Top Secret Identity. Sharon Dunn
stared down at the black-and-white cat licking one of her calico babies. For a brief moment, she’d seen a different side to Craig. He was capable of compassion. He deserved a chance. “How about we wipe the slate clean and start over? Last night never happened.”
Craig offered a halfhearted shrug. “Whatever.”
His posture and words were defensive, but she thought she saw just a flash of gratitude in his eyes. It was a start.
She stepped out of the shed and headed back to the barn. She took in a breath of straw-scented air and began to feel a little more relaxed about staying at The Stables. Alex had been right about the late-night prowlers. The knowledge that she hadn’t been found made her feel more confident about the Waverly horse sale and going out in public. Maybe a day spent helping Alex would be fun.
A chill hung in the air as Alex made his way to the stable. Morgan was already busy filling feed buckets when he stepped inside.
She looked up at him. “Hey, thought I’d get an early start. You wanted to be out of here by eight, right?”
She wore a denim coat with a lacy white top underneath and jeans. He grabbed a bucket off the wall and filled it with feed from a bin. “Thought I’d come out here and give you a hand, but you’ve got most of it done.”
He stroked the neck of one of the horses and then stepped inside the stall to look at a cut on its back leg. He helped Morgan finish with the feeding and watering. They worked quickly and quietly. When they stepped outside their breath came out in puffs in the cold morning air.
Morgan crossed her hands over her body. “Hope it warms up. This is cold for April.”
“It’s Iowa,” Alex said.
“Where I grew up in Wyoming it was cold, too, but this chill cuts through to my bones.”
It was the first piece of personal information she’d shared with him. He counted it a victory that she had even opened up to him that much. Maybe she was starting to trust him. “Wyoming, huh?”
A worried look came across her face. “All I meant was that it’s cold out here.” Her voice was monotone.
Her defenses went up so quickly. “I’ve already got the trailer hitched up.” He pointed toward the truck just beyond one of the corrals.
They drove through light highway traffic with Alex doing most of the talking. He shared his plans for repair and expansion of The Stables and his desire to grow the therapeutic riding part of the business.
Morgan offered words of encouragement and stared out the window at the passing landscape.
It was nice to talk to someone who understood his passion for how the horses could change lives.
Parking was at a premium despite their early arrival. This was the third day of a sale that would last a whole week. Though the bidding took place in the indoor arenas, they walked past a dirt lot where horses pulling buggies and riders on horses circled around.
Alex explained. “Gets the horses exercised, works out their nerves so they show better, plus potential buyers have a chance to see the horses in action.”
They made their way through the throng of people. Morgan seemed to grow more nervous. He saw fear in her eyes.
He touched her arm lightly. “Not much of a crowd person, huh?”
She nodded, edging closer to him. A cluster of people at the entrance jostled and pushed. He placed a protective hand on her back.
He leaned close and spoke into her ear. He could smell the light floral scent of her perfume. “It’ll seem less crowded once we get inside.”
The sale was set up with dozens of bidding arenas where the horses were paraded past the potential buyers. “The auction for the horses that might meet our needs won’t happen for a while.” He held up a catalog that contained a listing of all the horses for sale. “We can go down to the corral where they’re kept and have a look at them before the sale.”
They pushed through the crowd past a sign that indicated draft horses were being auctioned off. Morgan peered inside the arena. “Draft horses are so beautiful.”
“We have time to watch them. Why don’t we go have a seat?”
Morgan seemed to relax when they sat down. After a description of the draft horses, some single, some in pairs, and indication of the bloodlines, the auctioneer started the bidding while each horse was led back and forth in front of the spectators. A pair of draft horses went by with a rider standing on top of them, one leg on each horse’s back.
Morgan laughed and grabbed his arm. “Didn’t know I was going to see a circus act, too.”
It was good to see her enjoy herself. They shared some popcorn Alex had bought from a vendor who was walking through the bleachers. His shoulder pressed against hers. He glanced sideways at her. She blushed and turned slightly.
The glow of attraction didn’t surprise him. He’d thought she was beautiful from the moment he’d hired her. He liked that she had let her guard down even a little bit. The attraction wasn’t anything he would act on, though. After what his ex-wife had put him through, his desire for a romantic relationship was close to zero. Still, he felt at ease around her.
Maybe Morgan was running or hiding from someone. But he’d come to The Stables to escape, too. After Gretchen left him, the prospect of sitting behind a desk all day only added to his depression. He’d chosen to do that sort of dependable job for her anyway. The owners of The Stables hired him for his finance and marketing skills, but it was being around the horses that appealed to him most. Chalk it up to some boyhood dream of being a cowboy. He’d found an unexpected measure of happiness at The Stables. Maybe Morgan could, too.
Morgan glanced around at the crowd. Her mood seemed to shift slightly as she stared straight ahead.
“Everything all right?”
“Yes, fine.” She bit her lower lip. “I think I’ll go use the little girl’s room.”
Alex pointed off to the side of the arena. “Careful, you have to walk past the horses waiting to enter the arena.”
As he watched her descend the bleachers, he wondered what had stolen her good mood so quickly.
* * *
Morgan glanced up at the bleachers as she pushed through the crowd that had gathered on the floor of the arena. Up in the stands, Alex turned slightly to speak to the man next to him. She’d been having a pleasant time with him when she’d felt the press of a gaze on her. When she turned around, a man had stepped down the bleacher stairs and tapped the woman in front of her on the shoulder.
A false alarm. She was in a constant state of vigilance. Even her slip with Alex in telling him she was from Wyoming made her cringe. The information was benign enough, but she could not get into the habit of telling anyone who she used to be. The truth was, she felt relaxed around Alex. She wanted to share with him.
Morgan squeezed around several clusters of people.
“Wait a second, lady.” A burly man in a checked shirt with the sleeves cut off stuck his arm out to block her.
Becoming more aware of her surroundings, she stuttered in her step. She heard the screeching of metal and stomping of hooves. Two draft horses were led past her and into the arena. People crowded in on both sides of the entrance for the horses. The horse already in the arena must have been taken out the other side. Her heart beat a little faster at the sight of the huge animals.
The burly man pulled his arm toward his body. “Just didn’t want you to get stomped to bits.”
She nodded and walked past the gate, now closed, where a large grey Percheron stomped the dirt and nuzzled its handler.
Morgan used the restroom and then stepped outside.