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«In a searching essay at the close of this volume, Kaplan poses the fundamental question that informs the contributions to this book on apprenticeship and, indeed, to all studies on craft work in the pre–industrial world: if evidence here and elsewhere continues to point to the growing irrelevance of guilds ‘in many domains including apprenticeship’, why did the institutions remain so important, and artisans so resolute in their desire to join them? Traditional historiography, based largely on normative sources like guild statutes, took guilds to be the fundamental economic, social, and political armature of pre–modern work, but recently revisionist historians (such as Michael Sonenscher, Philippe Minard, Kaplan, and myself) point out that a more inclusive and expansive field of vision on work forces us to come to grips with the vast amount of work activity that was occurring beyond the purview of the guilds. This volume engages with this debate, and focuses on what may be considered the quintessential institution within the guild structure: apprenticeship» (Kaplan S.L. Reconsidering Apprenticeship: Afterthoughts // De Munck B. at all. Learning on the Shop Floor… P. 215–216; см.: Farr J. R. Review of De Munck B., Kaplan S. L. and Soly H. (Eds.). Learning on the Shop Floor… // Economic History Review. 62. 1 (2009). P. 235–237).
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В 2010 г. таких предприятий в Германии насчитывалось около 3,3 млн. Они создавали 57% рабочих мест, их доля от оборота всех предприятий страны составила 42% (Dämon K. Die heimlichen Stars // Institut für Mittelstandsforschung der Universität Mannheim. URL:–