Loving Baby. Tyler Snell Anne
and did some quick math. She was a slim woman, thanks to the job and the need to stay in shape that came with it, but her part-Hispanic heritage had graced her with hips on the wide size, just like her mother. The pickup wasn’t old, but it wasn’t brand-spanking-new, either. Its window wasn’t made for a grown woman to slide through and into the cab. Actually, it was a surprise the millionaire was driving this dinky truck rather than some sports car or hopped-up truck with a lift kit.
“I don’t think I can fit,” she said. “The window is too small.”
James didn’t turn his attention away from the windshield. The headlights were bouncing in front of them as the tires ran across the same holes that had prompted James to hold her down earlier.
“Simmons, you just jumped out of an attic vent and into a truck. You can manage this window!”
Suzy glanced over her shoulder at the approaching vehicle. It was too close. If she got stuck, then she’d be one easy target.
“There’s no time!”
She pulled out her phone. She should have called the department when they were in the attic, but she hadn’t wanted to give their hiding spot away.
Suzy turned in time to see James passing her a present.
It was a gun.
A loaded gun.
“You know the saying ‘it’s like shooting fish in a barrel’?” he asked.
James turned to give her a quick look. He was smirking.
And, boy, she couldn’t stop the thought that it made him look delicious from crossing her mind.
“You’re the fish in this scenario,” he said. “So make sure you don’t let them get near the barrel!”
By the time the truck made it to the main road, Suzy had opened fire on their pursuers. She got in three shots before another was returned. It hit the top of the truck. An awful noise of metal against metal sounded above them.
“You okay?” he yelled, even though he knew she hadn’t been hit.
“Just peachy!”
Two more shots came at them. Both missed. James already had his foot to the floor. At this rate, they’d be inside the town limits within minutes.
Would the men keep coming at them until their ammo ran out? Or would they stick with them until they could get the upper hand another way?
James glanced in his rearview mirror just in time to see the driver of the car thrust his arm out of his window. The passenger joined in, hand and gun sticking out of his window, too.
“Get down,” James just managed to say seconds before both opened fire. One of the side windows was blown off as James ducked. The windshield followed quickly. A gust of night air pushed into the cab.
“Still with me?”
“They have more firepower! We need a better plan!” Suzy yelled back. This time there was no joke in her reply.
James cleared the glass off himself and squinted as the air made his eyes water. Suzy was right. At the rate they were going, getting into the town limits wasn’t going to do them a lick of good. Not unless they had backup waiting.
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