The Little Clock House on the Green. Eve Devon
Chapter 21: Sun Tzu and the Offside Rule
Chapter 22: Juliet and Oscar Standing by a Tree, A-R-G-U-I-N-G
Chapter 23: Is That a Presentation in Your Pocket?
Chapter 24: All the World’s a Stage and Now I Get Stage-Fright?
Chapter 26: Parallel Universes
Chapter 27: Conversation Starters For One
Chapter 28: Past Tense, Present Tense, Totes Tense
Chapter 29: The Girl Next Door
Chapter 30: Life Isn’t Like in the Movies
Chapter 31: By The Light of the Silvery Moon
Chapter 33: Money, Money, Money – It’s So Funny…
Chapter 34: You’ve Got To Be In It To Win It
Chapter 35: The Curious Incident of the Plan in the Night-time
Chapter 36: Thanks For Nothing, Mr Tumnus
Chapter 37: Going Once, Going Twice… Sold
Chapter 38: How to Lose a Guy in Zero Dates
Chapter 39: Out of the Barbecue, Into the Fire
Chapter 40: Gonna Swing From the Chandelier
Chapter 43: All For One and One For All
Chapter 44: The Writing on The Clock House Wall
Chapter 45: On That Fete-ful Day
For anyone who ever brought a dream back up to the surface,
dusted it off and made it come true
‘Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.’
Emily Dickinson
Jiminy Cricket! It was hotter than Hades in the shade. Kate didn’t think Tobago was ever supposed to get this hot. Arching her neck, she held the water bottle she’d been eking out for the last quarter of a mile to her skin and rolled it back and forth in the hope of teasing out the last condensation-filled cooling properties.
Honestly, how couples even – you know – coupled in this heat she had no idea. Not that she was here for coupling, which was probably why she was attracting attention and almost certainly what was making her job reviewing the luxury resort’s facilities so difficult.
Was there anywhere on earth more guaranteed to make you stick out like a sore thumb than at a couples-only resort when you weren’t part of a couple?
If she’d still been seeing Marco, she could have invited him