The CEO's Secret Baby. Karen Whiddon

The CEO's Secret Baby - Karen  Whiddon

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jealousy and hurt, mixed with anger, told her the sooner the better.

      Watching the silent interplay between Lucy and Sean not only made him feel like an outsider, but the underlying emotions puzzled him. Lucy seemed defensive while Sean…acted almost jealous. Of course, he couldn’t blame the other man. If the situation had been reversed, he’d have felt threatened, too. Any man would.

      Maybe he could ease the tension a bit.

      “I’m going to have to leave in a few minutes,” he said. “I’m going to go find a place to stay.”

      Both Lucy and Sean stared at him as if he’d lost his mind.

      “Today?” Lucy asked. “It’s a holiday. Nothing’s open.”

      “Plus there’s no need,” Sean put in. “You can stay with me.”

      This, he hadn’t expected. Unless Sean figured he could keep an eye on him better that way.

      “Sounds good,” he lied, knowing Sean would be easier to convince of his need to live away from Lucy than Lucy herself. Also, if it came down to it, he rather suspected Sean wouldn’t actually care if he disappeared for a while.

      Lucy would be more difficult to fool. She’d expect him to want to spend time with Eli. Hell, he wanted to get to know his son. Just not yet. He couldn’t risk putting the baby in danger.

      Once this thing was settled… He shut down the thought, unwilling to think beyond what he had to do. He felt like he had to keep his focus tight if he wanted a chance at succeeding.

      Glancing at his watch, he realized he had approximately forty minutes before he had to meet Finn.

      Both Sean and Lucy noticed the gesture.

      “No hurry,” Lucy hastened to assure him, apparently mistaking the gesture for something else. “You just got here. Why don’t you sit and talk awhile? We’ve got a lot to catch up on.”

      Right. Searching for a way to distract her, he spotted his flat-screen television still occupying center stage. Exactly where he’d put it after he’d purchased it.

      “What about my stuff?” he asked Lucy. Before the trip to Mexico, he and Lucy had lived together. “My clothes, my books, do you still have any of it?”

      “Of course I do,” she answered, instantly distracted and sounding eager. “I’ve boxed it up and put it in the basement. You’re totally welcome to sort through it and move what you want to Sean’s.”

      “Sounds great. I won’t do it right now, but as soon as I can, all right?” Unfortunately, he knew he wouldn’t be able to go through his things anytime soon. Maybe after this DEA sting was all over. No, definitely after this was all over.

      To his relief, she didn’t insist he follow her to the basement and begin searching through his stuff immediately.

      “Sounds good,” Lucy said, shooting a questioning glance at Sean, who gave a slight nod.

      Tucker had to clench his teeth to keep from commenting. Sean flashed him a quizzical look as though he sensed something.

      Again he glanced at his watch. He had to get going.

      “Listen, would you like to go to Folsom Field with us?” Lucy asked, clearly struggling to fill the awkward silence. “The fireworks display starts at dusk, like always.”

      “It’ll be fun,” Sean put in, sounding anything but sincere.

      “A great way to celebrate your return,” Lucy continued.

      Staring at her, he knew he couldn’t. “I’m not sure taking an infant to a fireworks display would be wise,” he said. “You know the noise is bound to scare him. He’ll cry, and you’ll have to bring him home anyway.”

      Lucy frowned. “We were going to watch from outside the stadium, where it’s not as loud.”

      He pretended to consider the idea. “I think I’ll pass. You two have fun.”

      As her frown deepened, he realized why. Before Mexico, July 4th had been his favorite holiday. He’d never missed a fireworks display or an excuse to celebrate.

      “Things change,” he said softly. “You of all people should know that.”

      She turned away, making him realize he’d once again hurt her, without intending to.

      He pushed away the urge to comfort her. Once she thought about it, she’d realize he was right. All she had to do was look at the ring she wore on her third finger.

      One final glance at his watch showed him he was running out of time.

      “As a matter of fact,” he told Sean, keeping his expression pleasant. “I’ve intruded on you two enough for one day. You go on with your plans and I’ll catch up with you later.”

      Lucy made a strangled sound, but didn’t turn around.

      “Sounds good.” Sean nodded, looking relieved. “Do you have a cell phone?”

      “Not yet.” Grateful that he’d been given an out, Tucker smiled. “As a matter of fact, that’s one of the things I intend to rectify. McGuckin’s Hardware is open. I think I’ll head over there and pick out a new phone.”

      Still, Lucy wouldn’t look at him.

      “Let me write our numbers down,” Sean continued. “That way, once you get your phone, you can call us and give us yours.”

      Pocketing the slip of paper, Tucker again glanced at Lucy before heading toward the front door. “Catch you later,” he said to her back. She didn’t respond.

      Closing the door behind him, he made his escape.

      The walk back to Thirteenth Street took about fifteen minutes. He arrived to find the DEA man was already there.

      Driving a nondescript, navy sedan that screamed “government issue,” Finn waited from a parking spot in front of the nail salon/spa next door to the pub.

      Tucker climbed in the passenger side. Neither man spoke until they’d pulled out.

      “We’re all set up,” Finn said. “My undercover guy is already spreading a rumor that you have the money and are ready to talk.”

      “Ouch.” Tucker grimaced. “They’re going to want to capture me again.”

      “We won’t let that happen.” Finn shot Tucker a glance. “If we can nab the guys at the top of this cartel, we can shut down a bunch of the border violence and stop truckloads of drugs coming into the U.S. through New Mexico and Texas.”

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