An Unwilling Desire. Кэрол Мортимер
can't continue to argue like this.’ She had thought this all out last night before she went to sleep, and if she were to continue in the employment of James's secretary she couldn't continue to be at loggerheads with his brother—even if he did antagonise her until she had to retaliate. Much as she disliked having to be the one to apologise, she knew she couldn't let things remain strained between herself and this arrogantly mocking man. ‘I'm sorry I was rude to you last night. I—It was all a bit of a shock, James and Maxine's argument—–’
‘And then our own,’ he drawled.
She flushed at the taunt. ‘And then ours,’ she acknowledged huskily.
‘Why did you stop?’
‘Stop what?’ She gave him a puzzled frown.
‘Laughing.’ His gaze was intent on her face. ‘It was as if all the lights went out.’ He relaxed back in his chair, the delicate wood creaking under his heavy frame. ‘You're right, Holly, we can't keep arguing all the time,’ he said slowly. ‘So what do you suggest we do, become friends?’
She swallowed hard at the husky implication behind his words. ‘I was thinking more of acquaintances,’ she amended.
Zack grinned. ‘I've never been acquaintances with a woman, it might be quite interesting at that.’ He sipped his coffee, giving her a sideways glance. ‘Don't acquaintances ask after your health?’
This time the colour flooded her cheeks, and she almost choked over the toast she was eating. ‘Are you—all right?’ she asked as soon as she had her voice under control.
‘I believe I'll have to take things easy for a few days,’ he answered with innocent casualness. ‘But after that I should be fine.’
His answer was so blandly given that it was all she could do not to laugh again. Zack Benedict really was the most extraordinary man …!
‘Tell me, Holly?’ he leant towards her with a serious expression, ‘do you think I've stopped bleeding to death now?’
Her lips twitched with amusement, but she gave the question serious consideration. ‘Yes, I think so,’ she nodded. ‘Are you usually this forgiving?’ She referred to his calm dismissal of the injury she had inflicted on him the evening before.
‘Only with women who have Elizabeth Taylor eyes,’ he flirted wickedly. ‘Be a good girl and take this tissue off for me. If it looks like bleeding again stick it back on quick; this is my second clean shirt today, I got blood all over the first one.’
With any other man Holly would have shied away from this intimacy, but after last night she knew he would have second thoughts about attempting to kiss her again, possibly even third and fourth ones!
‘What are you thinking?’ He was watching her with narrowed eyes.
‘Nothing very important,’ she dismissed coolly.
‘I'll bet.’ He sat forward so that his chin was easily accessible. ‘Those violet eyes hide a multitude of sins!’
Holly met his gaze steadily. ‘Not as many as yours, I'm sure,’ she replied tartly.
Zack gave a deep throaty laugh of pure enjoyment. ‘I'm sure too,’ he grinned. ‘So how about taking off the tissue?’
His jaw felt firm beneath her touch, the skin rough from the beard that grew there. It was years since she had touched a man in any way, and she removed the tissue as quickly as possible.
‘Tell me the bad news,’ he grimaced, looking at her expectantly.
There was quite a deep groove in his chin, the skin looked red and sore. ‘That's quite a nasty cut,’ she told him softly.
‘Mm,’ he pulled a face, rubbing his jaw ruefully. ‘For some reason I didn't have my mind on what I was doing this morning.’
The way he was looking at her seemed to imply that she was partly, if not all, the reason for his lack of concentration. Holly flushed, attempting to move away from him. But not quite soon enough! The door suddenly opened behind them, the soft whirring sound of James's chair announcing his arrival before he spoke. Holly sprang away from Zack Benedict as if he burnt her, aware by the narrowing of James's eyes that he saw the movement as one of guilt, looking questioning at his brother, his mouth firm with disapproval.
‘James,’ Zack stood up lithely. ‘How is Maxine this morning?’
Holly watched as James's face darkened, wondering why Zack Benedict felt it necessary to instantly antagonise his brother. The question about Maxine was inflammatory, and she felt sure the man seated opposite her at the table was well aware of it.
‘I have no idea,’ James snapped. ‘As usual I doubt if we'll be honoured with her presence until lunchtime. I came to see if you would mind working this morning, Holly?’ he looked at her.
‘On a Saturday, James?’ the other man taunted. ‘Give the poor girl a break!’
‘Holly?’ James demanded stiffly, ignoring his brother.
He was no less strained today, in fact if anything he looked worse. Obviously he and Maxine were still at odds with each other. Holly often worked with James on a Saturday, although with his wife back she hadn't expected to do so today.
‘Why don't you have some breakfast first?’ Zack suggested before she could make any reply. ‘Relax a little,’ he encouraged.
Hazel eyes were coldly angry as James looked at his brother. ‘I relaxed yesterday, now it's time to get back to work. Holly?’ He gave her a hard stare.
She pushed back her chair and stood up. ‘I'm ready whenever you are.’
‘Now,’ he rasped, turning his chair to leave the room, clearly expecting her to follow him.
Holly watched his departure with hurt in her wide violet eyes. James had never spoken to her like this before, although she realised Zack Benedict's taunts hadn't helped to improve the other man's already volcanic mood.
‘I shouldn't keep him waiting,’ Zack murmured mockingly. ‘He's likely to explode!’
She gave him a resentful look for his amusement. ‘You didn't exactly help the situation!’
His brows rose. ‘Was I supposed to?’
‘James is your brother—–’
‘And yesterday and today are the first times I've seen him show any real damned emotion in the years since his accident!’ he rasped. ‘I'll do anything in my power to make that continue.’
‘Even if you hurt him in the process?’
‘Yes,’ his eyes glittered, ‘even if I hurt him. At least that way I know he's alive!’
‘Zack …?’ She looked at him with puzzled eyes, not understanding his vehemence.
‘Go and do your work, Holly, and don't worry about my goading James; I know what I'm doing.’
She left him with a worried frown and went slowly down to James's study, moving quickly and quietly behind the desk she used when in there as he looked up with a scowl. ‘Sorry,’ she mumbled as he made no effort to speak.
‘For what?’ he bit out.
‘I—Well, for—I'm not too sure,’ she finished awkwardly. ‘You seem angry about something.’
James gave a heavy sigh, relaxing a little. ‘Just how friendly have you and Zack become since he arrived yesterday?’
‘I—I beg your pardon?’ She gave a deep frown.
He seemed to be avoiding looking at her directly. ‘I happen to care a great deal for Zack—–’
‘He cares for you too.’ She had no doubt about that now, was convinced he covered that caring with taunts and