Twins For The Texas Rancher. Marin Thomas

Twins For The Texas Rancher - Marin  Thomas

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down her neck while she pored over bank statements and ledgers, and another to have a handsome man close to her age watching her every move.

      Emmett got up from the table and walked outside. As soon as the door closed behind him, Amelia clapped her hands together. “That went well, don’t you think?”

      “I’m not comfortable prying into Emmett’s finances.” Besides, her trip to Stampede was supposed to be a chance for her and the boys to catch their breath and spend time together while she figured out her next steps.

      “Nonsense.” Amelia walked to the door. “With your experience it won’t take long to uncover the truth, and then Emmett will have no choice but to go along with my plan.”

      “I apologize if I’m stepping out of line,” Sadie said. “But it’s not like you to bully someone, and Emmett doesn’t want you digging around in his private affairs.”

      “I may have come on a little strong, but it’s for his own good.”

      “You still have feelings for him, don’t you?”

      Amelia pressed her hand over her heart. “I’ve never stopped caring for Emmett, not even when I was married to Robert.”

      Back in the day, Emmett and their aunt had broken up after an argument. A few days later Uncle Robert, an oil executive, had passed through Stampede on business and had swept Amelia off her feet.

      “Let’s find out what time Logan will be available to help you in the office tomorrow.”

      Sadie followed her aunt out the door and they cut across the yard. The sound of laughter met their ears as they approached the barn and they paused in the doorway to take in the scene.

      Emmett sat on a hay bale in a corner next to Tyler, grinning as he watched Logan trot down the center of the barn pushing a wheelbarrow with Tommy seated inside. At the end of the aisle Logan applied the brakes and her son catapulted through the air and disappeared into a gigantic pile of hay. A moment later his head popped into view and he gasped for air between giggles.

      “I want a turn!” Tyler shouted.

      Sadie gaped in astonishment. Tyler hadn’t smiled since Pete said his goodbyes and left town.

      “Give the other young’un a turn,” Emmett said.

      Her aunt stepped forward, but Sadie grasped her arm and pulled her back into the shadows, then pressed a finger against her lips.

      “That was cool, Uncle Logan!” Tommy crawled out of the hay.

      Logan set Tyler in the barrow and backpedaled down the aisle, then said, “Ready?”

      Tyler nodded.

      “Go, Tyler!” Tommy yelled when Logan took off running. Tyler flew into the hay just like his brother had, his giggles warming Sadie’s heart.

      “Your turn.” Tommy yanked Emmett’s shirtsleeve.

      “I’m too old for that nonsense.”

      Tommy tugged harder. “It’s fun!”

      Aunt Amelia’s mouth dropped open when Emmett said, “Maybe I’ll give it a try.”

      “Look out, Gramps wants a turn,” Logan said.

      Tyler walked over to Tommy’s side and both boys planted their hands against Emmett’s backside and pushed him forward. “Don’t be afraid, Gramps,” Tyler said. “You won’t get hurt.”

      Sadie’s throat grew tight when Tyler called Emmett “Gramps.”

      “You think you can push me?” Emmett asked Logan.

      “Uncle Logan’s got big muscles. He can push you,” Tommy said.

      Sadie’s eyes skimmed over Uncle Logan and agreed that he looked plenty strong enough.

      Logan helped his grandfather climb into the wheelbarrow. Once the old man was seated with his knees pulled up to his chest, Logan spoke. “You boys want to help me push?”

      Tommy stood on Logan’s right, Tyler on his left, both grasping the handle behind Logan’s grip. “On the count of three,” he said. “One...two...three!” They took off running.

      “The old fool is going to break his neck,” Amelia whispered.

      Emmett went flying face-first and landed with his butt sticking up in the air. The boys jumped in after him, pushing the hay away from his head.

      “Was it fun?” Tommy asked.

      Emmett chortled, his chest shaking. Sadie watched her aunt’s lips curve in a soft smile—she definitely had a crush on the old man.

      “Give Gramps another ride!” Tommy and Tyler helped Emmett stand.

      Amelia cleared her throat loudly and stepped out of the shadows.

      “Busted,” Logan said.

      “Mom! Did you see what Uncle Logan did? He gave us a ride in a—” Tommy looked at Logan. “What’s it called?”


      Tyler ran up to Sadie. “I got to read in the hayloft.”

      Sadie locked gazes with Logan. “Who knew barns could be so much fun?”

      Logan’s gaze dropped to Sadie’s mouth and remained there too long to be considered a casual glance. “I better get back to work.”

      “What time should Sadie return tomorrow?” Amelia asked.

      Logan nodded to his grandfather. “What’s going on?”

      “Amelia’s niece is gonna look over the ranch books,” Emmett said.

      Sadie couldn’t be sure the shadows in the barn weren’t playing tricks with her eyes, but she swore Logan’s face grew pale. “I don’t understand.”

      “I’ll explain later,” Emmett said. “When’s a good time you can help Sadie in the office?”

      Logan rubbed his gloved hands down the front of his pants. “Late afternoon.”

      “Can I come, Mom?” Tommy said.

      “Me, too,” Tyler whispered, his eyes pleading.

      “Not tomorrow, boys.” A deafening “Pleeeeease” threatened to damage her eardrums.

      “I’ll watch the boys,” Emmett said.

      “Gramps can play with us.” Tommy raced over to Emmett’s side.

      “What are we gonna do?”

      “Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t keep up with two four-year-olds,” Amelia said.

      Emmett planted his knuckles on his slim hips. “I might have one foot in the grave, but I ain’t dead yet.”

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