Body Language for Leaders. Simone Janson

Body Language for Leaders - Simone Janson

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can participate in the virtual meetings at humane times. If this is not always possible, the dates should be adapted to the needs of the participants. Thus, the same person does not always have to attend the virtual meetings at an unpleasant time, such as the 3 clock.

      6 Plan enough time: Schedule a time buffer before the meeting that will allow you and the attendees to prepare. At the beginning of the meeting, take the time to get used to it instead of going to the job. End the meeting by allowing the attendees to leave and ask if anyone has something to add before signing out - similar to a virtual handshake.

      7 Plan the course of the meeting: Think carefully about what the participants should have read and prepared before the meeting. Send the agenda in advance to all participants and ask for their feedback. When you use presentations, they prepare not only content-related slides but also process-specific slides.

      8 Help the participants to focus: A "concentration exercise" at the beginning of the meeting can allow the participants to begin thinking in terms of the topic they have been dealing with in order to be fully involved.

      9 Learn to deal with silence: Most people feel uncomfortable when it is quiet and try to break through by repeating the information. Silence does not mean that people are absent. As a rule, they think about the task and think about how to respond. Give them the time to think in peace.

      10 Build relationships and maintain them: Relationships are the pillars of virtual leadership. Managers should spend a certain amount of time engaging with each and every member of the team. There are good experiences with concepts such as the "virtual coffee corners". These are meetings without an agenda to which people are invited to meet virtually and discuss things they are currently dealing with.

      Body language in politics: Obama calls Putin bored schoolchild

      // By Simone Janson

      Body language is important, most people know it undeniably, but many successful people in positions of power do not pay attention to it. This can have unpleasant consequences.

      Putin as a lazy from the last bank?

      Rhetoric and presentation expert Michael Moesslang has for Best of HR –® already analyzed the body language of various politicians. He also drew my attention to this announcement: US President Barack Obama calls Russian President Vladimier Putin a bored schoolboy - and thus clearly targets his body language.

      It sounds funny at first glance: like Alan Posener in the WELT Obama wrote at a press conference that he interrupted his remarks "to say the Russian head of state, sometimes lolls around like the bored schoolchild in the last bank." "Of course it's about more: especially the Snowden affair, but also more political differences. How Putin responded to this targeted insult is not yet known.

      Offense at the highest level

      And also whether it was politically wise from Obama, Putin so obvious to dissen or a dictator to be minimized. This must be discussed and judged by others. I am concerned about a different aspect:

      The Importanz of the body language also on politically highest level. Obama's criticism shows that body language often tells more about us than we can be. Because Putin likes to mark the strong man, but shows his weakness with this body language.

      Body language has an impact on our status

      According to impact expert Dr. Cornelia Topf, also author on Best of HR –®, our body language actually affects our status in working life. More than most believe. Alone, how one sits in a meeting, can bring the image strong scratches. And she advises Improvement of the effect:

       "Take a close look at successful people: the fatal thing is that many are unaware of their impact. They often wonder where their completely untrue image comes from. "

      Pay attention to breathing, stability and posture

      The expert therefore advises to observe respiration, stability and physical activity and to train them. And pot gives a sovereignty-tip, to make oneself aware of one's own weaknesses and to improve them purposefully, in order to be self-assured: Feel the fear and do it anyway!

      What I noticed: Also the other way around is a shoe out of it. When I pay attention to my body tension and move confidently, I also get better feedback - and automatically feel better self-confident.

      If Putin had listened to our experts ...

      Mrs. Topf writes in her sovereignty contribution also: That you should be grateful for any feedback you get in this regard. Whether the Russian President is so grateful to the American, I dare to doubt.

      One thing is certain: if Mr. Putin had listened to our experts, then he would have been spared this insult! ;-) (Attention, irony!)

      The ideal boss: communication as the key to success

      // By Jürgen W. Goldfuß

      These are the many small things that often stand in the way of executives and are therefore ridiculed or not accepted by their employees.

      To lead people is to communicate clearly

      To lead people to talk to people, to communicate. Now we've all met people who talk a lot, but do not say anything, do not make any statements. However, a manager is expected to convey his message clearly and unequivocally in a few words.

      This includes the avoidance of such conjunctives as: "There you should ...", "I would like to ..." or "Here someone should ...". If you want to know more about your choice of words, then you often have a dictaphone with you and then listen to your own words. You will then determine if you are precise and unambiguous, or if you are putting a lot of verbal rubbish on your statement.

      Everyone has its own role

      You are a leader in a role other than the other employees than your colleagues. And in this new role you should divide your salary into three parts. The first part is rewarding your leadership, so make sure that your department reaches predetermined goals in time.

      The second part of the salary can be considered as a fee, because you are now playing a, hopefully credible role on the stage of the company. You are now expected to have a motivating role model role. You may like to claim the third part of your salary as a "compensation allowance" because in your position between your boss and your employees there will be situations in which you take "beating" between the fronts. However, the third part should at most be in the low single-digit percentage range.

      Believe the role playing

      On the subject of Gage and a role play another note. How do you recognize a good actor? The fact that you do not realize that he plays a role, but that you think he is the person whose role he embodies. That means he looks authentic. Therefore, only very good actors can play any role credibly. Believably, that's the keyword. You may have experienced executives who are noted that they do not feel comfortable in their role.

      They are more pity than respect. And anyone who does not feel comfortable in his or her role will quickly fall out of the role and everyone will notice that it is a mistake. It is not for nothing that someone is growing into a role. The faster and the better the change of roles, the higher your chances of a new engagement - perhaps even on a different stage.

      How good manners of career use: 10 tips on business etiquette


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