Monument Future. Siegfried Siegesmund

Monument Future - Siegfried Siegesmund

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The second phantom was a cylinder made of Carrara marble which was artificially aged. The cylinder was then heated to 150 °C and thrown into cold water. Thus, the average speed of sound could be reduced to approx. 3.200 m/s. Figure 4 shows the results of the evaluation. These correspond well with the expected values.

      After successful measurements in the laboratory, the system was tested on the columns (Ø = 550 mm) of the Marmorpalais in Potsdam (see Figure 2). These are heavily weathered and show cracks, some of which have been filled.

      Figure 5 shows the found structure of the marble. Although signals could be received at this object, they had large interference components. An automatic detection of the signal beginnings and thus an evaluation of tomography was not possible. The performance limit of the system was reached because of the strong fissuring of the stone.

      Figure 5: typical structure of the marble columns of the Marmorpalais in Potsdam.


      The measurements on the ultrasound phantoms prove the principle functionality of the new ultrasound system in the creation of tomography on stone. The positioning of the ultrasonic transducers with the holding system takes approx. 30 min. and the recording of the positions approx. 10 min. The actual measurements and the calculation of the tomography take approx. 20 min. with max. 32 transducers. The determination of a tomography is thus easily possible within one hour. The transmission voltage of 1,000 Vpp at 9 mm aperture of the transducers is not sufficient to receive evaluable signals in case of strongly weathered and fissured marble. In addition in all cases, the high transmit voltage on the multiplexer generates a coupling to the receive channels. The resulting signals allows a reliable measurement only from 150 mm marble thickness.


      The principle feasibility and the associated time saving could be demonstrated. However, a device that can be used practically requires the revision of the multiplexer and the electronics. As mentioned before, the high transmitt voltage generates a coupling to the receive channels and therefore the begin of the signal is difficult to define and structures thinner than 150 mm cannot be examined. This problem can be solved by a new layout which carefully separates the transmit and the receive parts of the electronic and their electrical grounding.

      Furthermore, the holding system of the transducers 244should be optimized to allow a strong and secure mounting of the transducers on the marble surface. The existing system software has many useful features and is easyly to handle. Together with an optimized hardware, the system could accelerate the tomography of stone made cultural heritage.


      The development was supplied by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, VIP+00291.


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      UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal

      CGeo – Centro de Geociências da Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Silvino Lima, Universidade de Coimbra, Polo II, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal


      Fuente de Cibeles of Madrid (Spain) was carved in Montesclaros marble between 1777 and 1782. In order to know its modifications and anthropogenic decay throughout its history, a documentary search was carried out. Montesclaros marble and its deterioration have been evaluated with optical microscopy, mercury intrusion porosimetry and colourimetry. In addition, the linear microcrack density from the surface to the interior of an altered sample was calculated. This dolomitic marble has coarse equigranular blasts and granoblastic texture. Dolomite crystals are surrounded by smaller calite crystals that dissolve more easily. This dissolution produces pores, a slight colour change and finally granular disintegration. Rhombohedral exfoliation microcracks are more numerous in the first superficial millimeters of altered stones.

      Keywords: Fuente de Cibeles, marble decay, weathering processes, maintenance


      Traditional building stones are an important cultural and social focus; they are identifying and differentiating traits particular to each city. Their conservation is a challenge for the scientific community dedicated to the built heritage (Siegesmund and Török, 2011). The care and conservation of stones are essential to protect and to guarantee the successful future of monuments (De Wever et al.,

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