Holiday Defenders: Mission: Christmas Rescue / Special Ops Christmas / Homefront Holiday Hero. Debby Giusti

Holiday Defenders: Mission: Christmas Rescue / Special Ops Christmas / Homefront Holiday Hero - Debby  Giusti

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couple years behind me in high school. I see them around town occasionally, but I don’t know them personally.”

      “Can you think of anything they share in common other than attending the same high school?”

      She shook her head. “Unfortunately, no.”

      After working through the majority of the files without success, Nick stretched back in his chair and rubbed his neck. “Zack isn’t making this easy.”

      Liz scooted away from the table and stood. “You keep searching. I’ll check on the children.”

      Nick was relieved to have some breathing room. Being close to Lizzie required self-control. He wanted to touch her hand and feel the softness of her skin.

      He chuckled inwardly. Silly for him to think she’d feel the same attraction, almost a magnetic force that was stronger than he could handle at the moment.

      Everything about Lizzie was a distraction and seeing her concern for the children was even more so. She’d make a great mom and should have a houseful of kids of her own. Instead, she taught a classroom of other people’s children. No doubt, she was a terrific teacher, but she needed a family, as well.

      Maybe caffeine would help clear his head.

      “Want some more coffee?” he called up to her as she climbed the stairs to his bedroom.

      “A glass of water would be good.” He heard the smile in her voice and his chest tightened, wanting to do anything to make her happy.

      Her face had been washed with worry since he’d arrived at Zack’s house. No wonder. Hard to look beyond the danger they were in. If they could elude the killers until Zack could hand his information over to the proper authorities, then this mission would end on a good note.

      It had to end well.

      Shaking off the ominous feelings that came with his thoughts, Nick dropped his cup into the sink and poured water into two glasses. He gulped half a glass and refilled it before carrying both to the table.

      The local all-night television channel aired news on the hour. He hit the remote and lowered the volume. A commercial played across the screen.

      Hearing Lizzie’s footfalls coming down the stairs, he turned. She smiled at him, and he felt buoyed by her gaze.

      “Both children are sound asleep,” she said.

      “They’re great kids.”

      “The best.” She glanced at the table. “Thanks for the water.”

      He handed her the glass. Stepping closer to take it, she glanced up. The look on her face was telling. Lizzie had stepped too close.

      His heart pounded in his chest. The thump, thump, thump was so strong, she’d surely think a snare drum was coming from the TV.

      She didn’t mention his heartbeat. Instead, she focused on his lips, her eyes scorching him with their gaze.

      The world faded away, and all he saw was Lizzie, even more beautiful than he remembered. More than anything, he wanted to reach for her and pull her close. Everything inside him yearned for her kiss.

      She leaned in closer, almost as if she wanted the kiss as badly as he did. But then she glanced at the television, the spell of the moment broken.

      Her face darkened. She gasped. Nick followed her gaze to the photograph plastered on the plasma screen.

      A photo of Zack.

      The newscaster’s voice, although faint, could be heard in the stillness.

      “Zack Tate, noted investigative reporter and author of the controversial blog “Z” Notes, is wanted in connection with a man found murdered in the roadside park off Phillips Road.”

      “No,” Lizzie moaned as she walked closer to the television. Nick picked up the remote and increased the volume.

      “The unidentified man was shot to death and found in the rear of the park rest stop a short time ago. A police spokesperson said evidence found at the site of the murder makes Zack Tate a person of interest. He’s considered armed and dangerous, and the public is asked to use caution and call the authorities if they spot Tate.”

      Nick put his hand on her shoulder, offering support.

      The newscast continued. “Most people know Tate from his blog. Over the years, many of the stories he’s featured have been highly inflammatory toward local authorities. The police have long said Tate paints law enforcement in a less than favorable light, which has hindered their effectiveness within the community.”

      “No wonder the cops are upset,” Nick said. “Zack exposed their duplicity.”

      Lizzie shuddered when Annabelle’s name was mentioned.

      “Tate’s wife died thirteen months ago, and an unnamed source questions whether foul play could have been involved. His two young children, age six and four, are missing along with his sister, Elizabeth Tate, a teacher at Lassiter Elementary. She’s also wanted for questioning.”

      Nick didn’t like hearing Lizzie’s name mentioned in connection with the murder. If law enforcement wanted to question her, she would be in added danger if the police turned a blind eye to the law.

      When the newscast went to a commercial break, Nick lowered the volume and threw the remote on the couch. “Zack was right. Everyone’s on the take. He’s being set up to take the fall for the informant’s death. They want so badly to smear his name that they’re even creating suspicions about his wife’s death.”

      “At least the police haven’t apprehended him yet.”

      The police wouldn’t find Zack if the four thugs had already grabbed him. Not that Nick would share that thought with Lizzie.

      “His past blogs hit too close to home,” he said. “Someone must have decided he needed to be silenced. Maybe the meeting with the whistleblower was a setup to lure Zack in. Dirty cops can’t be trusted, especially if someone threatens to expose their underhanded dealings.”

      She rubbed her arms. “What’s our plan if the killers come looking for us?”

      “We’ll grab the kids and then head out the back door off the kitchen. I’ll park your SUV on a small path that leads higher up the side of the mountain. With the long access road, we should have time to spot an approaching vehicle and get away.”

      “But they’ll keep following us.”

      “The access road dead ends here at the cabin. If they don’t know about the mountain path, they’ll think we left before they arrived.”

      “At least that’s what you’re hoping.”

      She had given voice to his own concerns. Nick glanced at his watch. They had a few hours before dawn. Hopefully they’d be secure here, at least for now.

      They still needed to uncover information that could lead them to Zack, or give them leverage against the men trying to kill him. Knowledge was power, and they had to uncover the corruption that had placed him in danger and led to the taking of another man’s life.

      Just so the violence ended there. Nick wouldn’t let anything happen to Lizzie and the children. He’d protect them with his last breath, if need be. If only they could be safe.


      Lizzie’s head was still reeling from seeing Zack’s picture on the news. Hoping to calm her racing pulse, she pulled back the blind and watched Nick maneuver the SUV out of the driveway and onto a path that rounded the cabin.

      The night was pristine and still and devoid of anything that seemed threatening. Feeling a need to breathe in the freshness of the outdoors, she opened the front door and stepped onto the porch.


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