeous, even sexier than he’d remembered. ‘All right? Let me get you a drink, Dom,’ he said awkwardly.

      Noticing that Joey’s hands were unsteady. Dominic offered to do the honours for him. ‘You sit there. I’ll order us a bottle of wine.’

      Outside the pub, Frankie was an interested spectator. The boys had been laughing and joking for over half an hour now. Frankie smiled as she ended the phone call to her friend Stacey. Dominic had just held Joey’s hand, which meant her plan was obviously working.

      Back inside the pub, Dominic stared into Joey’s innocent eyes. ‘It can’t be like before, Joey. If we’re gonna make a go of this, I’d like us to move in together.’

      Joey was ecstatic. Dominic was the only person in the world who could help him recover from the trauma of his mum’s death. ‘I’ll move in with you tomorrow if you want me to,’ he told Dom.

      Dominic suddenly remembered Eddie Mitchell again. ‘What about your dad though, Joey? I know he’s in prison, but say he sends one of his henchmen around the flat? He might even send your uncle or your brothers round to finish off what he tried to do last time.’

      Joey clenched Dominic’s hand. ‘I’m finished with my dad and so is Frankie. I can come out now he’s locked up. Everything about us can be out in the open. My dad won’t bother us again, I just know he won’t. How could he even say or do anything, after what he did to my mum?’

      ‘Are you sure? I really don’t want any more trouble,’ Dominic said cautiously.

      ‘I’m absolutely positive.’

      Dominic leaned forward and, not caring about anybody else in the pub, gently kissed Joey on the lips. ‘I’ve missed you so much,’ he said to the beautiful blond boy who had stolen his heart.

      Over at Warley Hospital, Stanley was sitting alone with his wife. Raymond had left a couple of hours ago, which had given him plenty of thinking time. Joycie was still fast asleep, and as Stanley checked her breathing yet again, he smiled to see her chest rise in a steady rhythm.

      Deep down, Stanley knew that he

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