Her Kind of Man: Navy Husband / A Man Apart / Second-Chance Hero. Debbie Macomber
her horror, Adam simply laughed.
“I was trying to make a point here,” Shana said in as dignified a tone as she could manage.
“I know,” he said and made an attempt to stifle his humor.
That only served to irritate her further. “Never mind. I can see my opinion is of little interest to you.”
Suddenly they both turned to see Jazmine, who stood rooted in the bedroom doorway, a sweatshirt draped over her arm. “I should’ve kept my mouth shut, right?” she murmured apologetically. “I’m afraid Aunt Shana might’ve taken what you said the wrong way.”
“So I gathered.” He looked down, but Shana saw that the corners of his mouth quivered.
“Shana’s right, you know,” Jazmine stated for Adam’s benefit, as she moved toward them. “You do need someone special in your life.”
Adam’s smile disappeared.
Aha! She wondered how he’d feel being on the other side.
“Jazmine took your comments to heart,” Shana primly informed him. “She tried to match me up with a divorced father of two.”
Adam’s gaze shot to Jazmine.
“Well…It didn’t work out—but I’d be a good matchmaker.”
As far as Shana could tell, Jazmine was completely serious. That had to stop. She certainly didn’t need her niece dragging eligible bachelors into the pizza kitchen every chance she got.
“He might’ve been interested, too,” Jazmine added. “He seemed really nice.”
“I don’t need anyone’s help, thank you very much,” Shana insisted.
“Hold on,” Adam said, glancing from one to the other. He motioned at Jazmine. “Go back to the beginning because I think I missed something.”
“I found out he was single and I told him my aunt was, too, but that was all I did. She wouldn’t let me introduce her.”
“This is entirely your fault.” Shana felt it was important that Adam understand it was his comment that had begun this whole awkward situation.
“You’re finished with Brad,” Jazmine reminded her. She turned to Adam and added, “He’s the guy previously known as the-man-I-used-to-date. Sort of like Prince. That’s what Mom said, anyway.”
Adam burst out laughing.
“There is a point to this, isn’t there?” Shana asked her niece.
Jazmine nodded and threw one fist in the air. “Get out there, Aunt Shana! Live a little.”
Adam laughed even more.
“You think this is funny, don’t you?” Shana muttered. He wouldn’t find it nearly as funny when Jazmine was busy selling his attractions to single women in the museum.
“I’m sorry.” But he didn’t look it. For her niece’s sake, she resisted rolling her eyes.
“I think it’s time we cleared up this misunderstanding,” he said and gestured toward the sofa. “Why don’t we all sit down for a moment?”
Shana didn’t take a seat until Adam and Jazmine had already made themselves comfortable on the sofa.
To her chagrin, Adam smiled patiently as if explaining the situation to a child. “I’m afraid Jazmine read more into my comment than I intended,” he began. “What I said was that some women seem to need a man in their lives. I wasn’t talking about you. Although, of course, any man in his right mind would be attracted to you. You’re a beautiful woman.”
“Oh.” It would be convenient if Shana could magically disappear about now, but that was not to be. “I see. Well, in that case, I won’t hold you up any longer.” She sprang to her feet, eager to get them both out the door before she dissolved into a puddle at his feet. “I—that’s a very nice thing to say…” She stared at her watch.
Adam took the hint and stood, and Jazmine rose with him. “Is there any special time you want her back this evening?” he asked.
“No…anytime is fine,” she said, then quickly reconsidered. “On second thought, Jazmine has school tomorrow so she shouldn’t be out too late.”
“I’ll have her here by seven.”
“Thank you.” Shana waited by the door as they left, her heart going a little crazy as she tried to regain her composure.
“Bye, Aunt Shana.”
She closed the door. She’d hoped to put the mighty naval officer in his place and all she’d managed to do was amuse him. Depressed, Shana sank into the closest chair and hid her face in her hands—until she realized something. For the first time since Jazmine had arrived, she’d called her Aunt Shana. Twice.
Apparently her status had been sufficiently elevated that the nine-year-old was no longer ashamed to be related to her. That, at least, was progress.
Adam waited until they’d almost reached Tacoma before he mentioned the scene at Shana’s. Jazmine had barely said a word from the moment they’d left. Now and then she glanced in his direction, as if she was afraid he was upset, but really he had no one to blame but himself. He did know women who were lost without a relationship, although he didn’t think Shana was like that. Intentionally or not, Jazz had misunderstood his remark and used it for her own purposes.
“You really did it this time,” he murmured.
“Are you mad?”
“No, but your aunt was.”
“I know, but don’t you be mad, okay?”
“I shouldn’t have said anything. You and I should not have been discussing male-female relationships.”
“Did you mean what you said about my aunt being beautiful and all that?”
“Yes.” This was only the second time he’d seen Shana; again, he’d come away wanting to know her better. He might have ruined any chance of that, but he hoped not. When he’d started out from Everett, he’d considered inviting Shana to join them. But it hadn’t taken him long to decide that today probably wasn’t opportune.
“What I told your aunt is the truth. She is a beautiful woman,” he said casually as he headed south on the interstate.
“She likes you.”
Adam chuckled.
“No, I’m serious. She’s got the hots for you. I can tell.”
“I don’t think so.” Back to reality. Shana might be attracted to him, but she’d never admit that now.
“I know so!”
“Jazmine, listen…”
“Okay, but can I say what I want to first?”
Apparently she was taking lessons from her aunt Shana. “Fine.”
“I was thinking about what you said—about not feeling sparks with Mom. But I thought you might with Aunt Shana.”
“Jazmine, you’re far too interested in matters that are none of your concern. How do you know about this stuff, anyway? MTV?”
She groaned. “Why do adults always say things like that?”
“Because they’re true.”
“All I want is for you to marry her and be happy.”
“Has the cat got your tongue?” Jazmine teased. “Adults say that, too. No, really, I am serious. If you married my aunt Shana, everything would be perfect. She needs a husband and you need a wife.”