his unbuttoned shirt. She remembered the smattering of hair on his chest and how she used to run her fingers through the curls. Her fingers curled into his skin, wanting to slide upward to test the springiness of those hairs.
“Are you ready?”
More than you’ll ever know. Charlie shook herself and pushed way. “I’m taking my car since I have to stock up on groceries.”
“I’ll follow you there.”
“No need. It’s only a block from Kevin’s office. If I run into any trouble, you won’t be far away.” She shook her head. “We’ll be fine.”
He stared at her for a long moment.
Charlie met his gaze and held it, refusing to back down. He’d been gone seven years. He couldn’t just walk back into her life and take over.
“Okay.” He started buttoning his shirt. “Let’s go.”
Charlie’s glance dropped to where his fingers worked the buttons through the holes. Seven years ago, she would have helped him button up, and then undo them one at a time, kissing a path down his chest.
Ghost’s fingers paused halfway up. “I remember, too,” he said, his voice low and gravelly.
Shivers rippled through her body and Charlie swayed toward him. Then she stopped, mentally pulled herself together and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I don’t care. Let’s go.”
She pushed past him, her arm bumping into his, the jolt of electricity generated in that slight touch turning her knees to jelly.
The sooner she got away from him, the sooner she’d get her mind back. What was it about the man that scrambled her brain and left her defenseless against his magnetism?
Lolly stood by the door, her thumbs hooked through the straps of her backpack.
Charlie grabbed her hand and stepped out. She waited for Ghost to exit as well before she turned to lock the door. Her hand shook as she tried to slide the key into the dead bolt lock. She fumbled and dropped them to the porch.
Ghost scooped them up, locked the door and dropped the keys into her open palm. “You sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
Lolly looked up, a happy smile on her face. “Could he, Mommy?”
“Sweetheart, Mr. Caspar has to go to a meeting.”
Ghost touched his daughter’s chin and gave her a brief smile. “I’ll see you in about an hour.”
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