Monument Future. Siegfried Siegesmund
Star crack
The five deterioration families of this framework are present in Palacio Salvo (Tables 4 and 5). The Family Crack and Deformation is represented mainly by cracks and star cracks (Figure 3). Cracks occur very seldom in pilasters and columns, and only one is present in a step (Tables 4 and 5).
Splintering is the most frequent deterioration feature of the Family Detachment observed in Andes Street and 18 de Julio Avenue, followed by Chipping, which affects pilasters and columns of the four areas studied (Figure 4). Due to the location and characteristics of the latter features, they are a product of differential movement of the structure or the masonry, and not originated from low resistance of the rock. They are absent in steps.
Fragmentation is only observed in two panels of the Gallery. Blistering and spalling are related with features of other families and will be discussed at the end of the section.
Table 5: Deterioration features present in steps of Palacio