The Complete Christmas Collection. Rebecca Winters

The Complete Christmas Collection - Rebecca Winters

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continued the tactics, shouting commands and running Thunder around the pen until he began to respond.

      “Good boy,” Amy praised, easing off when Thunder obeyed a request the first time it was issued.

      Logan returned to her side. They stood still, breathing hard and watching Thunder trot around the pen.

      “He’s doing good, huh?” Traci called from the other side of the fence.

      Amy’s eyes followed Thunder’s progress. “Looks that way.” She turned, glancing up at him with excitement. “It’s an improvement, right?”

      Logan smiled. “Yeah. But he still has a long way to go.” He took a step back but stayed close to her side. “When he comes around, ask him to face you. See if he’ll give you both eyes.”

      Amy did as instructed, dropping her arms and maintaining her stance. Thunder drew to a halt, faced her and pricked his ears forward.

      “Remember me, beautiful?” she asked.

      Thunder huffed and ducked his head.

      Amy took a step forward. “It’s okay, boy.” Then another.

      Thunder licked his lips and Amy moved close. She murmured phrases of affection and rubbed his forehead.

      “Can we try to saddle him now?” Traci asked.

      “Not yet,” Logan said. “This is just the first step. It’ll take a lot of attention and time.”

      Traci eased closer to the fence, eyes glued to Amy’s actions. Thunder relaxed even more with each of Amy’s touches and eventually, he allowed Amy to smooth her palm over his neck. He leaned into her hand, tilting his head slightly when she scratched a favorable spot.

      Amy giggled and smiled. “He might put up a hard front but he’s still a softie underneath.” She crossed carefully to Thunder’s other side and continued the tender touches. “You like getting attention. Huh, handsome?”

      A low rumble of pleasure sounded in Thunder’s throat and he leaned closer to Amy.

      Logan chuckled. She was good with a horse. Always had been.

      “Ready to give him his space?” Logan opened the gate.

      Amy nodded and they exited the round pen.

      “You’re stopping?” Traci’s brows furrowed as she moved to Amy’s side.

      “Yeah,” Logan said. “Horses learn as much from the release of pressure as they do when you exert it.”

      “Thunder’s worked hard and he’s been cooped up in that stall for a long time.” Amy squinted against the afternoon sun, shielding her eyes with her hand. “He deserves a chance to burn off some energy.”

      As if on cue, Thunder cried and tore around the pen. His black mane rippled and clods of dirt sprayed from his hooves on every pass.

      “How’s the training going?”

      Logan turned to find Cissy strolling toward them. The boys skipped ahead of her, their blue eyes bright and excited.

      “You might want the boys to stay back, Cissy,” Logan said. “He’s making progress, but he’s still dangerous.”

      Cissy hurried forward and pinched the boys’ shirts, tugging them away a few feet. The boys grumbled and strained against her hold, gazes flicking expectantly from Thunder to Amy.

      “He seems angry today,” Cissy said.

      “No more than usual. They’ve done wonders with him already,” Traci said, grabbing the railing as if preparing to duck down. She glanced at Amy. “Want me to help you run him the next round?”

      “Not yet.” Amy threw out a hand. “Stay there. And help Cissy keep the boys still.”

      Thunder noticed the onlookers, his eyes growing wild and his cries increasing.

      “He just wants out,” Jayden said, pulling agains Cissy’s hold.

      “Shhh.” Cissy tapped a finger against her mouth. “Amy and Logan are helping him. You have to be quiet if you want to stay.”

      Logan tensed, shifting from one boot to the other, and kept an eye on Thunder. The stallion remained at the opposite end of the enclosure, bucking and rearing. Each kick of his hooves against the fence clanged louder than the one before it.

      The muscles of his neck and chest stood out in sharp relief. His midnight hide gleamed almost blue in the sun. The long black strands of his mane and tail flew in strong arcs with each of his head tosses and kicks.

      “It’s okay, boy,” Amy soothed, slipping back through the fence.

      “Amy,” Logan said. “Wait.” He caught her wrist and tugged. “He’s too worked up.”

      “I’ll be fine,” she whispered, pulling away.

      She straightened and lifted a hand. The shiny length of her raven hair rippled across her back as she approached the center of the pen with graceful ease. The stallion backed up, calming slightly at the sight of her.

      Logan’s eyes clung to them, admiration surging through him. A crack of laughter rang out from a neighboring field. Two guests cackled from their saddles as their friend struggled to mount his horse with a ranch hand’s assistance. Thunder bucked. His hooves struck with violent smacks against the fencing again.

      “Go ahead, boy,” Amy said. “Kick all that steam out.”

      The click and creak of the paddock gate rang out.

      “No, Jayden!” Cissy shouted.

      Logan spun, eyes shooting to the gate. Jayden clung to the top of it, releasing the latch and swaying as it swung open. Cissy ran toward Jayden as fast as the girth of her belly allowed, stumbling over the ground and falling hard to her hands and knees.

      Hooves pounded at Logan’s back, increasing in intensity and heading straight for Jayden and Cissy. Logan shoved away from the fence and sprinted toward them.

      “Move, Amy,” he yelled, racing past.

      Logan shoved the gate as he ran, thrusting Jayden out of Thunder’s path and barely rolling Cissy out of the way as Thunder charged. The stallion barreled past, eyes wild and lips drawn, kicking up a spray of dirt. It stung Logan’s eyes, caking his lashes and obscuring his vision. He rubbed the back of his arm across his face and blinked hard.

      Shrieks and yelps from the guests shattered the cheerful atmosphere as the startled stallion darted wildly in different directions, alarming the other horses and causing them to bolt. One of the horses saddled up for the next trail ride reared. The man on his back toppled off and slammed to the ground.

      Logan knelt at Cissy’s side and cradled her against him. She sat up with his assistance, chest rising and falling on ragged breaths.

      “Are you okay?” Amy asked, rushing over and placing a hand to the curve of Cissy’s belly.

      Cissy nodded and pushed to her feet. “I’m fine.”

      “Don’t force it,” Logan said, supporting her arms. “Sit for a minute.”

      “I’m okay, really,” Cissy said. She tried for a smile. “Just clumsy nowadays.” Her blue eyes darted beyond Logan’s shoulder, voice trembling. “Jayden?”

      Logan glanced toward the gate. Traci stood beside it, hugging both crying boys against her legs.

      “Are they okay?” Logan called out.

      Traci nodded. “They’re fine.”

      The yells from guests continued. Confused by the crowds, Thunder gathered speed and leapt over a fence into an adjoining pasture, galloping through groups of horses. They scattered and took off in all directions.

      “Get him,” Cissy gasped, waving a hand

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