The Tofu Cookbook: Over 150 quick and easy recipes. Leah Leneman

The Tofu Cookbook: Over 150 quick and easy recipes - Leah Leneman

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oz (285g)brown rice1⅔ cups10–12 oz (285g–340g)firm or medium tofu1¼–1½ cups4spring onions (scallions)41 largegreen (bell) pepper1 large2 tbschopped parsley2 tbs4 tbsvegetable oil4 tbs2 tbslemon juice or cider vinegar2 tbs½ tspgarlic salt½ tspas requiredlettuceas requiredas requiredsliced tomatoesas required

      1 Cook the rice in salted boiling water until tender then leave to cool.

      2 Mash the tofu. Chop the spring onions (scallions) finely. Slice the green (bell) pepper thinly. Add these ingredients to the rice together with the parsley and mix well.

      3 Combine the oil, lemon juice or vinegar and garlic salt, and add to the rice mixture, stirring in thoroughly.

      4 Serve on lettuce leaves, garnished with sliced tomatoes.

       Potato salad with tofu dressing

      This needs to be prepared in advance, but it takes very little time. It’s a good dish for a buffet (especially for those still sceptical about non-dairy foods).

1½–2 lb (680–900g)potatoes1½–2 lb
8–10 oz (225g–285g)medium or soft tofu1–1¼ cups
1–2 tbslemon juice or cider vinegar1–2 tbs
2 tbsvegetable oil2 tbs
as requiredsea saltas required
as requiredfreshly ground black pepperas required
1 largeonion1 large

      1 Cook the potatoes in salted boiling water until tender, drain, then peel if desired. Slice them.

      2 Put the tofu, lemon juice or vinegar, oil and seasoning in a liquidizer and blend thoroughly.

      3 Chop the onion finely.

      4 While the potatoes are still warm mix with the onion and dressing.

      5 Chill before serving.

       Tofu and vegetable salad

      This recipe was originally conceived as a filling for pitta bread pockets, but it can be eaten on its own too. If all the ingredients are chilled beforehand it can be served immediately.

1 lb (455g)firm tofu2 cups
3spring onions (scallions)3
1green (bell) pepper1
2 stickscelery2 sticks
6 tbssoya (soy) mayonnaise6 tbs

      1 Cut the tofu into small cubes. Chop the spring onions (scallions), green (bell) pepper and celery finely. Grate the carrot coarsely.

      2 Combine the vegetables and tofu in a bowl and stir in the mayonnaise. Chill before serving.

       3 British- and American-style Dishes

       Baked stuffed aubergines (eggplants)

      This is an elegant dish, fit for a dinner party. Serve it with a mixed salad (and potatoes if desired).

2 large or 4 smallaubergines (eggplants)2 large or 4 small
as requiredsea saltas required
4 tbsolive oil4 tbs

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