Amish Christmas Joy. Patricia Davids

Amish Christmas Joy - Patricia Davids

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      It wasn’t the answer he wanted. For some reason, he wanted to know that she had forgiven him for leaving the Amish, for straying so far from the path laid out from his birth. It was a foolish thought. He was grateful she was willing to consider teaching Joy. That was enough.

      “I live in the same house. It’s past the next hill on the right-hand side of the road, a short mile after the school.”

      “You still live with your folks?”

      “Nee, they are gone now.”

      “I’m sorry.” He slowed as he topped the rise. The school building and schoolyard were just as he remembered them. He would have to tell Joy to look for his name carved under one of the desks. The lane to Leah’s home came all too quickly. He turned in and hoped Joy would say goodbye without making a fuss.

      Her face took on the mulish pout he dreaded, once Leah opened the door to get out.

      She held out her hand to Joy. “It was wonderful meeting you. I look forward to seeing you at school.”

      “At school?” Joy gave her a puzzled look.

      “Your father wants to enroll you in my school. If it works out, I’ll be your new teacher. Wouldn’t that great?”

      Joy folded her arms over her chest and stared at the floor of the truck. “I don’t like school. Other kids make fun of me.”

      “My students won’t do that. Besides, even if you don’t come to my school, I’m sure your father will bring you over to see the puppies when they arrive.”

      Joy looked at Caleb. “Will you?”

      “Sure, kiddo.”

      Joy clapped her hands and rewarded him with a beaming smile that crinkled her eyes closed. He smiled in return. It was amazing how fast he was growing to love her. That was one more reason to get her settled quickly. Another painful upheaval wouldn’t do either of them any good.

      He glanced at Leah. She was smiling at Joy, too. As their eyes met, his heart gave a funny kick. She really was a pretty woman. He liked the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled.

      The last thing he expected to find in Hope Springs was an Amish woman who caught his fancy.

      If only things had been different.

      And that was the story of his life.

      Leah looked away first. “Goodbye, Joy. Be sure and tell your grossmammi I said hello.”

      “I will.” Joy waved.

      Leah waved, too, and closed the door.

      Caleb sat and watched until she entered the house. After a few minutes, the soft glow of lantern light lit the windows. He couldn’t put it off any longer. It was time to go home. He shifted the truck in Reverse and began to back up.

      “Daddy, stop!”

      He hit the brakes. “What?”

      “Leah wants you.”

      He looked toward the house. She stood on the porch motioning to him. He put the truck in Park. Was something wrong? He looked around the cab. He didn’t see anything she might have left behind.

      “Stay here, Joy.” He opened his door.

      “But I want to come in.”

      “We’re not staying. I’m just going to see what Leah wants.” He stepped out of the truck. The light layer of powdery fresh snow muffled his footsteps as he crossed the yard to her porch.

      Leah’s eyes were bright with excitement. As he neared, that excitement faded. She bit her lower lip and clasped her hands together nervously. When she didn’t speak, he asked, “Is something wrong?”

      “Nee. It’s only that Trixie has had her puppies. I thought perhaps Joy would like to see them.”

      Bemused by her unexpected offer, he hitched a thumb toward his truck. “I’m sure she will. I’ll go get her.”

      He was happy to put off going home for a bit longer. The real upside was spending more time in Leah’s company.

      * * *

      What was she thinking?

      Leah couldn’t believe she had just invited Caleb Mast into her home. She had been so excited to find the puppies had arrived that she had simply stepped out and beckoned Joy to come see them, not thinking that Caleb would come, too. She could hardly ask him to wait outside while she took his child in. She prayed her sister wouldn’t find out.

      Leah watched as Caleb lifted Joy out of the truck. He spoke to her quietly and then held her hand as they approached the house. Leah stood aside and let them enter.

      She had placed the whelping box in the kitchen, near the stove for warmth. Trixie lay on an old quilt in a corner of the box with three tiny black, brown and white pups nestled against her belly. She pricked up her ears and gave the newcomers a guarded look.

      Trixie was a medium-size dog with long black fur and a white blaze that went down her face and chest. Over her eyes and upright ears, she had brown points, which gave her an inquisitive look. Two of the puppies were marked like their mother. A third was as pale brown as winter grass, with a white blaze and chest and four white feet.

      Leah spoke quietly to reassure her. “It’s okay. They want to admire your babies.”

      Joy knelt beside the box with Caleb at her side. “They are super awesome. Can I touch them, Daddy?” Her voice squeaked with excitement.

      He brushed a lock of hair away from her eyes. “You have to ask to Leah. Remember, I said we have to talk very quietly so we don’t disturb them.”

      She nodded and looked up at Leah. “Can I touch them?” she whispered.

      “I think Trixie will allow that.” She reached into the box and lifted a tiny ball of fur. The puppy mewed at having its sleep cut short. Trixie rose to her feet and stood close as Leah handed the pup to Joy, showing her how to hold it properly.

      Joy raised the puppy to her face. “Oh, it’s so soft. It this Pickles?”

      “Let me see.” Caleb took the puppy from her and checked the gender. “Yup, this is Pickles.” He handed her back to his daughter.

      Joy pressed her close. “I love you, Pickles.”

      The puppy started crying, making Trixie whine with concern. Leah said, “We should put Pickles back with her mother now. She needs lots of rest so she can grow up to be a wonderful helper on someone’s farm.”

      Joy handed her back to Leah. Trixie nosed her pup and licked her as Leah replaced her with her littermates. Joy looked at Leah. “Pickles’s mommy will take good care of her. She won’t run away and leave her to be scared.”

      Leah exchanged a poignant look with Caleb. They were both thinking the same thing. Joy was referring to her own mother’s actions. Caleb put an arm around her. “No, Trixie is going to take good care of all her puppies.”

      Joy pushed his arm away and looked around the kitchen. “Where is their daddy?”

      Leah knelt beside her. “His name is Duncan. He lives on a sheep farm not far from here with his master.”

      Joy frowned. “Does he ever come to visit his kids?”

      Leah smothered a smile. “They were only born today. I’m sure he’ll be by when he hears the news.”

      “He better come. He shouldn’t be a deadbeat dad. My friends Jenny and Kala have deadbeat dads.”

      Puzzled, Leah said, “What does that mean?”

      Caleb rose to his feet. His demeanor changed as he squared off, almost as if he expected a fight. “A deadbeat dad is a man who doesn’t take responsibility for his children, doesn’t visit them or help support them.”

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