Revenge of the Second Son. Sara Orwig

Revenge of the Second Son - Sara Orwig

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has bested you. Revenge is what this is about.”

      “This will be a lucrative deal for all concerned,” Nick replied, keeping calm. “You’ll get rid of a lot of debt.”

      “We’ll manage our company,” Julia replied smoothly, turning to Tyler. “I’m glad to have met you.”

      Looping her arm through her grandfather’s, she turned to Nick. “I guess if I hadn’t stepped in front of you, you would have run right over that poor old dog. Manners force me to thank you for dinner, but it’s been less than pleasant. You may want revenge for imagined wrongs, but you’re not going to get it,” she added. “Back off, or you’ll regret it.”

      Taking her grandfather’s arm, Julia started to walk away. Nick inhaled and his gaze drifted down over her, watching the sexy sway of her hips, looking at her long, shapely legs. He wanted her in an explosive way, wishing he could yank her into his embrace and kiss her into submission. At the same time, he was annoyed with himself.

      He watched her walk across the restaurant until she was out of sight. Beside him, Tyler gave a long, low whistle. “She’s a pistol! Wow! And a real chip off the old block. I knew the old man was grooming her to take over, but I didn’t expect it this much and this soon, or his heir to be red-hot sexy and drop-dead gorgeous.”

      Nick turned to his vice president. “I think she brings out the Neanderthal in me,” he said, and Tyler gave a dry laugh.

      “She’d bring it out in any man who’s not dead. Whew! She’s feisty and maybe as underhanded as the rest of her family. She openly threatened you.”

      “That will make this all the more interesting. Too bad she’s a Holcomb. Otherwise…” he let his voice trail away as he thought about Julia. “Let’s have coffee,” Nick said, sitting and facing Tyler. “Tell me again—we’ve got this takeover nailed, don’t we?”

      “Yes, we do,” Tyler said, his gray eyes flashing with satisfaction. He poured more wine for himself and offered some to Nick, who shook his head.

      “Make sure there aren’t any hitches. Rufus has killer instincts and he doesn’t draw the line at doing something illegal.”

      “As long as you live, you’ll think it was one of their minions who ran you off the road back in your early days.”

      “I know damn well it was, but there was no way to prove it in court. None. My word against them, and they would have had an alibi.”

      “If that’s the case, be careful now. We’re going for his throat.”

      “I’m not a kid now. I’m not worried about Rufus or Julia and her threats. More than ever, I want to destroy Holcomb and get revenge for my family.”

      “Plus acquiring some real jewels,” Tyler declared, taking a long drink of wine. “Rufus’s sister, Helena, lives in Paris. Her health is failing and she has a nurse and companion, as well as a staff to take care of her condo. I flew over there myself to see her. She never wants to come back here.”

      “That surprises me,” Nick said.

      “She’s older than Rufus and thinks it’s high time he retired while he still has his health. She has definite ideas and it sounds as if the two haven’t gotten along from the day Rufus was born.”

      “Julia isn’t close to her aunt?”

      “No. Helena doesn’t think Julia should be at Holcomb. Helena’s opinion is that Julia should be home making babies.”

      The image that popped into Nick’s mind temporarily wiped out hearing anything else that Tyler was telling him. Julia in bed. Nick’s temperature soared, and he tried to pull his thoughts back to Tyler and concentrate on his vice president’s conversation. Nick wiped his damp brow and stared at Tyler.

      “We own every dime’s worth of Holcomb stock Helena possessed. You are now the major stockholder.”

      “Are there any other relatives holding stock besides Julia and Rufus?”

      “No. In addition to Rufus’s sister, Julia and Rufus are the only ones left. They only have each other,” Tyler exclaimed with eagerness. “Julia’s parents were killed in a plane crash three years ago. Between the Holcomb stocks and the bank, you’ve got ’em.”

      Nick thought about the bank he had just purchased and the Holcomb mortgages he had acquired. “We can call those mortgages in whenever we want,” he said. “His family and ours have battled over horses and oil. It’s time to take Miss Julia Holcomb and her grandfather out of the picture. She’ll make a lot of money and so will Rufus. We’re not robbing them.”

      A cell phone rang and Nick retrieved it from his pocket, talking softly and listening to his friend, Meredith Cates, while Tyler poured another glass of wine for himself.

      “Sorry, Meredith. I’m tied up this weekend.” Nick listened while she fussed.

      “I can’t change my plans. I’ll get back with you,” he said and switched off his phone.

      “Another woman bites the dust,” Tyler said. “You go through them like lightning. Has there ever been one you couldn’t seduce?”

      Nick smiled. “I’m sure there has,” he answered easily. “Although I can’t remember her,” he added, and they both laughed.

      Tyler sipped his drink and gazed at his friend. “All right,” Nick said. “What’s up?”

      “It’s after hours now, Nick. Business over.”

      Nick nodded. “Right. I think I should do Gina a favor and drive you home.”

      “Nope. I’m sober enough. I’ll tell you what—I want that year-old sorrel of yours—”

      “Standing Tall? He’s still not for sale,” Nick replied firmly. “But you have an eye for horseflesh. He’s going to win me a bunch of races.”

      “You like my new Ferrari, don’t you?”

      “Yes, but I don’t want to swap my horse for your car. I can buy a car. The horse takes breeding and luck.”

      “You might not have to have to swap your horse. You might get both if you’re willing to take a risk.”

      Nick drank the last of his coffee and set down his cup, his curiosity growing. “So what’s on your not-too-sober mind, Tyler?”

      “Let me name a woman. If you can seduce her within the next two weeks, the car is yours. If you can’t, the horse is mine.”

      Nick laughed. “You’ve lost it!”

      “Listen to me. I’ll pick someone likely—she has to be under thirty, healthy, single, a knockout, unattached and a woman of my choice.”

      “You’re nuts. You’ve had enough wine. Let’s go,” Nick said and stood. “We’ve done a lot of crazy things, Ty. This is one you’re not talking me into.”

      “Since when do you balk at seduction of a beautiful woman?” Tyler said, standing and walking out beside Nick. “Scared to risk your horse? You might get my Ferrari.”

      Thinking about the prize car, Nick glanced at his friend. “You’d really bet your car?”

      “Yes, I will. I want that horse. I think I can name a woman you can’t seduce.”

      “Maybe. Maybe not.”

      “C’mon, Nick. It’ll make life interesting. Matter of fact,” Tyler said, getting a brisk, businesslike tone back in his voice, “here’s your chance to make your revenge really sweet. Miss Julia Holcomb.”

      “To hell with that one,” Nick said.

      “Scared of her? That would be the ultimate revenge, Nick. Absolute. I know your negative answer is not because she isn’t attractive enough. Sparks were flying between the two of you tonight.”

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