Trials of Death. Darren Shan

Trials of Death - Darren Shan

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compete, or that they can’t be killed if they fail?”

      “None that I am aware of,” Seba said. “The only vampires who cannot be killed for failing the Trials of Initiation are the Princes. All others are judged equally.”

      “Why would Princes be taking the Trials?” I asked.

      “Long ago they had to participate in the Trials at every Council, like everybody else,” Seba said. “Some still undertake them from time to time, if they feel they need to prove themselves. However, it is forbidden for a vampire to kill a Prince, so if a Prince fails and does not die during the Trial, nobody can execute him.”

      “What happens in cases like that?” I asked.

      “There have not been many,” Seba said. “Of the few that I know of, the Princes elected to leave Vampire Mountain and die in the wilds. Only one – Fredor Morsh – resumed his place in the Hall of Princes. That was when the vampaneze broke away, when we had need of all our leaders. Once the crisis had abated, he left to meet his fate.”

      “Come,” Mr Crepsley said, rising and yawning. “I am tired. It is time to turn in for the day.”

      “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep,” I said.

      “You must,” he grunted. “Rest is vital if you are to complete the Trials. You will need to be fully alert, with all your wits about you.”

      “OK,” I sighed, joining him. Harkat stood too. “See you all tomorrow,” I said to the other vampires, and they nodded glumly in reply.

      Back in my cell, I made myself as comfortable as possible in my hammock – most vampires slept in coffins, but I couldn’t stand them – while Harkat climbed into his. It took ages to drift off, but finally I did, and though I didn’t manage a full day’s sleep, I was reasonably clear-headed when night rolled round and I had to report to the Hall of Princes to learn the nature of my first deathly Trial.



      ARRA SAILS was waiting for Mr Crepsley and me outside the Hall of Princes. Arra was one of the rare female vampires at Vampire Mountain. She was a fierce fighter, the equal – or better – of most males. We’d fought a contest earlier during my stay and I’d won her hard-to-earn respect.

      “How are you?” she asked, shaking my hand.

      “Pretty good,” I said.



      “I was too, when facing my Trials,” she smiled. “Only a fool goes into them without feeling anxious. The important thing is not to panic.”

      “I’ll try not to.”

      Arra cleared her throat. “I hope you don’t hold what I said in the Hall of Princes against me.” Arra had urged the Princes to make me undertake the Trials. “I don’t believe in going easy on vampires, even if they’re children. Ours is a hard life, not suited to the weak. As I said in the Hall, I think you’ll pass the Trials, but if you don’t, I won’t step in to plead for your life.”

      “I understand,” I said.

      “We’re still friends?”


      “If you need help preparing, call on me,” she said. “I have been through the Trials three times, to prove to myself more than any other that I am a worthy vampire. There is very little that I don’t know about them.”

      “We will bear that in mind,” Mr Crepsley said, bowing to her.

      “Courteous as ever, Larten,” Arra noted. “And as handsome too.”

      I nearly laughed out loud. Mr Crepsley — handsome? I’d seen more appealing creatures in the monkey enclosures in zoos! But Mr Crepsley took the compliment in his stride, as though he was used to such flattery, and bowed again.

      “And you are as beautiful as ever,” he said.

      “I know,” she grinned, and left. Mr Crepsley watched her intently as she walked away, a faraway look on his normally solemn face. When he caught me smirking, he scowled.

      “What are you grinning about?” he snapped.

      “Nothing,” I said innocently, then added slyly, “An old girlfriend?”

      “If you must know,” he said stiffly, “Arra was once my mate.”

      I blinked. “You mean she was your wife?”

      “In a manner of speaking.”

      I stared, slack-jawed, at the vampire. “You never told me you were married!”

      “I am not – any more – but I used to be.”

      “What happened — did you get a divorce?”

      He shook his head. “Vampires neither marry nor divorce as humans do. We make temporary mating commitments instead.”

      I frowned. “Come again?”

      “If two vampires wish to mate,” he explained, “they agree to share their lives for a set amount of time, usually five or ten years. At the end of that time, they can agree to another five or ten years, or separate. Our relationships are not like those of humans. Since we cannot have children, and live such a long time, very few vampires stay mated for the whole of their lives.”

      “That sounds bizarre.”

      Mr Crepsley shrugged. “It is the vampire way.”

      I thought it over. “Do you still have feelings for Arra?” I asked.

      “I admire and respect her,” he answered cagily.

      “That’s not what I mean. Do you love her?”

      “Oh, look,” he said quickly, reddening around his throat. “It is time to present ourselves to the Princes. Hurry — we must not be late.” And off he set at a rapid pace, as though scurrying ahead of any further personal questions.

      Vanez Blane greeted us inside the Hall of Princes. Vanez was a games master, responsible for maintaining the three gaming Halls and watching over the contestants. He only had one eye, and from the left-hand side he looked quite frightful. But if you saw him from the front or right-hand side, you could tell at a glance that he was a kind, friendly vampire.

      “How do you feel?” he asked. “Ready for the Trials?”

      “Just about,” I replied.

      He took me to one side and spoke quietly. “You can say no if you want, but I’ve discussed it with the Princes, and they won’t object if you ask me to be your Trials tutor. That means I’d tell you about the challenges and help you prepare for them. I’d be like a second in a duel, or a trainer in a boxing match.”

      “Sounds good to me,” I said.

      “You don’t mind, Larten?” he asked Mr Crepsley.

      “Not at all,” Mr Crepsley said. “I had planned to be Darren’s tutor, but you are much better suited to the job. You are sure it is not an inconvenience?”

      “Of course it isn’t,” Vanez said firmly.

      “Then it is agreed.” We all shook hands and smiled at one another.

      “It feels odd being the centre of so much attention,” I said. “So many people are going out of their way to help me. Are you like this with all newcomers?”

      “Most of the time — yes,” Vanez said. “Vampires look out for each other. We have to — everybody else in the world hates or fears us. A

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