Collins Gem. Collins Dictionaries
Local garages will have no trouble repairing your car very quickly. Repairs are carried out in industrial zones, called sanayi, located on the outskirts of towns.
The … doesn’t work | …çalışmıyor …cha-luhsh-muh-yor |
Where is the repair shop? | tamirhane nerede? ta-meer-ha-ne ne-re-de? |
accelerator | gaz pedalı | gaz pe-da-luh |
alternator | alternatör | al-ter-na-tur |
battery | akü | a-kew |
brakes | frenler | f-ren-ler |
choke | jikle | zheek-le |
clutch | debriyaj | deb-ree-yazh |
engine | motor | mo-tor |
exhaust pipe | eksoz borusu | ek-soz bo-roo-soo |
fuse | sigorta | see-gor-ta |
gears | vitesler | vee-tes-ler |
handbrake | el freni | el fre-nee |
headlights | farlar | far-lar |
ignition | kontak | kon-tak |
ignition key | kontak anahtarı | kon-tak a-nah-ta-ruh |
indicator | gösterge | gurs-ter-ge |
lock | kilit | kee-leet |
radiator | radyatör | rad-ya-tur |
reverse gear | geri vites | ge-ree vee-tes |
seat belt | emniyet kemeri | em-nee-yet ke-me-ree |
spark plug | buji | boo-zhee |
steering wheel | direksiyon | dee-rek-see-yon |
tyre | lastik | las-teek |
wheel | tekerlek | te-ker-lek |
windscreen | ön cam | urn djam |
windscreen wiper | cam sileceği | djam see-le-djee-ee |
ahead only
turn left
turn right
no entry
use of horn prohibited
city centre
reduce speed
pedestrian crossing
Hotels are rated from 1 to 5 stars, although unstarred hotels also exist. In tourist areas it’s easy to find a pansiyon or guesthouse. Breakfast will probably not be included in the room price. However, in tourist hotels and holiday resorts, breakfast is usually included – half board, full board and all-inclusive options are available.
Tek/çift kişilik bir oda istiyoruz
Tek/cheeft kee-shee-leek beer o-da ees-tee-yo-ruz
We would like to book a single/double room
Kaç gecelik?
Kach ge-dje-leek?
For how many nights?
Bir gece/iki gece/bir hafta için
Beer ge-dje/ee-kee ge-dje/beer haf-ta ee-cheen
For one night/two nights/one week
Do you have a room? | Boş odanız var mı? bosh o-da-nuhz var muh? |
I’d like… | …istiyorum …ees-tee-yo-room |
a single room | tek kişilik oda tek kee-shee-leek o-da |
a double room | çift kişilik oda cheeft kee-shee-leek o-da |
a cot | bebek yatağI be-bek ya-ta-uh |
with shower | duşlu doosh-loo |
with bath | banyolu ban-yo-loo |
How much is it per night? | Gecelik ücreti ne kadar? ge-dje-leek ewdj-re-tee ne ka-dar? |
1 night | bir gece beer ge-dje |
2 nights | iki gece ee-kee ge-dje |
I want a room on the ground floor | Zemin katta bir oda istiyorum ze-meen kat-ta beer o-da ees-tee-yo-room |
İsminiz, lütfen/Adınız lütfen ees-mee-neez, lewt-fen/a-duh-nuhz lewt-fen | Your name, please |
Pasaportunuz, lütfen pa-sa-por-too-nooz, lewt-fen | Your passport, please |
Doluyuz do-loo-yooz | We are full |
telefonla rezervasyon te-le-fon-la re-zer-vas-yon | by phone |
I have a reservation | Rezervasyonum var re-zer-vas-yo-noom var |
My name is… | İsmim… ees-meem… |
Have you a different room? | Başka odanız var mı? bash-ka o-da-nuhz var muh? |
Where can I park the car? | Arabamı |